GfNA-II-C-LDV- mobility-grant agreement-Annex II.5-report form codes – Version October 2011 ANNEX II.5 CODE LISTS FOR REPORTING 2012 CODE 1 - REGION 2 - TYPE OF PARTICIPANT 3 - TYPES OF VALIDATION/ ACCREDITATION 4 - LANGUAGE 5 - FIELD OF EDUCATION 6 - SECTOR OF ACTIVITY 7 - ORGANISATION SIZE 8 - ORGANISATION TYPE PAGE 2 8 8 8 9 11 13 13 1 1 GfNA-II-C-LDV- mobility-grant agreement-Annex II.5-report form codes – Version October 2011 1 - REGION CODES (NUTS) AT ÖSTERREICH AT11 AT12 AT13 OSTÖSTERREICH BURGENLAND NIEDERÖSTERREICH WIEN AT21 AT22 SÜDÖSTERREICH KÄRNTEN STEIERMARK BE BELGIQUE-BELGIË BE10 BRUXELLES CAP. BRUSSEL HOF BE21 BE22 BE23 BE24 BE25 VLAAMS GEWEST ANTWERPEN LIMBURG OOST-VLAANDEREN VLAAMS BRABANT WEST VLAANDEREN CY00 KYPROS CZ ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA CZ01 CZ02 CZ03 CZ04 PRAHA STŘEDNÍ ČECHY JIHOZÁPAD SEVEROZÁPAD DE DEUTSCHLAND AT31 AT32 AT33 AT34 DE11 DE12 DE13 DE14 BADEN WÜRTTEMBERG STUTTGART KARLSRUHE FREIBURG TÜBINGEN DE21 DE22 DE23 DE24 DE25 BAYERN OBERBAYERN NIEDERBAYERN OBERPFALZ OBERFRANKEN MITTELFRANKEN DE26 DE27 UNTERFRANKEN SCHWABEN DE30 BERLIN DE41 DE42 BRANDENBURG BRANDENBURG-NORDOST BRANDENBURG-SÜDWEST DE50 BREMEN DE60 HAMBURG BE31 BE32 BE33 BE34 BE35 WESTÖSTERREICH OBERÖSTERREICH SALZBURG TIROL VORARLBERG REGION WALLONNE BRABANT WALLON HAINAUT LIEGE LUXEMBOURG NAMUR CZ05 CZ06 CZ07 CZ08 SEVEROVYCHOD JIHOVYCHOD STŘEDNI MORAVA MORAVSKOSLEZSKO DE91 DE92 DE93 DE94 NIEDERSACHSEN BRAUNSCHWEIG HANNOVER LÜNEBURG WESER-EMS DEA1 DEA2 DEA3 DEA4 DEA5 NORDRHEIN-WESTFALEN DÜSSELDORF KÖLN MÜNSTER DETMOLD ARNSBERG RHEINLAND-PFALZ DEB1 DEB2 KOBLENZ TRIER DEB3 RHEINHESSEN - PFALZ DEC0 SAARLAND SACHSEN DED1 DED2 CHEMNITZ DRESDEN DED3 LEIPZIG 2 2 GfNA-II-C-LDV- mobility-grant agreement-Annex II.5-report form codes – Version October 2011 DE71 DE72 DE73 HESSEN DARMSTADT GIEßEN KASSEL DE80 MECKLENBURG-VORPOMMERN DEE1 DEE2 DEE3 SACHSEN-ANHALT DESSAU HALLE MAGDEBURG DEF0 SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN DEG0 THÜRINGEN DK009 DK00A DK00B DK00C DK00D DK00E DK00F SØNDERJYLLANDS AMT RIBE AMT VEJLE AMT RINGKØBING AMT ÅRHUS AMT VIBORG AMT NORDJYLLANDS AMT DK DANMARK DK001 DK002 DK003 DK004 DK005 DK006 DK007 DK008 KØBENHAVEN OG FREDERIKSBERG KOMMUNER KØBENHAVNS AMT FREDERIKSBORG AMT ROSKILDE AMT VESTSJÆLLANDS AMT STORSTRØMS AMT BORNHOLMS AMT FYNS AMT EE EESTI ES ESPAÑA ES11 ES12 ES13 NOROESTE GALICIA ASTURIAS CANTABRIA ES51 ES52 ES53 ESTE CATALUÑA COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA ILLES BALEARS ES21 ES22 ES23 ES24 NORESTE PAÍS VASCO NAVARRA LA RIOJA ARAGÓN ES61 ES62 ES63 ES64 SUR ANDALUCÍA MURCIA CEUTA MELILLA ES30 COMUNIDAD DE MADRID ES41 ES42 CASTILLA Y LEÓN CASTILLA-LA MANCHA ES43 EXTREMADURA FI1A FI20 POHJOIS-SUOMI ÅLAND AQUITAINE MIDI-PYRENEES LIMOUSIN CENTRE-EST RHÔNE-ALPES AUVERGNE ES70 CANARIAS FI SUOMI / FINLAND FI18 FI13 ETELÄ-SUOMI ITÄ-SUOMI FI19 LÄNSI-SUOMI FR FRANCE FR10 ÎLE DE FRANCE CENTRO SUD-OUEST FR21 BASSIN PARISIEN CHAMPAGNE-ARDENNE FR61 FR62 FR63 FR22 FR23 FR24 FR25 PICARDIE HAUTE NORMANDIE CENTRE BASSE-NORMANDIE FR71 FR72 FR26 BOURGOGNE 3 3 GfNA-II-C-LDV- mobility-grant agreement-Annex II.5-report form codes – Version October 2011 FR30 NORD – PAS-DE-CALAIS EST FR41 LORRAINE FR42 FR43 ALSACE FRANCHE-COMTE FR51 FR52 FR53 OUEST PAYS DE LA LOIRE BRETAGNE POITOU-CHARENTES GR ELLADA GR11 GR12 GR13 GR14 VOREIA ELLADA ANATOLIKI MAKEDONIA, THRAKI KENTRIKI MAKEDONIA DYTIKI MAKEDONIA THESSALIA GR41 GR42 GR43 NISIA AIGAIOU, KRITI VOREIO AIGAIO NOTIO AIGAIO KRITI HU MAGYARORSZÁG HU10 HU21 HU22 KÖZÉP-MAGYARORSZÁG KÖZÉP-DUNÁNTÚL NYUGAT- DUNÁNTÚL HU23 DÉL- DUNÁNTÚL IE IRELAND IE011 IE012 IE013 BORDER MIDLAND WEST IT MEDITERRANNEE FR81 FR82 FR83 LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON PROVENCE-ALPES-CÔTES D’AZUR CORSE FR91 FR92 FR93 FR94 DEPARTEMENTS D’OUTRE-MER GUADELOUPE MARTINIQUE GUYANE REUNION GR21 GR22 GR23 GR24 KENTRIKI ELLADA IPEIROS IONIA NISIA DYTIKI ELLADA STEREA ELLADA GR25 PELOPONNISOS GR30 ATTIKI HU31 HU32 HU33 ÉSZAK-MAGYARORSZÁG ÉSZAK-ALFÖLD DÉL-ALFÖLD IE021 IE022 IE023 DUBLIN MID-EAST MID-WEST IE024 IE025 SOUTH-EAST (IRL) SOUTH-WEST (IRL) ITALIA ITC1 ITC2 NORD-OVEST PIEMONTE VALLE D’AOSTA / VALLEE D’AOSTE ITF1 ITF2 SUD ABRUZZO MOLISE ITC3 ITC4 LIGURIA LOMBARDIA ITF3 ITF4 CAMPANIA PUGLIA ITF5 ITF6 BASILICATA CALABRIA ITE1 ITE2 ITE3 CENTRO TOSCANA UMBRIA MARCHE ITE4 LAZIO NORD-EST ITD1 ITD2 ITD3 ITD4 ITD5 BOLZANO/BOZEN TRENTO VENETO FRIULI-VENEZIA GIULIA EMILIA-ROMAGNA ITG1 ITG2 ISOLE SICILIA SARDEGNA 4 4 GfNA-II-C-LDV- mobility-grant agreement-Annex II.5-report form codes – Version October 2011 LT00 LIETUVA LU00 LUXEMBOURG (Grand Duché) LV00 LATVIJA MT00 MALTA NL NEDERLAND NL11 NL12 NL13 NOORD-NEDERLAND GRONINGEN FRIESLAND DRENTHE NL21 NL22 NL23 OOST-NEDERLAND OVERIJSSEL GELDERLAND FLEVOLAND PL POLSKA PL11 PL12 CENTRALNY ŁÓDZKIE MAZOWIECKIE NL31 NL32 NL33 NL34 ZEELAND NL41 NL42 ZUID-NEDERLAND NOORD-BRABANT LIMBURG (NL) PL41 PL42 PL43 PL21 PL22 POŁUDNIOWY MAŁOPOLSKIE ŚLASKIE PL31 PL32 PL33 PL34 WISCHODNI LUBELSKIE PODKARPACKIE ŚWIETOKRZYSKIE PODLASKIE PT PORTUGAL PT11 PT15 PT16 NORTE ALGARVE CENTRO PT17 PT18 LISBOA ALENTEJO SE SVERIGE SE01 WEST-NEDERLAND UTRECHT NOORD-HOLLAND ZUID-HOLLAND PL51 PÓŁNOCNO-ZACHODNI WIELKOPOLSKIE ZACHODNIOPOMORSKIE LUBUSKIE POŁUDNIOWO-ZACHODNI DOLNOŚLASKIE PL52 OPOLSKIE PL61 PL62 PL63 PÓŁNOCNY KUJAWASKO-POMORSKIE WARMIŃSKO-MAZURSKIE POMORSKIE PT20 AÇORES PT30 MADEIRA STOCKHOLM SE06 NORRA MELLANSVERIGE SE02 ÖESTRA MELLANSVERIGE SE07 MELLERSTA NORRLAND SE04 SYDSVERIGE SE08 ÖEVRE NORRLAND SE0A VÄESTSVERIGE SE09 SMÅLAND MED ÖEARNA CONTINENTE 5 5 GfNA-II-C-LDV- mobility-grant agreement-Annex II.5-report form codes – Version October 2011 SI SLOVENIJA SI01 SI02 VZHODNA SLOVENIJA ZAHODNA SLOVENIJA SK SLOVENSKÁ REPUBLIKA SK01 SK02 BRATISLAVSKÝ KRAJ ZÁPADNÉ SLOVENSKO UK UNITED KINGDOM UKC1 NORTH EAST TEES VALLEY AND DURHAM UKC2 NORTHUMBERLAND, TYNE AND WEAR SK03 SK04 UKK1 UKK2 UKK3 YORKSHIRE AND THE HUMBER UKE1 UKK4 STREDNÉ SLOVENSKO VÝCHODNÉ SLOVENSKO SOUTH WEST GLOUCESTERSHIRE, WILTSHIRE AND NORTH SOMERSET DORSET, SOMERSET CORNWALL AND ISLES OF SCILLY DEVON UKE2 UKE3 EAST RIDING AND NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE NORTH YORKSHIRE SOUTH YORKSHIRE UKG1 UKE4 WEST YORKSHIRE UKG2 WEST MIDLANDS HEREFORDSHIRE, WORCESTERSHIRE AND WARWICKSHIRE SHROPSHIRE, STAFFORDSHIRE UKG3 WEST MIDLANDS UKF1 UKF2 EAST MIDLANDS DERBYSHIRE, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE LEICESTERSHIRE, RUTLAND NORTHAMPTONSHIRE NORTH WEST UKD1 CUMBRIA LINCOLNSHIRE UKD2 CHESHIRE UKI1 LONDON INNER LONDON UKD3 UKD4 UKD5 GREATER MANCHESTER LANCASHIRE MERSEYSIDE UKI2 OUTER LONDON UKH1 EASTERN EAST ANGLIA UKL1 UKL2 WALES WEST WALES AND THE VALLEYS EAST WALES UKM1 UKM2 UKM3 NORTH EASTERN SCOTLAND EASTERN SCOTLAND SOUTH WESTERN SCOTLAND UKM4 HIGHLANDS AND ISLANDS UKN0 NORTHERN IRELAND NO05 NO06 NO07 VESTLANDET TRØNDELAG NORD-NORGE UKF3 UKH2 UKH3 UKJ1 UKJ2 BEDFORDSHIRE AND HERTFORDSHIRE ESSEX SOUTH EAST BERKSHIRE, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, OXFORDSHIRE SURREY, EAST AND WEST SUSSEX UKJ3 UKJ4 HAMPSHIRE, ISLE OF WIGHT KENT IS ISLAND LI LIECHTENSTEIN NO NORGE NO01 NO02 NO03 OSLO OG AKERSHUS HEDMARK OG OPPLAND SØR-ØSTLANDET NO04 AGDER OG ROGALAND SCOTLAND 6 6 GfNA-II-C-LDV- mobility-grant agreement-Annex II.5-report form codes – Version October 2011 7 7 GfNA-II-C-LDV- mobility-grant agreement-Annex II.5-report form codes – Version October 2011 BG BĂLGARIJA BG11 BG12 BG13 SEVEROZAPADEN SEVEREN TSENTRALEN SEVEROIZTOCHEN RO ROMÂNIA RO01 RO02 RO03 RO04 NORD-EST SUD-EST SUD SUD-VEST TR TÜRKIYE TR1 TR2 TR3 TR4 TR5 TR6 ISTANBUL BATI MARMARA EGE DOGU MARMARA BATI ANADOLU AKDENIZ HR HRVATSKA HR01 HR02 SJEVERNOZAPADNA HRVATSKA SREDISNA I ISTOCNA (PANONSKA) HRVATSKA CH SCHWEIZ/SUISSE/SVIZZERA CH01 CH02 CH03 CH04 REGION IEMANIQUE MITTELLAND JURA ZUERICH MK FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA OCT BG21 BG22 BG23 YUGOZAPADEN YUZHEN TSENTRALEN YUGOIZTOCHEN RO05 RO06 RO07 RO08 VEST NORD-VEST CENTRU BUCUREŞTI TR7 TR8 TR9 TRA TRB TRC ORTA ANADOLU BATI KARADENIZ DOGU KARADENIZ KUZEYDOGU ANADOLU ORTADOGU ANADOLU GUNEYDOGU ANADOLU HR03 JADRANSKA HRVATSKA CH05 CH06 CH07 OSTSCHWEIZ ZENTRALSCHWEIZ TICINO OVERSEAS COUNTRIES AND TERRITORIES AI AN AN AN AN AN Anguilla AN Bonaire AN Saint Eustatius AN Saba AN Saint Martin AN Curaçao MS NC PF PM PN SH AN AW FK Netherlands Antilles Aruba Falkland Islands (Malvinas) and British Antarctic Territories French Guiana Greenland South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands British Indian Ocean Territory Cayman Islands TC TF VG Montserrat New Caledonia French Polynesia Saint Pierre And Miquelon Pitcairn Saint Helena, Ascension Island, Tristan da Cunha Turks And Caicos Islands French Southern Territories Virgin Islands, British WF YT Wallis And Futuna Mayotte GF GL GS IO KY 8 8 GfNA-II-C-LDV- mobility-grant agreement-Annex II.5-report form codes – Version October 2011 2 – TYPE OF PARTICIPANT LAB PEOPLE IN THE LABOUR MARKET LAB-FJS LAB-UNE LAB-SAL LAB-EMP LAB-SELF STD First Job Seekers Unemployed Employed Employers Selfemployed LEARNERS STD-PUP STD-TRNee STD-APP TCH Pupil (vocational school) Trainee Apprentice TEACHERS-TRAINERS TCH-TCH TCH-LANG TCH-TRNer TCH-MNGR TCH-ADMIN TCH-CNS OTH Teachers Language teachers Trainers Education managers (human resource managers in enterprises) Administrative and other non-teaching staff (vocational training programme planners and managers) Counsellor or careers adviser (vocational guidance) Other 3 - TYPES OF VALIDATION/ ACCREDITATION VA1 VA2 VA3 VA4 VA5 VA6 VA7 INTEGRAL PART OF A RECOGNISED TRAINING CYCLE WITH EUROPASS INTEGRAL PART OF A RECOGNISED TRAINING CYCLE WITHOUT EUROPASS OPTIONAL PART OF A RECOGNISED TRAINING CYCLE WITH EUROPASS OPTIONAL PART OF A RECOGNISED TRAINING CYCLE WITHOUT EUROPASS NOT PART OF THE TRAINING CYCLE : CERTIFICATION OF ATTENDANCE FROM HOST ORGANISATIONS NOT PART OF THE TRAINING CYCLE : ANY OTHER WAY NO VALIDATION/ACCREDITATION 4 - LANGUAGE CODES code description BUL CZE DAN DUT ENG EST FIN FRA GER GRE HUN ITA LAV LIT LTZ MLT POL Bulgarian Czech Danish Dutch; Flemish English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hungarian Italian Latvian Lithuanian Letzebuergesch Maltese Polish EU official language Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes code description POR RUM SLK SLV SPA SWE ISL NOR TUR CRO MKD OTH Portuguese Romanian Slovak Slovenian Spanish; Castilian Swedish Icelandic Norwegian Turkish Croatian Macedonian Other EU official language Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No 9 9 GfNA-II-C-LDV- mobility-grant agreement-Annex II.5-report form codes – Version October 2011 5. FIELDS OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING Code 1 EDUCATION Description 14 141 142 146 Teacher training and education science Teaching and training Education science Training for teachers of vocational subjects 2 HUMANITIES AND ARTS 21 210 211 212 213 214 215 22 Arts Arts (broad programmes) Fine arts Music and performing arts Audio-visual techniques and media production Design (Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Fashion, Textile) Craft skills Humanities 3 SOCIAL SCIENCES, BUSINESS AND LAW 31 311 312 313 314 316 317 318 32 321 322 34 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 38 Social and behavioural science Psychology Sociology and cultural studies Political science and civics Economics International Relations, European Studies, Area Studies Anthropology Development Studies Journalism and information Journalism and reporting Library, information, archive Business and administration Business and administration (broad programmes) Wholesale and retail sales Marketing and Sales Management Finance, banking, insurance Accounting and taxation Management and administration Secretarial and office work Working life Law 4 SCIENCE, MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTING 42 44 46 48 482 Life science Physical science Mathematics and statistics Computing Computer use 5 ENGINEERING, MANUFACTURING AND CONSTRUCTION 52 520 521 522 523 524 525 54 540 541 542 543 544 58 Engineering and engineering trades Engineering and engineering trades (broad programmes) Mechanics and metal work Electricity and energy Electronics and automation Chemical and process Motor vehicles, ships and aircraft Manufacturing and processing Manufacturing and processing (broad programmes) Food processing Textiles, clothes, footwear, leather Materials (wood, paper, plastic, glass) Mining and extraction Architecture and building 10 10 GfNA-II-C-LDV- mobility-grant agreement-Annex II.5-report form codes – Version October 2011 581 582 Architecture and town planning Building and civil engineering 6 AGRICULTURE AND VETERINARY 62 620 621 622 623 624 64 Agriculture, forestry and fishery Agriculture, forestry and fishery (broad programmes) Crop and livestock production Horticulture Forestry Fisheries Veterinary 7 HEALTH AND WELFARE 72 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 76 761 762 Health Medicine Medical services Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy Dental studies Medical diagnostic and treatment technology Therapy and rehabilitation Pharmacy Social services Child care and youth services Social work and counselling 8 SERVICES 81 810 811 812 813 814 815 84 840 85 86 860 861 862 863 Personal services Personal services (broad programmes) Hotel, restaurant and catering Travel, tourism and leisure Sports Domestic services Hair and beauty services Transport services Transport services Environmental protection Security services Security services (broad programmes) Protection of persons and property Occupational health and safety Military and defence 11 11 GfNA-II-C-LDV- mobility-grant agreement-Annex II.5-report form codes – Version October 2011 6 - SECTOR CODES (NACE) NACE1 A A A A B B B B B B C C C C C C C NACE2 C 16 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 description AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHING Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities Forestry and logging Fishing and aquaculture MINING AND QUARRYING E E 36 37 Mining of coal and lignite Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas Mining of metal ores Other mining and quarrying Mining support service activities MANUFACTURING Manufacture of food products Manufacture of beverages Manufacture of tobacco products Manufacture of textiles Manufacture of wearing apparel Manufacture of leather and related products Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials Manufacture of paper and paper products Printing and reproduction of recorded media Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations Manufacture of rubber and plastic products Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products Manufacture of basic metals Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products Manufacture of electrical equipment Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers Manufacture of other transport equipment Manufacture of furniture Other manufacturing Repair and installation of machinery and equipment ELECTRICITY, GAS, STEAM AND AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply WATER SUPPLY; SEWERAGE, WASTE MANAGEMENT AND REMEDIATION ACTIVITIES Water collection, treatment and supply Sewerage E 38 Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery E 39 Remediation activities and other waste management services F F F F 41 42 43 10 11 12 13 14 15 35 E G 45 CONSTRUCTION Construction of buildings Civil engineering Specialized construction activities WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE; REPAIR OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles G 46 Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles G H 47 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE G 12 12 GfNA-II-C-LDV- mobility-grant agreement-Annex II.5-report form codes – Version October 2011 H H H H H I I I J J 49 50 51 52 53 J 59 J J J J K K K K L L 60 61 62 63 55 56 58 64 65 66 Land transport and transport via pipelines Water transport Air transport Warehousing and support activities for transportation Postal and courier activities ACCOMMODATION AND FOOD SERVICE ACTIVITIES Accommodation Food and beverage service activities INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION Publishing activities Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities Programming and broadcasting activities Telecommunications Information technology service activities Information service activities FINANCIAL AND INSURANCE ACTIVITIES Financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funding Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security Other financial activities REAL ESTATE ACTIVITIES 68 Real estate activities PROFESSIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES M 69 Legal and accounting activities M 70 Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities M 71 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis M M M M N N N N N N 72 73 74 75 Scientific research and development Advertising and market research Other professional, scientific and technical activities Veterinary activities ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICE ACTIVITIES 77 78 79 80 81 Rental and leasing activities Employment activities Travel agency, tour operator and other reservation service and related activities Security and investigation activities Services to buildings and landscape activities N 82 Office administrative, office support and other business support activities M PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND DEFENCE; COMPULSORY SOCIAL SECURITY O O P P P P P P P P P P P P P Q Q Q 84 Public administration and defence; compulsory social security EDUCATION 85 85.1 85.2 85.31 85.32 85.41 85.42 85.51 85.52 85.53 85.59 85.6 86 87 Education Pre-primary education Primary education General secondary education Technical and vocational secondary education Post-secondary non-tertiary education Tertiary education Sports and recreation education Cultural education Driving school activities Other education n.e.c. Educational support activities HUMAN HEALTH AND SOCIAL WORK ACTIVITIES Human health activities Residential care activities 13 13 GfNA-II-C-LDV- mobility-grant agreement-Annex II.5-report form codes – Version October 2011 Q R R R R R S S S S 88 Social work activities without accommodation ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION Creative, arts and entertainment activities Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities Gambling and betting activities Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities OTHER SERVICE ACTIVITIES 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Activities of membership organizations Repair of computers and personal and household goods Other personal service activities ACTIVITIES OF HOUSEHOLDS AS EMPLOYERS; UNDIFFERENTIATED GOODS- AND SERVICES-PRODUCING ACTIVITIES OF HOUSEHOLDS FOR OWN USE T T 97 T 98 U U 99 Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel Undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of private households for own use ACTIVITIES OF EXTRATERRITORIAL ORGANIZATIONS AND BODIES Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies 7 - SIZE CODE S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 1 – 20 PEOPLE 21 - 50 PEOPLE 51 - 200 PEOPLE 201 - 500 PEOPLE 501 - 2000 PEOPLE 2001 - 5000 PEOPLE MORE THAN 5000 PEOPLE 8 - ORGANISATION TYPE CODES Code ASC-VET ASC-PAR ASC-TCH ASC-TRNee CONS-GUID CONS-INF EDU-UNIV EDU-VET ENT-SME ENT-LARGE ENT-CHCom ENT-CHCrft ENT-TRD ENT-PROFS ENT-UNION NFP PUB-NAT Description Association of VET institutions, organisations, schools or providers Parents' Association Teachers' Associations Trainees' Associations Centre for vocational guidance and counselling Other Body providing guidance and information on LLP University or higher education institutions Vocational training school, centre or organisation Enterprise SME (< 500 employees) Enterprise large (> 500 employees) Chamber of Commerce Chamber of crafts or industry Trade organisation Other Professional Association, Federation Social partner (trade union, etc) Non-profit organisation, NGO, voluntary body Public authority (national) Table D. Organisation Types ASC-PAR ASC-TCH ASC-TRNee ASC-VET CONS-GUID CONS-INF Parents' Association Teachers' Association Trainees' Association VET providers Assocaitions Centre for vocational guidance and counselling Body providing guidance and information on Lifelong Learning EDU-COMP EDU-SCHNur Company training department Pre-primary school 14 14 GfNA-II-C-LDV- mobility-grant agreement-Annex II.5-report form codes – Version October 2011 EDU-SCHVoc EDU-SpNeed EDU-VET ENT-CHCom ENT-CHCrft ENT-CHInd ENT-LARGE ENT-PROFS ENT-SME ENT-TRD ENT-UNION NFP-ASC NFP-NGO NFP-VOL PUB-HSP PUB-LOC PUB-NAT PUB-REG RES-PRV RES-PUB Vocational secondary school Establishment for learners/pupils with special needs Vocational training centre or organisation Chamber of Commerce Chamber of crafts Chambers of Industry Enterprise large (> 500 employees) Professional Associations SME Trade organisations Social partners (trade unions, etc) Non-profit Association Non-governmental organisation ("NGO") Voluntary body Hospital Public authority (local) Public authority (national) Public authority (regional) Private Research Centres Public Research Centres (not HE) 15 15