
Dimensional Analysis
Mini Lab
Objective: To apply problem solving techniques of dimensional analysis to conversion
3- Index card (3 x5 inch works)
A conversion factor is a ratio of equivalent measurements. For any relationship, you
can write two ratios. On a conversion factor card you can write one ratio on each side
of the card
1. Make a conversion factor card for each metric relationship for units of length, units of
volume, and units of mass. Show the inverse of the conversion factor on the back of
the each card
2.Make a conversion factor card showing the mass-volume relationship for water (1.00
g H2O = 1.00 mL H2O)
3.Show the inverse of the conversion factor on the back of the card
4. Use the appropriate conversion factor cards to set up solutions to problems provided
by your teacher
5. Notice that in each solution, the unit in the denominator of the conversion factor
cancels the unit in the numerator of the previous conversion factor (Show all Work)
1. What is the effect of multipying a given measurement by one or more conversion
2.Use your conversion factor cards to set up solutions to these problems: show all work
1.78.5 cm = ? m
2. 0.056 L = ? cm3
3. 77kg = ? mg
4. 4.54 mL H2O = ? mg H2O
5. 0.087 nm = ? dm
6.78.5 g H2O = ? L H2O
7. 0.96 cm = ? µm
8. 0.0067 mm = ? nm