

Human Anatomy and Physiology I

Camden County College

John-Paul Vermitsky

The Muscles that YOU WILL NEED TO KNOW for the EXAM. Be sure to also identify where each muscle is located.





Orbicularis oculi


Levator labii superioris

Depressor labii inferioris

Depressor anguli oris

Orbicularis oris







Splenius capitus

Rectus abdominus

External oblique

Internal oblique

Transverse abdominis


External intercostals

Internal intercostals


Rhomboideus major

Levator scapulae

Serratus anterior

Pectoralis minor

Pectoralis major






Consists of the occipitalis and frontalis muscles connected by the aponeurosis

Raises eyebrows and wrinkles forehead horizontally.

Pulls scalp posteriorly

Closes the eye

Pulls angle of mouth upward

Opens the lips; raises the upper lip.

Draws lower lip inferiorly

Antagonist of the zygomaticus; draws corners of mouth downward and laterally.

Closes and puckers the lips; shapes lips during speech

Protrudes lower lip and wrinkles the chin.

Compresses cheeks inward

Draws angle of mouth downward; opens mouth

Raises the mandible

Raises the mandible

Contraction of both muscles flexes head toward the chest; contraction of one muscle turns head away from contracting muscle

Contraction of both muscles extends head; contraction of one muscle turns head toward same side as contracting muscle

Tightens abdominal pelvic wall; compresses internal organs; flexes the vertebral column

Tightens abdominalpelvic wall and compresses internal organs

Tightens abdominalpelvic wall and compresses internal organs

Tightens abdominalpelvic wall and compresses internal organs

Forms floor of thoracic cavity; lowers during contraction, causing inspiration

Raises ribs upward and outward during inspiration

Draws ribs downward and inward during expiration

Elevates clavicle; adducts and elevates scapula; extends head

Adducts and elevates scapula

Elevates scapula

Pulls scapula downward and anteriorly

Pulls scapula anteriorly and downward

Adducts humerus; draws it forward across chest

Adducts and flexes humerus

Abducts, flexes, and extends humerus

Assists deltoid in abducting humerus

Rotates humerus laterally

Latissimus dorsi

Teres major

Teres minor

Biceps brachii



Triceps brachii

Flexor carpi radialis

Flexor carpi ulnaris

Palmaris longus

Extensor carpi radialis longus

Extensor carpi ulnaris

Extensor digitorum


Psoas major

Gluteus maximus

Gluteus medius

Tensor fascia latae

Adductor longus

Adductor magnus

Qadraiceps Femoris

Rectus femoris

Vastus lateralis

Vastus medialis

Vastus intermedialis


Biceps femoris







Peroneus longus

Tibialis anterior

Extensor digitorum longus

Medial pterygoid

Lateral pterygoid





Erector spinae

Adducts and extends humerus; rotates humerus medially

Extends, adducts, and rotates humerus medially

Rotates humerus laterally

Flexes and rotates forearm laterally; supination

Flexes forearm

Flexes forearm

Extends forearm

Flexes and abducts wrist

Flexes and adducts wrist

Flexes wrist

Extends and abducts the wrist

Extends and adducts wrist

Extends fingers

Flexes thigh

Flexes thigh

Extends and rotates thigh laterally

Abducts and rotates thigh medially

Flexes and abducts thigh

Adducts, flexes, and rotates thigh laterally

Adducts, flexes, and rotates thight laterally

A composite thigh muscle formed of four parts that are usually described as separate muscles. Each muscle has a common tendon that attaches to the patella and continues as the patellar ligament to the tibial tuberosity. Consists of the

Rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and vastus intermedius.

Extends the leg and flexes the thigh

Extends leg

Extends leg

Extends leg

Three distinct muscles of the posterior thigh; consists of the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and the semimembranosus

Flexes and rotates leg laterally; extends thigh

Flexes and rotates leg medially; extends thigh

Flexes and rotates leg medially; extends thigh

Flexes and rotate leg medially; extends thigh

Flexes thigh; rotates leg medially and thigh laterally as when crossing legs

Planter flexes foot and flexes leg

Planter flexes foot

Plantar flexes and everts foot; supports arch

Dorsiflexes and inverts foot

Dorsiflexes and everts foot; extends toes

Synergist of temporalis and masseter muscles in elevation of mandible; side to side movements of the mandible with the laeral pterygoid

Protrudes mandible; provides forward sliding and side to side grinding movements of the lower teeth

Primarily protrudes tongue

Depresses tongue and draws its sides

Retracts and elevates the tongue

Elevates the first two ribs (aiding in inspiration); flexes and rotates the neck

Prime movers of back extension; consists of the iliocostalis,





Quadratus lumborum





Levator scapulae




Psoas major

Extensor digitorum brevis

Flexor digitorum brevis

Abductor hallucis

Abductor digiti minimi longissimus, spinalis

Extend vertebral column; maintain erect posture; acting on one side, bend vertebral column to same side

Extend the vertebral column and acting on one side bend it laterally

Extends the vertebral column

Extends the vertebral column and head and rotates them to opposite sides

Flexes the vertebral column laterally when acting separately; when acting together they maintain posture

Empties the male urethra; assists in the erection of the penis in males and clitoris in females

Retards venous drainage and maintains erection of penis or clitoris

Supports pelvic vicera

Act together to retract scapula, thus “squaring shoulders”; stabilizes scapula

Elevates and adducts scapula in concert with trapezius

Assists biceps brachii to forcibly supinate forearm

Iliopsias is a composite of two closely related muscles (iliacus and psoas major) whose fibers pass under the inguinal ligament to insert via a common tendon on the femur

Prime mover for flexing thigh or for flexing trunk on thigh during a bow

Prime mover for flexing thigh or for flexing trunk on thigh during a bow; also effects lateral flexion or vertebral column; important muscle in posture

Helps extend toes at metatarsophalangeal joints

Flex toes

Abducts great toe

Abducts and flexes little toe

Camden County College

Anatomy & Physiology I

The Muscles Quiz

Name ____________________________________ Date ______________________________


A fascicle is a a.

Muscle b.

Bundle of muscle fibers enclosed by a connective tissue sheath c.

Bundle of myofibrils d.

Group of myofilaments


The function of the T tubules in muscle contraction is to a.

Make and store glycogen b.

Release calcium into the cell interior and pick it up again c.

Transmit the action potential deep into the muscle cells d.

Form proteins


During muscle contraction, ATP is provided by (a) a coupled reaction of ADP and creatine phosphate, (b) aerobic respiration of glucose, (c) anaerobic glycolysis: i.

____Which provides ATP faster? ii.

____Which does (do) not require that oxygen be available? iii.

____Which provides the highest yield of ATP? iv.

____Which results in the formation of lactic acid? v.

____Which has carbon dioxide and water products? vi.

____Which is most important in endurance sports?
