Vocab sheet for Ancient Greece

Vocab sheet for Ancient Greece
1. Describe the Minoan
2. What happened to the
Minoan civilization?
3. Knossos
4. Mycenaean’s
5. What impact did the
Mycenaean civilization
have on later Greeks?
6. Trojan War
7. Homer
8. Iliad
9. Odyssey
10. City-States
11. Why was the sea so
important to the Greeks?
12. Polis
13. Acropolis
14. Monarchy
15. Aristocracy
16. Oligarchy
17. How did the Phalanx
affect Greek society and
18. Spartan Government
19. Helots
20. Males in Sparta
21. Women in Sparta
22. Athens
23. Males in Athens
24. Women in Athens
25. How did Athens become
a Democracy?
26. Solon
27. Draco’s Code
28. Legislature
P 110
29. What was the purpose of
the Council of 500?
30. Persian Wars
31. Delian League
32. What did Pericles do for
33. Direct democracy
34. Stipend
35. Ostracism
36. Funeral Oration
37. Peloponnesian War
P 115
38. Rhetoric
39. Socrates
40. Plato
41. Aristotle
42. Parthenon
43. Greek Plays
44. Herodotus
45. Thucydides
P 120
46. Phillip II
47. Alexander the Great
48. assimilated
49. Alexandria
50. Opportunities for
51. Hellenistic Civilization