Course Syllabus Fall 2013 AT 301 – Descriptive Geometry CRN # 10235 Technology Building Computer Lab 3 credit hours Monday & Wednesday 8:00 – 9:20 a.m. Instructor: Dan Trent, Technology Building, (662) 254-3414, Catalog Description: AT 301 – Descriptive Geometry – This course includes the representation of geometrical magnitudes; relation between points, lines and planes; intersection and development of surfaces; and architectural and engineering applications. Prerequisite: AT 101 Lecture 3 hours, Total 3 hours per week. Purpose of this Course: Descriptive geometry is the science of graphic representation and solution of space problems. This course will teach students to communicate ideas effectively via visual representation. Students will also learn to interpret drawings that employ auxiliary and revolved views accurately. Students will create orthographic, isometric, and perspective projections; auxiliary and successive auxiliary views; and developments. Plane geometry: intersection of planes, angle between planes, parallelism, perpendicularity, plane tangencies, vectors, and revolutions will also be explored. Textbooks: None Required. Handouts will be provided Course Competencies: As a result of this course the learner should be able to: Create orthographic and isometric projections from three-view drawings. Create multi-view projections from orthographic and isometric sketches. Create a two-point and a three-point perspective drawing. Differentiate first angle and third angle projections. Demonstrate proficiency at reading an architectural and engineering scale. Accurately generate and interpret primary auxillary views from multi-view drawings. Construct successive auxilliary views. Construct a revolution using the intersection of two planes as the axis of revolution. Construct tangencies between straight lines and planes and curved surfaces. Construct a radial line development, a parallel line development, and a development using triangulation. Construct single point, two point and three point perspective drawings. Course Requirements for AT 301: A variety of instructional strategies are used in this course including lecture, collaboration, discovery learning, instructional technology, and individual instruction. Students are encouraged to use critical thinking, problem solving, and reflection to develop an understanding of the material covered. Course requirements include: Complete all required assignments/presentations by the due date. Successfully complete the mid term examination. Successfully complete the final examination. 1 Office Hours and Responses to Email and Telephone Inquiries: Office hours are posted on Dr. Trent’s office door. Generally students may see the instructor an hour prior the scheduled class. Other hours may be arranged with the instructor by sending an email message to or calling (662) 254-3414. Grade Standards and Weights for AT 301: All daily drawing assignments submitted for grading will be assigned a numerical grade of either 100 or 0. The drawing is either correct (100) or it has errors and is incorrect (0). Drawings that are incorrect may be resubmitted for grading no more than three (3) times during the first half of the semester and no more than two (2) times during the second half of the semester. These daily drawing assignment grades represent 75% of your final grade. Reading outside of class will save you much time in the lab. Read your text BEFORE CLASS! This is important because lab time will become precious later in the semester. You do not want to waste lab time reading your assignments. In an effort to support the University in addressing a national trend toward poor student performance in writing, a writing assignment has been added to all courses in the Department of Applied Technology. For this course the assignment is a simple letter to the University. It constitutes 5% of the student’s grade for the course. A comprehensive mid-term problem will be given half way through the semester. It will consist of a drawing exercise that will test your knowledge and skill in using AutoCAD commands covered in class to that point. The mid-term grade represents 10% of your grade. A comprehensive final examination problem will be presented at the end of the course that will test your ability to use AutoCAD to produce accurate, high-quality drawings that meet industry standards. The final examination represents 10% of your final grade. Assessment item Daily drawing assignments Writing assignment Mid-term examination Final examination Letter Grade A B C D F Weight 75% 5% 10% 10% Numeric Grade 90 – 100 80 – 89 70 – 79 60 – 69 Below 60 2 Use of Technology: THIS IS A WEB ENHANCED COURSE. The course web site ( will be the primary means of communication outside of class. The website contains a wealth of information including contact information for the professor, PowerPoint presentations used in class, handouts, assignments, due dates and more. Visit the website BEFORE CLASS to see what will be covered. Visit the website AFTER CLASS to see what was covered in the previous class. This is a valuable resource. USE IT! Class Policies The following class policies are in effect throughout this course to ensure that a positive and equitable learning environment exists for all class members. Failure to follow these class policies may result in sanctions per the student handbook. Policies for class include: Attendance: Students are expected to attend class. Past experience shows the performance of those who do not attend class is less satisfactory than is the performance of those who do attend. Good work habits (including attendance and punctuality) reflect positively on you as a potential employee. To assist in motivating you to develop a strong work ethic, your grade WILL be affected by your attendance. Bonus Points: Attendance will be taken every day. For each day you arrive to class ON TIME you will be awarded 2 bonus points (up to 20 points). If you arrive up to 5 minutes late you will be awarded 1 bonus point. No points will be awarded for arrivals beyond the 5 minute threshold. In the event of your absence for any reason you are still responsible for all readings, information presented in lectures, and any modifications to and assignments presented in class. Punctuality: Every student is expected to practice professional time management skills and report to class on time. Students who arrive late are expected to take a seat nearest to the door and quietly sit down without disturbing the class. In order to preserve the learning environment for all students, individual students who exhibit a pattern of habitual tardiness may be refused entrance to the class on the occasion of a late entrance. Professional Language/Respect: Professional language, conduct, and respect for peers, the instructor, and the learning process are a basic requirement. Disruptive Behavior: Effective learning environments require the attention and positive contribution of both student and teacher. Sidebar or loud conversations, jokes, laughter, pranks, etc., between and among students in the classroom while class is in session are disruptive to the learning environment. Students disrupting the class/learning environment in such a manner are subject to sanctions per the student handbook. Electronic Devices: All cell phones, I-pods and other electronic devices are to be turned off and put away prior to entering the class. Any student wearing headphones, ear buds, etc. or who sends or receives texts during class or whose phone rings or vibrates during class will lose all bonus points accrued to date. Habitual failure to follow the rule regarding cell phones, iPods, or other electronic devices may result in a student being asked to leave class. Make-up Work: If a student misses a class, he or she is responsible for the material missed. Emergencies do occur. In the event of an emergency such as illness, family responsibilities, or death in the immediate family, documentation of the situation may be requested. Upon receipt/approval of the excuse, the instructor may, at his discretion, schedule a date to complete the assignment or test. Rescheduled exams and assignments may contain different types and numbers of questions. The same material content will be covered. IF an assignment is accepted late, a scoring penalty of up to 20% may be applied. -3- Honor Code: Any work submitted is expected to be yours. Dishonesty (cheating) in any form will not be tolerated and will be handled by your instructor following the “Policy and Procedures on Cheating and Plagiarism” as published in the Mississippi Valley State University Undergraduate Catalog. All tests will be monitored. Penalties may range from assigning a grade of zero for the assignment to ejecting the student from the course. Other: All other student conduct policies are in full effect as explained in the Mississippi Valley State University Undergraduate Catalog. Accommodating Special Needs Students: Students with learning or physical disabilities admitted to this class will be expected to perform the same level of work at the same proficiency as students without disabilities. However, where necessary, alternative methods will be used to accommodate any learning or physical condition if it is made known to the instructor in advance. No student will be turned away from this class because of a disabling condition. The Mississippi Valley State University’s ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Office offers students with disabilities (as defined by the ADA definition of a disability) accommodations according to provided documentation. Disability may include learning, psychiatric, physical disabilities, or chronic health disorder. A disability is a permanent condition which substantially limits one or more major life activities. Contact the MVSU ADA Office in the Technical Education Building: Kathy Brownlow, ADA Coordinator (662) 254-3443 or Withdrawals and Incompletes: A syllabus constitutes a contract between the student and the course instructor. Participation in this course indicates your acceptance of its teaching focus, requirements, and policies. Please review the syllabus and the course requirements as soon as possible. If you believe that the nature of this course does not meet your interests, needs or expectations, if you are not prepared for the amount of work involved or if you anticipate that the class meetings, assignment deadlines or abiding by the course policies will constitute an unacceptable hardship for you, you should drop the class by the drop/add deadline. Incompletes will not be offered in this course. -4- AT 301 – Course Schedule (subject to adjustment) Descriptive Geometry DATE Aug. 26 Aug. 28 Sept.2 Sept. 4 Lecture/Presentation Welcome/Introduction Syllabus/Website Quick Overview of Descriptive Geometry Fundamentals of Descriptive Geometry PowerPoint #1 LABOR DAY Fundamentals of Descriptive Geometry Continues – PowerPoint #2 Sept. 9 Sept. 11 Sept. 16 Sept. 18 Sept. 23 Sept. 25 Sept. 30 Oct. 2 Oct. 7 Oct. 9 Oct. 14 Oct. 16 Oct. 21 Oct. 23 Oct. 28 DATE Oct. 30 Nov. 4 Nov. 6 Nov. 11 Nov. 13 Nov. 18 Nov. 20 Nov. 2527 Dec. 2 Dec. 4 Dec. 911 PRESENTER Dr. Trent Dr. Trent Quiz #1 Aug. 29 Dr. Trent Quiz #2 Sept. 5 Test 2 Sept. 10 Sept. 13 Sept. 17 Sept. 19 Sept. 24 Sept. 26 Oct. 1 Oct. 3 Oct.7 Dr. Trent Dr. Trent Dr. Trent Dr. Trent Dr. Trent MID-TERM EXAMINATION Dream House Design Constraints Dream House Preliminary WORD Document and FLOOR-PLAN SKETCH Dream House WORD Document – Square Footage and Cost Data Student Presentation “C” Envisioneer Overview and Bathroom Wizard Student Presentation “D” ASSIGNMENT Student Presentation “E” Envisioneer Kitchen Wizard Envisioneer Dream House Drawing Student Presentation “F” Student Presentation “G” Student Presentation “H” Student Presentation “I” THANKSGIVING BREAK EXAM REVIEW READING DAY (no classes) FINAL EXAMS -5- Assignment Due Dr. Trent Dr. Trent Oct. 15 Dr. Trent Oct. 17 Student “C” Dr. Trent Oct. 22 Oct. 24 Student “D” PRESENTATION Student “E” Student “F” Student “G” Student “H” Student “I” Oct. 29 Test Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 21 Nov. 12 Nov. 14 Nov. 19 Nov. 21 Student “J” Dec. 3 PROJECT Test 1 Test 2 Engineering Packet 1 Chap. 3 Test Chap. 7 Test Individual PowerPoint Presentation Individual WORD Test Chap. A Test Chap. B Test MID-TERM EXAM Dream House Data and FLOORPLAN sketch Dream House Square Footage and Cost Data Chap. C Test Bath Drawing Chap. D Test Chap. E Test Kitchen Drawing Chap. F Test Chap. G Test Chap. H Test Chap. I Test Dream House Floor Plan Chap. J Test Final Examination DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY DUE DATE Sept. 4 Sept. 10 Sept. 13 Sept. 17 Sept. 19 Sept. 24 Sept. 26 Oct. 1 Oct. 3 Oct. 7 Oct. 15 MAX. POINTS 33.33 33.33 50 33.33 33.33 50 50 33.33 33.33 100 Oct. 17 Oct. 22 Oct. 24 Oct. 29 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 12 Nov. 14 Nov. 19 Nov. 21 Nov. 21 Dec. 3 Dec. 9 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 100 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY ITEM MAX. POINTS Best 12 of 14 Chapter Tests @ 33.33 pts. 400 Chapter 3 PowerPoint 50 YOUR Chapter PowerPoint 50 YOUR Chapter Test 50 Mid-Term Examination 100 Dream House Data & Floor Plan Sketch 50 Kitchen Drawings 50 Dream House Drawings 50 Final Examination 100 Bonus Points 60 1060 -6- % 40 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 10 100 WELCOME TO AT 301, DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY Your instructor is Dr. Dan Trent Office Telephone: (662) 254-3414 Email: Class begins PROMPTLY at 8:00 A.m. Central Time and continues until 8:20 a.m. We will not get out early, not even on the first day! You are expected to come to class prepared and on time each week. That means bringing everything with you that you need for a University course including: Paper/Notebook Pencil or Pen Jump Drive or Memory Stick All handouts and notes Positive attitude Turn off all cell phones and other electronic devices before entering the classroom. Do not send or receive texts or phone calls in class. Do not wear headphones, earbuds, do-rags or hats in class. The class is “G” rated. Professional dress, language and demeanor are required at all times. If you have a question, ASK! Be polite, be courteous, be kind, be patient and be disciplined. Consult the course website often, especially before and after class. There you will find course updates, study material and many other resources that will assist you in successfully completing this course. Call or email Dr. Trent with concerns regarding this class. No excuses! -7-