
Global Studies I
Final Exam Review
1. Type of map that shows state or country boundaries:
2. Location based on latitude and longitude
3. The study of the earth and the people who live on it is called:
4. The earth split in two sections like northern/southern and eastern/western. What are these splits called?
5. Lines that are parallel to the Equator and run east to west are called:
6. People farming the land and building cities shows an example of which theme?
7. Line that separates the eastern and western hemispheres:
8.Useable substances of the earth but not made by humans are know as:
9. To say that Charleston is on the Atlantic Coast is an example of:
10. What are non-renewable resources?
11. A narrow strip of land that separates two larger landmasses is called:
12. The measure of how hot or cold something is:
13. The number of people who live in an area:
14. As elevation (height above sea level) increases, temperature:
15. The average number of people per square mile:
16. The falling of moisture to the earth is called?
17. Name the early “culture hearths” (5)
18. Which of the following studies artifacts from ancient times?
19. What time in the past does “prehistoric” refer to?
20. The material to have a great impact on advances in weapons and tools:
21. What marked the beginning of history in early cities?
22. The start of agriculture had what effects?
23. The oldest human remains have been found on the continent of:
24. The early hominid that was known as “upright man” is called….
25. The way of life for a group of people
26. People who work only at one job are know as _________ which shows the skill they have developed.
27. Means “wedged shaped” and is the writing style developed by the Sumerians.
28. Instead of using money, older civilizations would ________ or trade different goods or services for what
they needed.
29. People in Sumer who trained to be writers are called __________.
30. The development of _______________ was a direct result of the growth of wealth and population in the
cites of Sumer.
31. Area of land that that lies between the Tigris and the Euphrates. This word literally means “Land
between the rivers.”
32. The people of Mesopotamia used canals and dams to __________ their fields with water from the
33. The first Hominids appeared in which area of the world?
34. The remains of these early men were found in the Neander Valley, and exhibited a high level of culture
and sophistication. They cared for there old and their sick and used more sophisticated tools than most early
men. (think logically!)
35. The earliest men of the world made their living by……
36. The king of the Egyptians was known as___________. This means “great house of the King.”
37. The ________ people may have been wiped out by a flood or violence, but no one is sure of why they
died out.
38. Rule of a city, kingdom or empire by a single family for an extended period of time.
39. As the new peoples of the world began trading and interacting with each other, their ways of life began to
merge and adapt to one another. New ideas, new products and new ways of doing things spread from one
culture to another in a process called _________.
40. All of the civilizations we have studied so far have been ___________, or held belief in multiple gods.
41. The Sumerian people were the first group on earth to develop the ___________ political unit, where a
city controls the land around it.
42. Sargon of Akkad was the first man to create an __________, or a political state that brings together
several independent peoples, nations and states under one ruler.
43. The Egyptian civilization was based around the _________ river.
44. This Egyptian king is famous for uniting upper and lower Egypt.
45. The Egyptian king was considered a god, and the whole government was based on the idea that the
king’s rule had a base in the country’s religion. This type of government is called a ____________.
46. Egyptians believed in eternal life, but also believed that the body needed to be preserved to have a
successful afterlife. What was this method of body preservation called?
47. The Egyptian writing style is known as _____________ which means “sacred carving” in Greek.
48. The Hittites were the first people to use ____________ weapons and tools.
49. The _________ people moved into the Indus river valley around 1500 BC, taking over from the people
who were already there.
50. The people from the previous question that moved into the Indus valley called the people who already
lived there _________.
51. In Hinduism ___________ was the main founder of the religion.
52. ___________ was the founder of Buddhism.
53. _________________believed in reincarnation after death.
54. ____________ felt that the caste system was appropriate and encouraged people to remain in their place.
55. ___________ felt that the caste system was wrong and thought people should be judged on what they do,
not how they were born.
56. The __________ were the top class of the Aryan castes.
57. What was the original name of the Aryan religion?
58. The main religion of the Aryans is ___________.
59. The Buddha believed in ______ noble truths.
60. The Hindus believed that ________ determined how you would be reincarnated. It was the collection of
the good and bad deeds of the soul.
61. ___________ is a spiritual teacher who has achieved great knowledge and wisdom.
62. Where did the Dravidians believe that their gods lived?
63. This was the promised land of the Hebrews, promised to their founding father by their God.
64. The first five books of the bible are known as the _________ in Judaism.
65. ____________ changed from a religion of individual self-discipline and self-denial to a mass religion of
66. ____________ started to become more monotheistic as it changed during the Mauryan and Gupta
67. The change in Buddhism brought about the idea of the _____________, who sat at the door to Nirvana
and waits until all others can enter before he goes into Nirvana.
68. Buddhism divided into two ________ or groups, those that followed the older beliefs and those that
followed the newer beliefs.
69. One of the new popular gods in Hinduism was __________ the destroyer.
70. _____________ wrote the Shakuntala, a play that is still admired today in India. This and other plays
from India encouraged art and dance all over Asia.
71. The modern ________ were invented in this time in India, giving mathematics a standard form.
72. Indian traders be came “middle men” for the ___________, a trade route from China that brought
Chinese goods to the West.
73. The increase in trade also brought a rise in ____________.
74. ______________ Buddhists follow the old ways of Buddhism.
75. Greek soldiers became heavily armed in the 800-700 BC periods, carrying sword, shield, spear, and
covered in heavy bronze armor. What were these individual soldiers of the Greek armies called?
76. Greek soldiers would line up in 8 to 16 rows and up to 2000 men across. They would overlap their
shields and march together to give each other protection while fighting. What was this formation of the
Greek soldiers called?
77. Why did Sparta want to fight Athens?
78. _______________ became powerful due to its involvement and dominance of the Delian league.
79. _____________ made Athens into a more direct democracy. He ruled over Athens for thirty years, but
died in a plague in the beginning of the Peloponnesian War. While alive he established Direct Democracy in
Athens and increased the number of paid public officials in Athens.
80. Who was the Greek commander at Marathon?
81. Who was the Persian commander in the battle of Marathon?
82. The Mycenaean Greeks learned writing, religion, sea trade and other cultural activities from a single
civilization. What civilization was that?
83. What was the primary (main) weapon of the Greek Hoplite soldier?
84. Blind poet who was responsible for composing (creating) the Odyssey and the Iliad.
85. Traditional stories about the gods in Greece were called….
86. Who won at the battle of Marathon?
87. Which group of Greeks took over after the collapse of the Mycenaean Civilization? The started the Dark
Ages because they did not learn to read or write.
88. What war is the Odyssey and the Iliad based on?
89. Who was the Persian Commander at Thermopylae?
90. Which group of Greeks took over after the collapse of the Mycenaean Civilization? The started the Dark
Ages because they did not learn to read or write.
91. Athenian who introduced a set of harsh, but fair, laws that considered everyone equal, whether rich or
92. Athenian who broke the power of the nobility and increased the power of the Assembly by creating the
Council of 500
93. Technical name for any city-state that controlled the land around it in Greece
94. Man who created the Spartan lifestyle
95. Name of the land in which the Spartans lived
96. government rule that lies in the hands of all voting citizens
97. Due to the Persian War, one of the Greek cities became more powerful and wealthy due to the Delian
league. Which city was it?
98. Name given to the Messenians after the Spartans conquered them
99. Battle where 300 Spartans and 7000 other Greeks fought 250,000 Persians to protect Athens
100. Spartan characteristic of not saying much