DigiTools Digital Workbook Unit DS Chapter 2 Name

DigiTools Digital Workbook
Unit DS Chapter 2
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Review Questions
Instructions: Enter your answers to the questions below.
 Peer-to-Peer Check your answers by comparing them with those of a classmate.
1. What is an OS and why is an OS important?
2. Name the most common external parts of a computer.
3. Name the key internal parts of a computer.
4. What is a UI?
5. Name three popular OSes.
6. Describe transparency as experienced in the Windows Vista UI.
7. What does it mean for a GUI to be user-friendly?
8. What is a default setting and why are defaults helpful to average users?
9. Explain the purpose of control panels.
10. List the steps required to increase or decrease volume settings on your PC.
11. What is a peripheral device? Give examples.
12. What are applications? Give four possible examples.
13. What are two other names used to describe applications?
14. Explain at least two ways to open an application from the start menu in the Windows Vista OS.
15. Explain how to perform the following actions: restore, maximize, minimize, resize.
16. List the possible storage devices used with your PC.
17. Compare the differences in what is displayed in the Computer folder versus the Documents folder.
18. Explain the differences between a file, the root folder, and a subfolder.
19. Explain how to perform the following actions on a file or a folder: rename, delete, move, and copy.
20. Explain the steps required to save a file.
DigiTools Digital Workbook
Unit DS Chapter 2
Vocabulary Reinforcement
Instructions: Enter the number of the correct definition in the space provided at the right of each word.
Double Check
Check your answers by comparing them with the correct answers on the last
page of this document.
1. Boxes that appear on the desktop when a program is
B. motherboard
2. Components that connect to a PC including
printers, handwriting tablets, headsets, and
C. icons
3. Pictures used to represent commands.
D. Control Panels
4. Component that contains the microprocessor, often
called the “brains” of a computer.
E. peripherals
5. The ability to do more than one thing at a time.
F. applications
6. A collection of saved information or data.
G. windows
7. Specialized software programs with a specific
H. title bar
8. Powerful utilities that can change the way your
computer works, looks, and responds to your
9. Special circuit boards that connect the CPU to other
internal components inside the computer such as
memory and integrated circuitry.
10. The observation that the ability of microprocessors to
perform calculations has been doubling about every
18 months for the past half-century.
I. hard drive
J. file
K. Moore’s Law
11. Storage media that is often referred to as the local
12. Location where information about a program is
L. multitasking
DigiTools Digital Workbook, Unit DS Chapter 2