SMU MBA question paper


1st Semester Question of SMU MBA – Part B

November 9, 2008 at 3:46 pm · Filed under MBA Question ·Tagged mba, MBA

Question, mba question pattern

The question is for MBA examination for SMU 1st semester. The question is most probable and Type B.

1.Financial management deals with — and marketing management deals with—

Sales promotion, Budgetary Control

Budgetary control, Sales Promotion

Budgetary control, Quality Control

Financial Planning, Placing orders


1. Administration is thinking function

2. Management is doing function

1-true, 2-false

1-false, 2-ture

1-true, 2-ture

1-false, 2-false

3. Management as science is a — and management as an art is —

Putting principle into practice, systematic body of knowledge

Pure science, Pure art

Natural science, Practice Oriented

Systematic body of knowledge, putting principle into practice


1. A manager represents his organization with outsiders

2. A manager performs an entrepreneur’s role by initiating change

From the above, state the role of managers

1-Iter-personal role, 2-Iformational role

1-Iter-personal role, 2-Decisional role

1-Decisional role, 2-Interpersonal role

1-Decisional role, 2-Informational role

5. Staffing function of management needs – and directing function of management involves—

Proper leadership, Manpower planning

Manpower planning, Scientific selection

Manpower planning, Proper leadership

Proper leadership, Motivation

6. Theory ‘x’ is — and theory ‘y’ is —

Negative, Positive

Good, Bad

Indifferent, Good

Positive, Negative

7. Both men and boss participle and jointly determine goals is called—

MBA technique

MBE technique

BBA technique

MBO technique

8. In management, discipline means – and Esprite de corps means –

Spirit of co-operation, obedience to authority

Obedience to authority, spirit of co-operation

Justice, Order

Order, Justice

9. Communication in the form of policy statements is – and communication in the form of suggestions is —

Formal, Informal

Informal, Formal

Downward, Upward

Upward, Downward

10. From the below, identify determinants of personality.


Height and Weight people we interact with

Money and Wealth

1 and 2

1 and 3

1 and 4

2 and 3

11. Programmed decisions are guided by — and non-programmed decisions are guided by —

Set Procedures



Judgment and creativity

1and 4

1 and 2

2 and 3

2 and 4

12. In the perception process, covert action means – and overt actions means –

Definite action in relation to perception formation of options

Positive behaviour, Negative behaviour

Negative behaviour, Positive behaviour

Formation of options, Definite action in relation to perception

13. According to Herzberg’s theory of motivation, — are motivational factors and — are hygiene or maintenance factors.

Recognition and achievement, salary and working conditions

Salary and working conditions, recognition and achievement

Recognition and achievement, responsibility and achievement

Company policy and Recognition achievement and salary

14. Identify from the below, the effects of low morale.

High labour turnover and good performance

High labour turnover and wastage and spoilage

High team spirit and good performance

Low team spirit and good performance

15. A manager depends on his — But a leader depends on his—

Confidence and good will, Authority

Confidence and goodwill, Responsibility

Authority, Confidence and goodwill

Authority, Responsibility

16. Identify from the below, functions of counseling


Resignation to the job


Release of emotional tension

2 and 3

1 and 4

1 and 2

3 and 4

17. Resistance to change can be reduced through—

Security and guarantee to employees

Understanding to discussion

Hire and Fire Policy

Enforcement of rules and regulations

1 and 2

2 and 3

3 and 4

1 and 4
