Chapter 13: WW1 Study Guide Directions – Define the terms and

Chapter 13: WW1 Study Guide
Directions – Define the terms and answer the questions to the best of your ability
Alliance System
Fourteen Points
Self Determination
The Black Hand
The Eastern Front
The Western Front
Total War
Treaty of Versailles
Trench Warfare
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
People to know:
Gavrilo Princep
Franz Ferdinand
Woodrow Wilson
Georges Clemenceau
1. Which Nations made up the Allied Powers/Triple Entente? WHY? Which Nations made up the Central
Powers/Triple Alliance?
2. Which nation’s Heir to the throne was assassinated in 1914 by a Serbian nationalist?
3. Which nation was the first to declare war in what would come to be called the Great War?
4. Which country was considered the strongest nation in Europe by 1890?
5. What were the four long term causes of WWI?
6. What area was known as “The Power Keg” of Europe? WHY?
7. Why was the Schlieffen Plan created?
8. What was the significance of the first Battle of Marne?
9. What was the result of many of the battles on the Western Front?
10. What new weapons of war were used in WWI?
11. The Eastern Front was a stretch of battlefield along the _____/______ border
12. What was the one major asset of the Russian army?
13. What year did the United States enter the war?
14. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ended the war between which countries? How did this affect the war?
15. Which was the only South American country to enter the war?
16. What were the 3 major goals of the Gallipoli Campaign?
17. In 1915 the Germans sank the British liner the ___________ killing 1,198 people:
18. The compromise that was reached between the Allied powers & Germany was known as:
19. Name the Allied country that was left out of the Paris Peace Conference.
20. Who proposed the League of Nations?
21. The British intercepted a telegram from the German ambassador Arthur _____________ to Mexico,
which ultimately led to the U.S. entering the war.
22. How did the Treaty of Versailles punish Germany? How did this affect postwar Germany?
23. What was the War Guilt Clause?
24. How many lives were lost in WWI?
Short Answer:
A) Explain the Schlieffen Plan.
B) Describe what life was like in the trenches during WWI.
C) What were the main ideas about the Treaty of Versailles?