Michael & Susan Dell Center for
Advancement of Healthy Living
Monday - Session 1 - Ready – Set – GO for Health
TEKS: L.A. 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 4.7, 4.12, & 4.15
Learning Objectives: Students will review why it is important to be healthy
Students will read and participate in Reader’s Theatre Group
Students will identify and discuss healthful behaviors
Resources: Synopsis of Hearty Heart & Friends, Handout 1, Handout 2, Butcher Paper, GO for Health:
Taking Off folders
Lesson Design: Reading and Writing Time
Activity 1: Review of 3 rd Grade CATCH Curriculum Hearty Heart & Friends with focus on character analysis.
Can be done as whole group/shared reading activity.
Activity 2: Reading of “Special Report from Planet Earth”. Can be done during guided reading or as a center activity (e.g., while Teacher completes DRA/Flynt Cooter) with performances at a fill time .
Activity 3: Partner interviews. Can be done as a center activity then shared and displayed.
Tuesday - Session 2 – GO-SLOW-WHOA Foods
TEKS: L.A. 4.4, 4.9, 4.10, 4.13, & 4.15; Science 4.2
Learning Objectives: Students will recognize that healthy eating means eating GO foods more often than
SLOW foods, and SLOW foods more often than WHOA foods
Resources: Handouts 3-5, Transparencies 3-5, Travel Guide 1
Lesson Design: Reading, Writing, or Science Time
Activity 1: Review G-S-W foods. Can be done during guided reading or whole group instruction. Ask PE teacher to review G-S-W prior to this lesson or pre-teach for struggling learners.
Activity 2: Record and categorize foods eaten for Tillie’s lunch and then student’s own lunch. Can be done during guided reading or whole group instruction for Tillie’s lunch, and as a center activity for student lunch.
Use G-S-W school lunch menu (if available) to assist struggling learners. EXTENSION: Students find fractional component of G-S-W for their lunch.
Activity 3: Assign Travel Guide 1. Be sure to explain the importance of including other family members, especially adults.
Activity 4: Session Summary - Why is it important to make healthy food choices?
Wednesday - Session 4 - Fat Facts
TEKS: LA. 4.13; Science 4.3 & 4.7; Health 4.1
Learning Objectives: Students will distinguish between healthy and unhealthy fat
Students will modify meals so they contain fewer unhealthy fats
Resources: Handouts 8-9, Transparencies 8, Travel Guide 2
Lesson Design: Reading, Science, or Wellness Time
Activity 1: Distinguishing between healthy and unhealthy fats. Recommended as a science activity using whole group instruction. EXTENSION: Calculating the number of fat calories (9 calories per gram) in a certain food item.
Activity 2: Healthier meals for food fat. Can be done as a center activity and later posting students’ modified menus. EXTENSION: Compose a letter submitting student menu to food department
Activity 3: Assign Travel Guide 2. Emphasize the importance of including other family members.
Activity 4: Session Summary - Is fat necessary in our diet?
Thursday - Session 5 - Take Out the Sugar!
TEKS: L.A. 4.13; Math 4.14; Health 4.1
Learning Objectives: Students will identify types of added sugars in foods and reasons why these sugars should be consumed in moderation
Students will modify meals to reduce the amount of sugar
Resources: Handouts 10-11, Transparencies A, 10-11, Travel Guide 3, sugar, teaspoon, container
Lesson Design: Reading, Math, or Wellness Time
Activity 1: Discussion and label reading. Recommended as a math activity using whole group instruction; complete handout circling every sugar as a center activity. * Teaspoon, about 2 cups of sugar, and container needed to complete activity. EXTENSION: Write about which of the cereals is healthiest and why; or, use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the best and worst cereal.
Activity 2: Demonstration comparing and reducing the amount of sugar in food. Recommended as a math activity using whole group instruction. Recommend student use of calculators. * Teaspoon, about 2 cups of sugar, and container needed to complete activity
Activity 3: Assign Travel Guide 3. Be sure to explain the importance of including other family members, especially adults.
Activity 4: Session Summary - Is sugar healthy for your body?
Friday - Session 6 – The “Whole” Truth About Foods
TEKS: L.A. 4.2, 4.15; Science 4.3; Health 4.1
Learning Objectives: Students will distinguish between whole foods and processed foods.
Students will modify meals and snacks to include more healthful foods
Students will set a goal to change a health-related behavior: eat a whole food instead of a processed food
Resources: Handouts 12-14, GO-SLOW-WHOA List (Handout 3)
Lesson Design: Language Arts, Science, or Health
Activity 1: Discussion about whole and processed foods. Can be done as whole group discussion, or center activity having students create lists of whole vs. processed foods.
Activity 2: Modifying meals and snacks to include more healthful foods. EXTENSION: Can make a writing assignment to have students write a persuasive letter to Thomas to encourage him to eat healthier.
Activity 3: Students set a goal to eat a whole food instead of a processed food. Can be done as a whole group activity or center activity.
Activity 4: Session Summary – What’s the difference between whole foods and processed foods? Are all processed foods unhealthy?