Head & Neck Epicranius Frontalis Wrinkles forehead horizontally Epicranius Occipitalis Pulls scalp backward Orbicularis Oculi Blink & wink; closes eye Orbicularis Oris Kissin’ & whistlin’; puckers lips Buccinator Compresses cheeks to teeth; holds food in mouth while chewing Zygomaticus Major Smiling; pulls lips outward Zygomaticus Minor Smiling; pulls lips outward Platysma Tenses neck; assists in frowing Masseter Elevates mandible; chewing Origin: zygomatic arch Insertion: mandible Temporalis Elevates mandible; chewing Sternoceidomastoid Flexes head & neck (prayer); abducts head side to side Splenius Capitis Extends head & neck; rotates neck toward side of contracted muscle Semispinalis Capitis Extends head & neck Levator Labii Superioris Lifts lip up (toward eye) Depressor Anguli Oris Frowning Medial Pterygoid Chewing Lateral Pterygoid Chewing Suprahyoid Infrahyoid Epicranial Aponeurosis Connective tissue in between epicranius frontalis & occipitalis Abdomen Rectus Abdominis Flexes trunk Origin: Pubic Symphysis Insertion: Sternum External Oblique Compresses abdomen; rotates trunk laterally Internal Oblique Posture; helps to flatten the lumbar curve of spine Transverse Abdominis Compresses abdomen; rotates trunk laterally Shoulders & Chest Trapezius Shrugs shoulders Rhomboid Major Retracts, rotates, and fixes the scapula Levator Scapulae Elevates and retracts the scapula; abducts the neck Serratus Anterior Pulls shoulder down & forward (hugging yourself) Pectoralis Major Flexes the arm; adducts the arm anteriorly (across chest) Pectoralis Minor Pulls shoulder girdle down & forward (hugging yourself) Teres Major Assists in extension, adduction, and medial rotation of the arm Teres Minor Rotates the arm outward Latissimus Dorsi Extends the arm; adducts the arm posteriorly Origin: Vertebrae Insertion: Humerus Supraspinatus Assists in abducting the arm (rotator cuff) Infraspinatus Assists in abducting the arm (rotator cuff) Deltoid Abducts the arm; assists in flexion & extension of the arm Rhomboid Minor Retracts, rotates, and fixes the scapula Arms Biceps Brachii Flexes the supinated forearm; supinates the forearm & hand Origin: Scapula Triceps Brachii Insertion: Radius Extends the lower arm Origin: Scapula & humerus Insertion: Ulna Brachialis Flexes the pronated arm Brachioradialis Supinates the forearm & hand Coracobrachialis Adduction; assists in flexion & medial rotation of the arm Pronator Teres Pronates and flexes the forearm Flexor Carpi Radialis Flexes the hand Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Flexes the hand Palmaris Longus Flexes the hand Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Extends the hand Extensor Digitorum Extends the hand Extensor Digiti Minimi Extends the hand Thighs & Hips Rectus Femoris Flexes the thigh; extends the leg Origin: Ilium Vastus Medialis Extends the leg Vastus Lateralis Extends the leg Sartorius Crosses the legs Gracilis Adducts the thigh Adductor Longus Adducts the thigh Gluteus Maximus Extends the thigh; rotates outward Gluteus Medius Abducts the thigh Origin: Ilium Tensor Fasciae Latae Abducts the thigh Biceps Femoris Extends the thigh; flexes the leg Semitendinosus Extends the thigh; flexes the leg Semimembranosus Extends the thigh; flexes the leg Origin: Ischial tuberosity Adductor Brevis Insertion:Patella Insertion: Greater Trochanter Insertion: Medial condyle of the tibia Adductor Lower Leg Gastrocnemius Plantar flexion; flexes leg Tibialis Anterior Dorsiflexion; inverts the foot Origin:Tibia Soleus Plantar flexion Extensor Digitorum Longus Dorsiflexion Fibularis Longus Plantar flexion; everts the foot Insertion: Calcaneus