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This .zip file includes all of the downloads for the entire Become a Probability &
Statistics Master course.
The “01 Formula sheet” folder includes the formula sheet PDF(s) for the course.
The “02 Notes” folder includes one PDF of the compiled notes for the full course, as well
as the individual notes PDF for each lecture, broken up by Section.
The “03 Quizzes” folder includes one PDF of the compiled quizzes for the full course, as
well as the individual quiz PDF for each lecture, broken up by Section.
The “04 Workbook” folder includes one PDF of the compiled workbook for the full
course, one PDF of the compiled workbook solutions for the full course, as well as the
individual workbook files for each Section.
The “05 Final exam” folder includes the exams and solutions for two practice exams, as
well as the official final exam and its solutions.
All these same files are attached throughout the course as well, so there’s no need to
download them from both places.
Krista King :)
(c) All of the content in this course, including all of these PDF files, are copyright of
Krista King Math and may not be shared without expressed written permission from
Krista King Math. If these files have been shared with you, you’ll have a much better
experience and get much more out of the full course, which you can access for the
lowest possible price through this link:
Become a Probability & Statistics Master: