成本會計(第一次) 89/11/

管理會計期末考試 EMBA(NCKU) (970112)
期末考試 1 (共 2 頁)
一、 簡答題(請按順序作答,本大題有 6 小題,每小題 12 分
至 18 分,共 90 分)
1. 藍海策略(Blue Ocean Strategy)書中提到價值創新
(Value Innovation)及價值曲線(Value Curve):
(1). 請舉例簡述價值創新 (Value Innovation) 與價值曲線
(Value Curves) 。
(2). 請舉例簡述 Blue Ocean Strategy 的 6 Paths。
(3) Value Innovation 與 ZARA 公司的 Process Innovation
有何不同? (18 分)
2. 存貨管理重視零庫存的生產(JIT),而 ABC (Activity-Based
Costing) 可算出真正的產品成本,重視有附加價值的活
動,以降低製造費用,ABC 法又可避免產生 Peanut-Butter
(1) 請簡述棌用 ABC (Activity-Based Costing)的條件。
又,ABC 與 ABM (Activity-Based Management)有何
(2) JIT is Mirage? 為什麼? 你認為 ABC 與 Inventory
Management 何者較為重要?請簡述理由。 (15 分)
3. 管理當局下決策時會考慮 Quantitative 因素及
Qualitative 因素。請就 Dropping a Product Line, Special
Order 及 Opportunity Cost 舉例說明
Quantitative Factors 及 Qualitative Factors. (15 分)
4. 管理控制制度(Management Control Systems)為達公司預
定目標,績效衡量(Performance Measurement)與奬酬
(Compensation) 是管理控制制度的支柱。
(1) 績效衡量造成 Dysfunction Behavior。請舉四種實例簡
(2)為何 Incentive 與 Risk 應作適當的 Trade Off?請舉例簡
(3) 在資訊不對稱(Asymmetry)的情況下,Manager 與
Owner 常發生利益衝突(Conflict of Interest),而產生代
理問題 (Agency Problems),請舉例簡單說明之。
(18 分)
6. 標準成本的差異分析(Variance Analysis):
(1) 設定標準成本時,不應棌 Ideal Standard,也不應棌
Past Performance Standard,應棌 Attainable
(2) 假設 Unfavorable 的材料數量差異 (Material Quantity
Variance)、Unfavorable 的人工效率差異 (Labor
Efficiency Variance)、Unfavorable 的製造費用可控制
差異 (Controllable Overhead Variance),and
Favorable 的材料價格差異 (Material Price Variance)
責任歸屬屬何部門?有否例外情況? (12 分)
二、 請解釋以下名詞:(本題 30 分)
(1) Balanced Scorecard 四大構面的因果關係 (6 分)
(2) Fisher Rate & WACC (8 分)
(3) EVPI & VMI (Vendor Management Inventory) (8 分)
(4) EBITDA & NOPAT (8 分)
三、英文題(請按順序作答,每小題 15 分。本大題共 5 小題,
請任選 4 題作答,本題共 60 分)
(1)、Break-Even Analysis, Margin of Safety, Increase in Profit
Edison Entrepreneur Services, Inc. is a legal services firm that files
the paperwork to incorporate a business. Edision charges $1,000
for the incorporation application package and plans to file 1,600
applications next year. The company’s projected income statement
for the coming year is:
Less variable expenses
Contribution margin
Less fixed expenses
Operating income
5. 下列四個 CVP(Cost-Volume-Profit) Chart,請解釋從實線
變成虛線代表什麼意思。(12 分)
1. Compute the contribution margin per application and calculate
the break-even point in number of applications (round to the nearest
whole unit, since it is not possible to file a partial application).
Calculate the contribution margin ratio and the break-even sales
2. What is the current margin of safety in terms of the number of
units? What is the current margin of safety in terms of the sales
3. If Edison wants to have operating income of $350,000 next year,
how many applications must they process (round to the nearest
whole unit)? What dollar level of sales is required to achieve
operating income of $350,000?
4. The office manager for Edison has proposed that Edison increase
advertising (a fixed cost) for the upcoming year by $750,000; she
feels that this increase in advertising will lead to an increase in sales
of $300,000. Compute the new projected operating income for
this projection. Should Edison increase it advertising to this new
管理會計期末考試 EMBA(NCKU) (970112)
(2)、Traditional Allocation vs. ABC Allocation of Manufacturing
Overhead Costs
TriTech Co., has been allocating overhead to individual product lines
based on each line’s relative shares of direct labor hours. For the
upcoming year, the company estimated that manufacturing overhead
will be $1,400,000 and estimated direct labor hours will be 100,000.
The company has the following cost information:
Cost Pool
Cost Driver
Total Amount
Maintenance costs
Direct Labor Hours
Setup costs
Number of setups
Professional services Design changes
TriTech has two products, Standard and Elite switches. Standard
switches is a high-volume product that the company makes in large
batches, while Elite switches are a specialty product that is fairly low
in sales volume. Information about Standard and Elite usage of the
different activities follows:
Direct labor hours
期末考試 2 (共 2 頁)
(4)、Comprehensive Capital Budgeting Problem
Van Doren Corporation is considering producing a new product,
Autodial. Marketing data indicate that the company will be able to
sell 35,000 units per year at $35. The product will be produced in a
section of an existing factory that is currently not in use.
To produce Autodial, Van Doren must buy a machine that costs
$410,000. The machine has an expected life of five years and will
have an ending residual value of $12,000. Van Doren will depreciate
the machine over five years using the straight-line method for both tax
and financial reporting purposes.
In addition to the cost of the machine, the company will incur
incremental manufacturing costs of $350,000 for component parts,
$400,000 for direct labor, and $185,000 of miscellaneous costs.
Also, the company plans to spend $135,000 annually for advertising
Autodial. Van Doren has a tax rate of 40%, and the company’s
required rate of return is 12%.
a. Compute the net present value.
b. Compute the payback period.
c. Should Van Doren make the investment required to produce
(5)、ROI and EVA
Number of design changes 5
ELN Waste Management has a subsidiary that disposes of hazardous
waste and a subsidiary that collects and disposes of residential
garbage. Information related to the two subsidiaries follows:
Number of setups
(a) Calculate the predetermined overhead rate based on direct labor
hours (traditional allocation). Use this predetermined overhead rate
to calculate the amount of overhead to apply to Standard and Elite
Switches, based on their usage of direct labor hours.
(b) Calculate the individual ABC pool rates by taking the total amount
of overhead for each cost pool and dividing that total by the total
amount of activity for that pool. Allocate ove5rhead to each of the
two products using these three activity rates.
(c) Compare the overhead calculated in part a to that calculated in part
b. Why are they different? Which allocation method (traditional or
ABC) most likely results in a better estimate of product cost?
(3)、Make or Buy Decision
Noninterest-bearing Liabilities
Net income
Interest expense
Total assets
Required rate of return
Tax rate
a. Calculate ROI for both subsidiaries.
Imperial Corp. produces whirlpool tubs. Currently, the company
uses internally manufactured pumps to power water jets. Imperial
Corp. has found that 40% of the pumps have failed within their
12-month warranty period, causing huge warranty costs. Because of
the company’s inability to manufacture high-quality pumps,
management is considering buying pumps from a reputable
manufacturer who will also bear any related warranty costs.
Imperial’s unit cost of manufacturing pumps is $72.85 per unit, which
includes $16.75 of allocated fixed overhead (primarily depreciation of
plant and equipment). Also, the company has spent an average of
$19.75 (labor and parts) repairing each pump returned. Imperial
Corp. can purchase pumps for $85.25 per pump.
During 2008, Imperial Corp. plans to sell 14,200 whirlpools (requiring
14,200 pumps). Determine whether the company should make or
buy the pumps and the amount of cost savings related to the best
alternative. What qualitative factors should be considered in the
outsourcing decision?
b. Calculate EVA for both subsidiaries. Note that since no
adjustments for “accounting distortions” are being made, EVA is
equivalent to residual income.
c. Which subsidiary has added the most to shareholder value; in the
last year?
d. Based on the limited information, which subsidiary is the best
candidate for expansion? Explain.
e. The focus on ROI and shareholder value is not the same in
France, Germany, and Japan as it is in the United States and
Great Britain. What is the difference between France and
United States?