1)all food labelling regarding ingredients should be printed in black

1)all food labelling regarding ingredients should be printed in black on a white
background. print large enough to read without resorting to magnifying glasses!
2)all processed foods should be tested for pesticides content. The pesticides present
over and above permitted limits should be printed on the label. there should be extra
and more frequent testing for all foods processed overseas.
3)all processed foods should indicate any ingrdients that have the potential to be
4) australian fruit/jams/etc do not have expiry dates but codes. this is not
transparent to the common man and must be stopped.
5)all GM content and quantity must be declared on the label.
6)imported ingredients in foods processed in australia must have their quantity and
country of origin identified (NOT as eg. cashewnuts from overseas)
7) all oil used in processing must be clearly identified (NOT as eg. vegetable oil).
thank you.
i hope that i will get an acnowledgement.
john mascarenhas