Zainal Manaf The following is the extract speech by Y.Bhg. Tan Sri

Dear friends,
For almost a year a small group of Kirkbyites
under the leadership of Tan Sri Datuk Seri Dr Yahaya
Ibrahim had several meetings and discussions for
holding a grand Kirkby Reunion followed by the
formation of Kirkby College Alumni.
The Kirkby Convention was held at the INTAN
Kuala Lumpur and the Grand Union Dinner was held at
Putrajaya Convention Centre on 28th and 29th
November 2008. There were about 200 Kirkbyites and
some bringing their families as well to give their full
support for which we are very grateful indeed.
Unfortunately the attendance at the launching
of the Kirkby Alumni, due to circumstances, was rather
poor. However I sincerely hope on behalf of the
Association that you and other Kirkbyites please do
come forward to give your full support in making this
historical event a success, by being a member of Kirkby
College Allumni.
We appreciate it very much if you can
encourage at least one other Kirkbyite to be a member.
The application form is attached in this newsletter. You
may photocopy the form if you require more than one.
Third Batch Kirkby – 1953-55
July,2009, 33rd Series
c/o 1018 Lorong Gunung Rapat 2
31350 Ipoh, Perak
Tel: 05-3127411
Zainal Manaf
The following is the extract speech by Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato Seri Dr Yahaya Ibrahim during the Majlis
Perasmian Mesyuarat Agong Penubuhan Persatuan Alumni Maktab Perguruan Kirkby Malaya:Yang Amat Berhormat Tan Sri Muhyiddin bin Haji Mohd Yassin, Timbalan Perdana Menteri merangkap
Menteri Pelajaran, Dif-Dif Kehormat, alumni Maktab Kirkby dan para hadirin sekelian…….
Di kesempatan ini saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada kawan-kawan dalam AJK Protem yang
telah berkhidmat sejak hampir setahun lalu, menjayakan majlis Grand Reunion dan Konvensyen Pendidikan
Kirkby yang telah berlangsung pada bulan November tahun lalu, dan mereka jugalah yang telah bekerja kuat
selama dua minggu untuk membuat persediaan menerima kedatangan Tan Sri merasmikan majlis ini..
Saya agak ramai yang mushkil dan tertanya-tanya mengapa hanya sekarang selepas 50 tahun
persatuan bekas alumni Maktab Kirkby ini ditubuhkan? Sebenarnya sebuah persatuan alumni Maktab Kirkby
telah wujud dahulu dalam tahun 1953 dan bergerak aktif hingga tahun 1975. Oleh kerana pelbagai masalah
akhirnya persatuan itu mati tanpa kubur. Selepas itu pelbagai aktiviti alumni Kirkby dilakukan secara ad-hoc
termasuklah Perayaan Golden Anniversary 50 Tahun Kirkby pada tahun 2001. Kemudian beberapa batch
Kirkby mengadakan Re-union masing-masing di pelbagai tempat dalam dan luar negara, hinggalah pada
tahun lepas kita menubuhkan sebuah Persatuan Alumni Kirkby (Protem) untuk menganjurkan Konvensyen di
INTAN dan Grand Reunion di PICC Putrajaya yang dihadiri lebih kurang 150 alumni Kirkby pelbagai
Sebenarnya dengan berpersatuan dan bekerja secara kolektif kita berupaya untuk melakukan banyak
lagi aktiviti kebajikan kepada masyarakat jika wujud satu persatuan yg formal dan sah. Marilah kita kembali
kepada semangat BERSATU, semangat semasa kita menuntut di Kirkby dahulu sebagai SATU Malaya
(1952-57), bergaul dan bersosial tanpa mengira batas-batas bangsa, agama, budaya atau perkauman. Ingat
kitalah tikus-tikus makmal (guinea pig) yang digunakan dalam eksperimen Kerajaan Koloni Inggeris untuk
mewujudkan sebuah BANGSA MALAYA yang walaupun pluralistik dan haterogeneous tetapi pelbagai
bangsa di Malaya dapat hidup bersama dan berkongsi impian yang sama – sebuah Negara merdeka yang
aman dan makmur yang penduduknya dapat hidup sebagai jiran dan saling hormat menghormati. Di
Kampong Kirkby semangat muhibbah ini berlaku secara natural bukan dipaksa dan bukan juga kerana
Malah konsep Unity In Diversity inilah yang menjadi tonggak kehidupan di Kampong Kirkby dan
menjadi kebanggaan warga Kirkby – A Minituare Malaya ini United Kingdom, where Malayans of different
races, religions and backgrounds, could live and study together, sharing different festivals yang sekarang ini
disebut Kongsi Raya. Saya percaya pengalaman selama 2 tahun di Kirkby yang pluraistic and multi culture
sangat-sangat dihargai (treasured) oleh kita semua kerana di Kirkbylah mungkin buat pertama kali kita
menjalin persahabatan dengan rakan-rakan daripada kaum yang lain. Malah sebilangan daripada kita,
pasangan daripada kaum yang berlainan, bertemu jodoh di Kirkby, which only prove that “lovers are colour
As an old learned man (Ulamak in the wider sense) I have lived long enough to observed changes and
the transformation of our society and our country; from a British colony to a free country, from an agri-based
less educated society to a modern educated society. As retired government servant, I and many of us
Kirkbyites in this hall, have played a crucial role in proses of social transformation by giving the best of our
life for more than 30 years of public service as teachers, education administrators and other vocations in the
civil service. Looking back we are always proud to be in the pioneer school teachers that helped to usher the
Merdeka in 1957 and the pioneer teachers and school inspectors that helped to shape and implement the
education system during the formative years of Razak Report (1957) and Rahman Talib Report (1960).
Our only handicap compared to our nearest competitor Singapore in attracting education tourism is in
the medium of instruction - English. Language is a very sensitive issue as more Malay votes were lost after
the Government implemented the Teaching of Science and Maths in English (PPSMI). Allow me to borrow a
phrase from Shakesphere’s Julius Ceazer “Its not that I love Ceaser less but I love Rome more”.
Advocating the mastering of English language did meant that the person is less Malay. Personally I felt that
any Malay will be better off if he or she could speak other international languages beside the mother tongue
Malay language.
Personally I would like to suggest that in order to strenghten the language mastering skill amongst
Malaysian students, learning of languages (be it Malay, English, Chinese, Tamil or Arabic) should start as
early as Preschools and intensified during six years of Primary Schooling. Toward strenthening the language
mastering skill amongst the students the Education Ministry should train more international language
teachers especially English, Mandarin and Arabic teachers and provide more language learning facilities
such as Language Labs at primary schools.
Memandangkan aset yang kita semua miliki (common denominator) ialah pengalaman dan kepakaran
yang pelbagai dalam bidang pendidikan dan perguruan, kita amat berharap Keraajaan dapat mewujudkan
satu mekanisma Skim Pasca Perkhidmatan (Post Service Scheme) di mana kepakaran pendidik bersara
ini dapat dimanfaatkan dalam sistem pelajaran khasnya di sekolah-sekolah dan di Institut-Institut Latihan
Guru. Ketika Negara dan Kerajaan menghadapi krisis ekonomi dan bajet defisit maka amat wajar
pengambilan ramai tenaga pakar pendidik asing yang melibatkan perbelanjaan yang besar dikurangkan,
sebaliknya khidmat pesara pendidik digunakan dan dimanfaatkan.
Akhir sekali saya berharap dengan kewujudan Persatuan Alumni Kirkby, sebuah NGO Pendidikan,
akan membuka era baru dalam merapatkan hubungan antara Alumni Kirkby dengan Kementerian Pelajaran,
perhubungan yang akhirnya dapat membawa manfaat kepada kedua pihak (mutual benefit), perhubungan
yang merangsang budaya muafakat antara dua pihak yang berkongsi minat bersama (common interest)
dalam memajukan bidang pendidikan negara kita. Selepas ini saya akan cuba berusaha supaya semua
NGO Pendidikan dapat disatukan bawah satu Kesatuan NGO Pendidikan, yang matlamatnya ialah
membantu Kementerian Pelajaran meningkatkan mutu pelajaran negara kita ke tahap global.
Tidak mungkin kita akan mencapai taraf Negara Maju menjelang tahun 2020 jika sistem pelajaran kita
masih berada dalam standard Dunia Ketiga. We might have the First World Class Facilities but unfortunately
some of us are still trapped in Third World Mentality. As Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister we
hope Tan Sri would bring about the necessary “Education Revolution” in order to propel our education
standard to a much desired greater height. With that last note of high hope I ended this welcoming speech.
Thank you.
Tan Sri Dato Seri Dr Yahaya Ibrahim
The following is the extract speech by YAB Tan Sri Muhyiddin Hj Yassin, Timbalan Perdana Menteri
merangkap Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia
Maktab Kirkby merupakan satu eksperimen pendidikan yang unik di mana sebuah negara asing
dibenarkan membuka sebuah Maktab Latihan Guru di England pada tahun 1951. Maktab Kirkby telah
diikhtiraf oleh Malaysia Book Of Records sebagai “maktab latihan guru dalam bahasa Inggeris yang pertama
di Malaya”. Maktab ini beroperasi selama 10 tahun (1952 - 1962) dan telah memberi latihan perguruan
kepada lebih 1,500 guru pelatih (trainee teachers) dan 405 guru pelatih (teacher trainers).
Saya dimaklumkan bahawa Maktab Kirkby mendapat bantuan pakar daripada Institut Of Education,
University of Liverpool. Pensyarah-pensyarah yang berpengalaman, kurikulum dan kokurikulum digubal khas
bagi melatih guru Malaya menggunapakai silibus yang moden, termasuk sesi latihan mengajar di sekolahsekolah Inggeris, pendedahan kepada tamadun serta gaya hidup Barat yang berdisplin, semua ini telah
berjaya melahirkan guru-guru yang hebat dan cemerlang (outstanding).
Saya dimaklumkan oleh Tan Sri Dr Yahaya bahawa Maktab Kirkby yang berbilang bangsa dan agama
ini merupakan “miniature Malaya” dan di sinilah semangat “One Malaya” dan “Malaya Boleh” mula disemai
dan bercambah subur apabila mereka balik mengajar di seluruh Malaya.
Sekalong Tahniah kepada Persatuan Alumni Maktab Kirkby yang telah menerbitkan buku “Kirkby
College – A Heritage” – satu usaha untuk mengumpul dan mendokumentasikan sejarah, peranan dan
sumbangan lulusan Maktab Kirkby kepada bidang pendidikan negara kita, khasnya ketika negara baharu
merdeka (formative years of education system).
Buku ini juga menjejaki karier dan sumbangan cemerlang bekas pelajar Kirkby dalam pelbagai bidang
kehidupan khasnya dalam bidang pendidikan dan perguruan. Saya dapati ramai juga bekas guru Kirkby
yang terlibat dalam pentadbiran, undang-undang, perniagaan dan politik, yang secara tidak langsung
membuktikan kebolehan versatility guru yang ternyata boleh juga berjaya dalam kerjaya lain daripada guru
Di sini izinkan saya memberi pengiktirafan (recognition) kepada beberapa tokoh Kirkby yang telah
memberi sumbangan besar kepada masyarakat:
Tan Sri Dr Yahaya sebagai pelopor dan bekas pemimpin gabungan persatuan pendidikan tinggi
swasta `(MAPCU = Malaysian Association of Private Colleges and Universities),
Tan Sri G. Vadiveloo sebagai wakil rakyat dan bekas Yang Dipertua Dewan Negara (1992-94),
Datuk Baharuddin Marji yang terlibat dalam pengajuran Musabaqah Al-Quran sejak 1971 hingga
Sasterawan Negara Datuk Noordin Hassan Tokoh Budayawan Negara terkenal dalam bidang
Dato Dr M. Thambirajah pengasas Sri Muragan Centre (NGO Pelajaran yang memberi tuisyen
percuma kepada lebih 13,000 pelajar India yang miskin),
Dato K.N Nadarajah bekas duta Malaysia ke Moroko dan Iraq,
Zainal Arshad Zainul Abidin yang pernah menjadi Pengarah Jabatan Pelancongan (TDC) di
England selama 10 tahun (1977-86)
Raju Nagalinggam sebagai Coach FIFA (bolasepak),
Dr Shaari Isa yang telah menulis lebih 40 buah buku akademik dan novel sejarah termasuk novel
“Kirkby : the Life and Loves” yang saya lancarkan pada majlis ini.
Mokhtar Daud antara pelopor penerbit di Radio Malaya pada tahun 1960-an hingga era RTM (ayah
kepada Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar, Khazanah Negara).
Saya telah membaca sepintas lalu buku tersebut dan dapat gambaran positif bahawa sumbang bakti
guru-guru Kirkby cukup besar – mereka bertugas dengan penuh dedikasi pada tahun 1950-an dan 1960-an
ketika sekolah-sekolah masih daif dan kemudahan pengajaran masih kurang. Walaupun negara kita masih
mundur ketika itu dan tahap keselamatan agak membimbangkan (zaman Dharurat 1948-1960) kehadiran
guru-guru Kirkby yang terlatih (dari England) dalam bilik-bilik darjah membawa satu pembaharuan dan
kesegaran kepada sistem pelajaran, malah satu kayu ukur (bench mark) atau KPI kepada guru-guru yang
lain. Pemilihan 4 bekas pelajar Kirkby sebagai Tokoh Guru Kebangsaan: Harith Liki (1988), Idris Tain
(1990), Lau Hut Yee (1992) dan Dr Yahaya Ibrahim (1998) membuktikan kejayaan lulusan Kirby dalam
bidang pendidikan. Guru Kirkby juga membawa standard yang lebih tinggi sebagai guru sukan di padang
sekolah, sebagai guru kokurikulum, sebagai pentadbir pendidikan (guru besar dan pengetua maktab,
pengelola dan Nazir sekolah, sebagai pengarah pelajaran dan sebagainya).
Saya menerima baik cadangan Tan
Sri Yahaya supaya Kementerian Pelajaran
meningkatkan penguasaan mata pelajaran
Bahasa Inggeris selain mengukuhkan
kedudukan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa
penghantar dalam sistem pelajaran negara
memperkukuhkan bahasa Inggeris sebagai
bahasa kedua ialah dengan mewajibkan
lulus dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Inggeris
dalam peperiksaan SPM. Ini cadangan
maklumbalas daripada pelbagai pihak
khasnya daripada ibu bapa dan juga perlu
kita adakan persediaan yang secukupnya
jika syarat ini hendak dilaksanakan.
Tan Sri Muhyiddin being introduced to Committee Members
Saya berharap Persatuan Alumni Maktab Kirkby Malaysia sebagai NGO yang terlibat dalam
pendidikan dapat memainkan peranan sebagai jambatan yang menghubung antara Kementerian Pelajaran
dengan guru-guru Kirkby yang telah bersara, supaya Kerajaan dapat memanfaatkan segala pengalaman
yang telah terkumpul selama lebih 30 tahun berkhidmat sebagai guru dan pensyarah. Saya percaya
masalah kekurangan guru Inggeris dapat diatasi jika kepakaran dan pengalaman lebih kurang 2,000 guru
Kirkby dan 2,000 guru Brinsford Lodge dapat kita manfaatkan melalui Skim Pasca Perkhidmatan ini.
Sekian, dengan lafaz Bismillah Hirrahman Nirrahim saya rasmikan Mesyuarat Agung
Penubuhan Persatuan Alumni Maktab Kirkby Malaysia dan saya doakan semoga persatuan ini akan
memberi manfaat kepada ahli-ahlinya dan juga dapat memberi sumbang bakti kepada bidang pendidikan
dan juga kepada seluruh masyarakat.
Wabillahi-Taufik walhidayah, assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Hj Yassin
From: Satish Bhandari (1953-55)
Pulau Pinang
Dear Zainal,
I received your January 2009
Newsletter sometime ago and
although I
had started
replying soon after having
finished reading it, I could not
get down to typing what I had
written until now. This is
simply because I got involved
in writing an article related to
the role of Kirkbyites in the
introduction and development
of technical education in our
Kirkbyites attending the Opening Ceremony
secondary academic schools.
I have submitted this to the
Committee responsible for reviewing our publication Kirkby College-A Heritage for consideration to be
published in the revised version of Kirkby College- A Heritage, which I understand shall be published soon.
Zainal, your letter of January 2009, in one particular part, has touched my heart indeed. What hit me
most is the feeling of truism expressed in writing and which we miss most these days. And I quote you “…To
me there can never be any institution that can match Kirkby as far as the excellent cooperation among
Malayan of different religion and ethnic group…” I completely and unconditionally share this sentiment with
you for I too have lived and experienced that feeling together with you. Yes indeed, a bond of brotherhood,
nationalism and patriotism for our country was born in Kirkby. You, I and many more are living part of this
sentiment, in fact witness and testimony to this fact. We went about, starting late 1953, singing that we were
Malayans even though our country was then ruled by the British. We broke down all artificial barriers of race
and religion and saw each other just as a Malayan. I sincerely believe that this mind set of ours is the result
of the school system we grew up in. But where has all this gone to these days? In fact my thoughts ran back
to late August 1953 when we first befriended each other in Block 9 with our rooms facing each other, a
friendship that has lived to this day. You are the first friend I made in Kirkby and I believe I am the first friend
you made too.
What are the ingredients that we had in our primary and secondary schooling that are not present
these days? Why we are different in our perceptions, attitudes, values, understanding, thoughts, speech,
actions and reactions, word and deed, and in our writings when compared to most of todays schools leavers
or even for that matter university graduates? What and where are the answers?
I have a few other matters I wish to raise. First, Louis Chong in his letter published in your March
2009 Newsletter has raised some genuine concerns that need to be addressed and answered so that we are
all in the know as to the role(s) we are expected to play and the direction(s) we would be taking as members
of the Kirkby Alumni.
We have more capable, better qualified and well placed personalities amongst us to address and
answer these concerns and also to liaise with the Mo E. And even if we can be of service, I have my doubts
and reservations if voices of persons of your and my standing will ever be heard by or reach the powers that
are. As such I would like to devote my time and effort to other matters that are also of concern, namely the
Kirkby Alumni and the contributions of Kirkbyites in the development of our education system.
Second, the Kirkby Alumni has taken birth very late in our lives. Although the Alumni may have noble
and praiseworthy purposes, it must be remembered that the Alumni has a short life span. Let us be realistic.
The eldest amongst is well pass 85 years of age and the youngest nearing 70 years. All Kirkbyites who
remained in education all their lives have now retired and are pensioners, although some may be in their
second employment. And our numbers are small and getting smaller day by day. What will happen to the
Alumni when we all Kirkbyites have left this world and are no more around to attend to the Alumni? This is
my question and should be of prime concern to each and every one of us. Who will be the successor(s) to
the Kirkby Alumni, if any? Can we have an answer to this vital question form our Alumni office bearers soon?
Third, we Kirkbyites as a whole, who have remained all our lives in education and even those who
left education for other careers, have been involved in almost all, if not all aspects and fields of education.
This ranges from actual teaching to management and administration of education. Some of these are,
randomly listed, primary and secondary school teaching, technical and vocational education, secondary
continuation schools, trade schools, vocational schools, technical schools, school administration and
management, school inspection, school public relations work, public examination work, teacher training
colleges, day training centres, regional teacher training centres, writing of subject syllabus, and many more.
Further, we have contributed much in the introduction and development of several new programmes such as
technical subjects in secondary academic schools, Mathematics and Science in primary schools, Nuffield
Science in secondary schools, Industrial Arts programme, English as a second language in primary and
secondary schools, public examinations in objective question format, secondary continuation schools to
name just a few.
Very little is generally known about many of the aspects and fields of education that I have brought
to the fore. We Kirkbyites have been involved in several of these programmes at different stages of their
development and growth. And if we KIrkbyites, as a team, seriously get down to writing and relating our work
experiences with you as the collecting centre, we soon will have a store house of knowledge of and on
education. All this information can be then collated, edited and published. Was not the publication Kirkby
College-A Heritage born as a result of the Newsletter you started? And in the same way, if we now write on
and of our work experiences in education and this be published in the present Newsletter, then do we not
have the nucleus of a possible book on education? Zainal, let us all together capture this wealth of
knowledge we Kirkbyites have, and only we Kirkbyites know. This will be much more productive than we
trying to convince the MoE officers to change their mind set.
To start with, you yourself and Othman Dahlan have been pioneers in school liaison or public
relation work. Both of you underwent training in Mandarin for three years at the High Street Chinese Temple
in Kuala Lumpur in preparation for the position of Schools Liaison Officer which you both held for many
years. Am I correct Zainal? And how much of this is generally known or is common knowledge? And how
much is known of the Industrial Arts programme in which I was involved? Or for that matter about the
introduction and development of technical subjects in secondary academic schools in the late 1950s? Do I
need to convince you anymore?
Zainal if this letter of mine can be published in the forthcoming Newsletter, we may get some positive
response or indicators suggesting whether we are on to a worthwhile project for which we have support and
contributors. We lose nothing by trying. We only will gain. So give it a shot.
Bye for now Zainal.
Satish Chand Bhandari
Kirkby Alumni Objectives - Translation
The Objectives and the Background of the establishment of the Kirkby College Alumni Association, Malaysia
1. The establishment of the KCAAM is aimed at commemorating Half a Century of Educational
Contributions towards the Malaysian National Aspiration (theme of the Grand Reunion Convention
2008) by the Kirkby College graduates (Kirkbyites).
2. To rekindle the spirit of the College with which the Kirkbyites had contributed to the nation for the
past fifty years and are still contributing in the service of education.
3. To relive and to close the ranks of comradeship among the former students of Kirkby College made
up of ten batches (1951-1962), numbering 1,500 in all. Among this quite a significant number has
passed away.
4. To launch two coffee table books, one in Malay and the other in English, the former published by
UPSI entitled “Warisan Maktab Kirkby 1951 – 1962” and the latter entitled “Kirkby College – A
Heritage” by the Alumni. These two are important documents that contain the historical records of
the development of Malaysian education, in particular, in the area of teacher education. These two
books should be accorded proper recognition in school libraries, the libraries of teacher training
institutes, institutes of higher learning and in public libraries locally and overseas.
5. To continue fostering the academic and professional cooperation with the University of Liverpool and
the Liverpool John Moores University through the establishment of twinning programs with the
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), to be known as the Kirkby Programs.
6. To foster teacher education consistent with the Educational Development Master Plan (EDMP) and
the National Higher Education Strategic Plan (NHESP) through the smart networking between the
educators together with the Institutions in Malaysia and the educators together with the Institutions
overseas, in particular, the United Kingdom.
7. Collective efforts with the aim of furthering teacher education by way of fostering closer cooperation
between the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Studies so as to maintain the image
and the dignity of teachers and the teaching profession.
8. To put together the efforts of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Studies with the
aim of fostering and enhancing the quality of teacher education in Malaysia and possibly later in the
ASEAN region.
9. To plan towards putting Malaysia generally and the Malaysian education, in particular, into the edutourism world map.
10. To bring together the educational experts in annual or semi annual forums where educators the
world over can meet, discuss and witness the development in the field of education and teacher
education in Malaysia. This is done in conjunction with the conducted tours where the experts are
taken around to see the progress of education here and then they are invited to give suggestions
towards the enhancement of our teacher education.
11. To enhance the professionalism of teachers in Malaysia by exposing the local educators to the rapid
progress and development in the field of teaching and learning at the international level through an
educational Exposition.
12. To establish a fund called the Tabung Pelajaran Alumni Maktab Kirkby by which an annual award is
presented to the most eligible local university graduate in the field of education and educational
13. To establish a private institute of higher education to be called Kirkby College.
14. To contribute towards the establishment of the National Educational Museum with the cooperation of
the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Higher Studies and the Ministry of National Unity, Culture,
Arts and Heritage (now changed) Malaysia. It is proposed that the suggested museum be located
somewhere in the centre of Kuala Lumpur for easy access. For the time being, Kirkbyites are
encouraged to send whatever materials they wish to contribute to the curator of Galleri Kirkby at
15. To foster the cooperation between Malaya and England in the Kirkby project (1951 – 62) as a
reference model arising from the bilateral and cross border cooperation which had been such a
success in the transfer of teaching skills and enhancing of teacher education, from an advanced
country (England) to a developing country (Malaya).
Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Yahaya Ibrahim
I received an e-mail from Hamid Kadir’s son and I would like to share with you as I found it very
interesting and I was touched with its wonderful content.
Tuan Haji,
I hope this finds you well & in good spirit.
I was looking for the children of someone who was in Kirkby a while ago (at the insistence of my
mother, I might add) and came across Somehow, its never tiring to read your newsletter and
the articles you & other contributors wrote. Its heartening that while the parents are getting on in years, the
children seem to want to know more about what binds the Kirkbyites together and in turn, expand the
Just to keep in touch and to update you on my father, A. Hamid Kadir. He's currently staying with my
sister in Subang. Our parents can no longer cope on their own in Seremban. Just as well, since 3 of their
children are here in the Klang Valley. We do make it a point to take them back to Seremban once a fortnight
or so. Something familiar for them.
About a year ago, my father was admitted with a prolonged fever which turned out to be pneumonia
in both lungs. With care and antibiotics, he got better and we used the opportunity while he was immobilised,
to get him a full check up, something he would resist had he been well. Apart from some athritis in his
hands/feet and his hearing, his physical signs were good. Mentally though, he seems to be slowing down.
Must be the inactivity since leaving home. Still, at least there doesn't seem to be anything major like diabetes
(which the males, unfortunately, inherited from our mother) or high blood pressure.
Do let us know when you're down in KL. If you're free, I'm sure I can drive him over.
Warmest regards.
Hanafi Hamid
+6012 2886357 & +6013 3629296
Hamid Kadir and his son Hanafi were with us during the “Majlis Perasmian Mesyuarat Agong
Penubuhan Persatuan Alumni Maktab Perguruan Kirkby Malaya” at INTAN. To me Hanafi is a
wonderful boy who cares for his beloved father. He personally made sure his father’s wish in
attending the function came through.
Full name
I/C No:
Current Address
Home Tel. No:
Mobile Tel: No:
E-mail Address
Marital Status
Spouse’s name
Children of Kirkbyite
Secondary School
Years at Kirkby
Involvement in societies
Involvement in sports
Teaching practice at
CAREER: Teachers at (schools)
Years of service
Non teaching Career
II hereby apply to be a member or associate member of Kirkby College Alumni Associationand agree to
abide all rules of the association.
Persatuan Alumni Maktab Kirkby Malaysia,
70 C Jalan SS21/35,
Damansara Utama,
47400 Petaling Jaya.
I enclose herewith a cheque/Money Order No: .......................... amounting to RM100.00 for the
payment of being a member of Persatuan Alumni Maktab Kirkby Malaysia.
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Y.Bhg.Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr
Yahya Ibrahim
Dr Shaari Isa
Mr David Thong
Tuan Haji Othman Dahalan
Tuan Hj Md Kamaruddin Ibrahim
2 Jalan BU 10/4 Bandar Utama, 47800
E 7-9 Puncak Prima Condom, No 1 Jalan
Sri Hartamas, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
21 Lorong Aminuddin Baki Satu, Taman
Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 K.L.
2921 Jalan Enam, Kamansah Heights,
68000 Ampang, Selangor
No 4 SS 1/23 B- Kg Tunku,
47300 Petaling Jaya
Tel /
Tuan Hj Abdul Aziz Sultan
29 Jalan Belangkas Dua, Kb Pandan, 55100 KL
Encik Ahmad b Mohd Taib
BH 26 Elltis Teja, VALENCI, 47000 Sg Buluh, Selangor
Y.Bhg Dato’ Hj Baharuddin Marji
16 Lorong Utara, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’
Y.Bhg.Dato’ Dr Leslie Foo See
Tuan Hj Zainal Abidin Hj Abd
12 Lorong Siputeh, 58000 Kuala Lumpur
Tuan Hj Abd Aziz b Abd Hadi
134 Cabang Tiga, 22000 Jerteh, Trengganu
Y.Bhg.Dato’ Nik Ishak Nik Daud
4308-B Jln Kebun Chamerland 8/27, 15350 Kota Bharu,
Mr Satish Chand Bhandari
Tuan Hj Zainal Abidin b
30 Changkat Minden, Jalan 3, Minden Heights, 11700
Gelugor, Pulau Pinang
Anak Arshad Archtect, 148 Tmn.Wira Mergong,05150
Alor Setar, Kedah
Mr Fung Mun Chin
Mr Nadarajah
A 3412 Lorong Alor Akar 40, 25250 Kuantan, Pahang
1018 Lorong Gunung Rapat 2, 31350 Ipoh,Perak
143-2 Block G, Rampai Court, Taman Sri Rampai
Setapak, 53300 Kuala Lumpur
32 Jalan Teresek, Bangsar Bahru, 59100 K.L.