Course Expectations and Procedures

Course Procedures and Expectations
English 12
Mrs. Cook
(502)477-3255 ext. 2204
Office Hours Tue/Thu 2:45-3:45
Welcome to English 12! I am extremely excited to have the opportunity to learn with you during your last year of
high school. I hope our journey will be both exciting and memorable for all of us. My goal as your English teacher is
to help prepare you for your future, whether that be entering the workforce directly after high school or continuing
your education at a university, college, or technical school. Although we have a tremendous amount of work ahead
of us I want you to remember that we are a team, we will work together as such to ensure your success in high school
and in this course.
Course Description/Overview:
Students will apply a variety of appropriate strategies in both print and non-print materials with and emphasis on
both fiction and nonfiction. The writing process will be used to produce effective writing pieces. Reading and
writing skills will be developed to help to ensure success in college and/or the workplace. Students will develop a
wide range of research skills through their research project as well as develop skills for on-demand writing. English
12 students will also develop stronger literary skills through learning and applying techniques for observing,
listening and speaking to become more proficient communicators.
Course Content:
Reading Across the Curriculum
Reading Strategies
Knowledge of Literary and Nonliterary Forms
Influences on Texts
Author’s Voice and Method
Persuasive Language and Logic
Words and Their History
Writing Process
Modes of Writing for Different Purposes and Audiences
Organization, Unity, and Coherence
Sentence-Level Constructions
Conventions of Usage
Conventions of Punctuation
Paragraph instruction
Narrowing Topic
Parenthetical Documentation
Listening, Viewing, and Speaking
Comprehension and Analysis
Study Skills and Test Taking
Senior Project:
This project, in addition to being a large part of your grade in this class, is a graduation requirement. We will begin
working on this project during the first few weeks of school and we will continue working on it some in class
throughout the year. However, much of the “leg work” of the project will need to be completed on your own time.
Please remember it is your responsibility to meet the graduation requirements, so it is your responsibility to read
and understand them.
Course Materials
Pen or Pencil
Class notebook (1 ½ inch 3-ring binder) containing loose-leaf paper and 5 tabbed dividers in the
following sections:
4-Highlighted/Annotated Texts
5-Graded Work
Attendance/Absences/Makeup Work:
Your presence (mind and body) in class is essential. If you must miss class due to illness or other circumstances
beyond your control, it is your responsibility to find out which assignments you missed, to acquire the handouts,
and to borrow and copy the class notes for the day(s) you were absent. If you have questions or need something
from me you will need to use the message pad and I will have an answer or response by the next day. Please do not
disturb class time for personal attendance issues, these should all be handled through leaving me a message or
after class. All extra handouts will be collected in the bin in the front of the room.
Because you will have at least a week’s lead time for papers and other major assignments, the due date remains the
same regardless of your absence. If you are ill the day a paper is due, ask a friend to turn it in for you, or send it
through email. If an emergency arises (illness or otherwise) and you absolutely cannot complete an assignment, I will
need a note from a parent/guardian explaining the situation and I will consider excusing it.
All tests/quizzes will be made up outside of class. It is your responsibility to schedule a time that works for you.
You have two days per one day absent to schedule the time to make it up.
Late Assignments:
Your responsibilities in this class include keeping your own up-to-date assignment notebook (agenda), maintaining
pace with reading, and turning in all assignments on time. If you do not understand an assignment, ask for help far
enough in advance to have time to finish the assignment. If you are having personal difficulties apart from class, talk
to me before an assigned due date so that we can make other arrangements. Unless you speak with me PRIOR to
the deadline no daily assignments will be accepted late for any reason! Larger assignments, such as projects will be
taken up to a day late for 50% credit, and require a missing work paper to be completed and turned in on the day it
is due.
Homework will be given, but not on a regular basis. This will NOT be busy work, but instead it will be enrichment
activities and practice activities that will help you be successful not only in this class, but in whatever your
endeavors might be after graduation. Homework should be completed at home, not in another class, and must be
turned in on time. All homework given has a purpose, and not completing it before the deadline will make it lose its
purpose. As with all other daily work in this class no homework will be accepted late for any reason.
We are embarking on an incredible learning journey this year and every minute we have together is valuable. It is for
that reason that hallpasses MUST be kept to a minimum. All errands (visits to the counselor, taking books back
to the library, turning notes in to the office, etc) should be done in between classes, during Enrichment, or before
or after school. There is no situation in which you will be permitted to go to another teacher’s class, again, I truly
value our time together. Unless it is an emergency I need you to remain in class. In an emergency situation, however,
you must have your agenda and it must be filled out with information from other classes and this class for whatever
week we are in. You must take ownership of your own learning and unless you are making an effort, through your
agenda, to do so then I am concerned about your success and feel it is more important that you remain in class. If
you should happen to misplace your agenda you can purchase a new one from the front office.
Classroom Rules:
The 3 P’s:
Positive Attitude
Keeping up with reading assignments is crucial to your success in this class. If you have not read the assignment,
you cannot thoughtfully participate in class discussions. If you fall behind in the reading, you will become
overwhelmed and set yourself up for frustration when it comes time to write a paper. Bear in mind that some of the
reading will be difficult, and you may not understand it all the first time. That’s OK, I want the reading to stretch
your thinking. Do the best you can to understand; meanwhile, write down questions that we can address in class. I
am always happy to help anyone who asks for help!
I begin this year with complete trust and faith in each of you. Please do not abuse that trust by being dishonest.
Learning cooperatively is great, and I encourage you to get together and brainstorm and discuss assignments.
When you sit down to complete an individual assignment, however, let the work be yours alone. Penalties for
plagiarism—another word for cheating—are stiff. If two papers resemble each other too closely, I will split the points.
If a paper is obviously copied, whether from a classmate’s work or from the Internet, it will receive no credit.
SCHS plagiarism policy can be found in the Student Handbook.
Grading Policy:
75% Assessment
25% Daily
For major assignments I will provide the rubrics or explain the expectations that I will use to assess your work. For
general reference, however, here are four similes and a metaphor to represent my expectations for assignments:
Like a double mocha cappuccino with whipped cream and
sprinkles, “A” work goes above and beyond expectations. It not only demonstrates an
understanding of concepts discussed in class, but also takes risks and presents additional
Like a really good cup of coffee, “B” demonstrates understanding of the concepts presented
in class and shows thought and
effort, but it doesn’t take any risks or offer fresh insight.
Like decaf, “C” work is solid, but doesn’t pack the punch of “A” or “B” work. It’s competent,
but not dazzling.
Like the burnt dregs from a gas-station coffee pot, a “D” paper is there, but leaves a bad taste.
“D” work just doesn’t hang together and probably shows lack of thought and effort.
As Ani Difranco says, “The coffee is just water dressed in brown.” While “F” is definitely
better than a zero, it is clearly not up to snuff. “F” work is the result of carelessness and poor
Enrichment Opportunities:
Extra work at times, merits extra points. I will offer various enrichment opportunities throughout the year. These
assignments are not simply a way to get some bogus extra points added to your grade. They are meant to enrich
your learning. I will NOT offer extra credit assignments merely to boost a grade.
Bear Bucks:
I will constantly be on a “bear hunt” to spot you doing good things. When you do something that makes me proud
you can earn a bear buck. Each bear buck is worth 1 point. When you are given one you should immediately put
your name on it and put it in a safe place. These can be turned in on cash out days to add extra credit points to a
9 week average. It is your responsibility to keep up with these.
You are also able to purchase things with Bear Bucks.
Pen/Pencil=5 bucks
1 lined paper=1 buck
Leave Me Alone Pass=20 bucks
Course Procedures:
Each day when you come into class there will be a flashback projected in the front of the room. You are
expected to immediately begin the flashback as soon as the bell rings. This will give me time to take
attendance. You will be given 5 minutes to complete the flashback. Once the 5 minutes are up I will come
around the room and check your answers. Each day you can earn up to 10 points.
Instruction/Application: This is time when we will work together as a whole class, in groups, or maybe
independently developing the skills necessary to be successful inside and outside of this class.
Formative assessment: Each day you will be given a formative assessment to help me measure your
learning for that day. This will help me know if I need to continue moving on or if more instruction is
needed based on the day’s learning target.
Attitude is EVERYTHING!
Due to the importance of this class as a determining factor in your graduating, it is imperative that we all maintain a
positive attitude each and every day. My role as your teacher will be slightly different then ones you might have
experienced in the past. In addition to having the obligation to ensure that you have the skills and content
necessary to be successful in all endeavors after high school, it is also my responsibility to ensure that you have the
resources and knowledge to successfully complete the senior project at the level you establish as your goal. It is for
that reason that I do not have time to babysit. Although it is your senior year and I want you to enjoy it, I have a job
to do. There is no time to remind you to do your work or to argue with you about completing as assignment or
staying on task. I will do my best to leave all my personal problems and issues outside the door and I expect for you
to do the same. If you are a student that traditionally needs extra pushing and motivating it is time you find that
within yourself. I promise wholeheartedly to work with any student who is willing to work with me. I will give attention
to students that WANT to succeed and WANT my help…I will only water flowers, not rocks.
Discuss the course expectations with your parent(s) or guardian(s). Please sign and return the
bottom of this page, the rest is for you to keep. I am looking forward to working with you this
I, ______________________(student), have read and understand the English 12 Bridge
course syllabus and expectations.
I, ______________________(parent/guardian), have read and understand the English 12
Bridge course syllabus and expectations.
Student Signature:_________________________________Date:_________________
Parent/Guardian Signature:__________________________Date:_______________