Final Exam Review Name_________section_____ Tips on Preparing for Tests When studying for a test, gather and review your notes. Review reading material. Turn the headings in the reading material into questions and answer them. Ask your teacher to identify the information that is especially important for the test. Directions: Define the terms in the Vocabulary section using your packets from throughout the school year. Then answer the questions/explain the terms from the Key Concepts section. Vocabulary Mental/Emotional health Pelvic inflammatory disorder Physical health Toxic shock syndrome Social health Fallopian tubes Health Ovaries Health continuum Cervix Responsible decision making Vagina Values Ovulation Goals Conception Empathy Condom Stress Abstinence Eustress Hormonal contraception Distress HPV Anxiety HIV/AIDS Depression Chlamydia Communication Herpes Assertive communication OTC drugs Aggressive communication Prescription drugs Passive communication Binge drinking Constructive criticism PA Zero Tolerance Peer pressure Good Samaritan Law Conflict Conflict resolution Medication Urethra Testes Prostate Scrotum Key Concepts 1. Explain how good total health can be achieved. 2. Give an example of a long term goal. 3. List the steps of handling stress. 4. Explain how stress can be harmful. 5. List three warning signs of depression. 6. What should a teen do who feels depressed? 7. List four risk factors for suicide. 8. List three warning signs of suicide. 9. List and describe three styles of communication. 10. List two ways to assertively respond to peer pressure. 11. How can conflict have a positive result? 12. Identify the most common sites of cancer in both men and women’s reproductive systems. 13. How often should you perform self-exams (males and females)? 14. List and describe the disorders associated with the female reproductive system. 15. Explain the function of the male and female gonads. 16. What is the difference between hormonal and non-hormonal contraceptives? 17. How can you prevent pregnancy 100%? 18. How can STD/STIs be contracted? 19. List the four viral STD/STIs. 20. Antibiotics treat which type of STD/STIs? 21. How can withdrawal symptoms affect the body? 22. Explain how drug tolerance affects the body. 23. List and describe the two types of drug dependence. 24. Describe three ways alcohol negatively affects the body. 25. Describe the first aid care for burns. 26. Describe the first aid care for bleeding.