
Lake County Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP)
700 South J Street
Lakeview, OR 97630
11/20/2014 CAC/CHIP Meeting
Meeting Minutes
Date and Time:
11/20/2014; 5:30pm – 7:00pm (dinner provided)
Lake District Hospital, Penn Wilbur Conference Room
Partnership members, staff, and guests in attendance: Charlie Tveit, Tallulah Chiono, Rachel
Klippenstein, Dala Pardue, Deb Diment (by phone), Mike Newcombe, Jamie Davis, Vicky Taylor,
Anne Kasbohm, Shree Morgan, Steve Brown, Diane Clay, Michaela Berry, Jimmy Hall, Angie
Curtis, Linda Watson, Connie Steward, John Bunch, Eric Sarensen, Maeve McClellan Trick,
Anne King (by phone), Paul McGinnis (by phone) and John Adams
Call to Order
5:30pm – Charlie Tveit
The meeting was called to order by Chair Charlie Tveit at 5:30pm. Charlie provided an opportunity for
public comment.
Welcome and Introductions
5:35pm – Charlie Tveit
5:40pm – Charlie Tveit
Charlie presented the October 23rd 2014 meeting minutes. Diane Clay moved to accept the meeting
minutes as presented. Mike Newcombe seconded the motion. The motion was presented and passed
Charlie discussed the incentive metric funding, which amounts to a little over $3000. Charlie
recommended that we identify 2 individuals who can work with Charlie and Coordinator John Adams
to form a subcommittee, review the incentive metric funding, and make recommendations to the larger
group about how to spend the funding. Charlie nominated Mary Wilkie and Vicky Taylor to participate
on the subcommittee, and they both accepted.
Charlie discussed the need to appoint a Lake County board representative to the Eastern Oregon
Healthy Living Alliance, and new regional nonprofit supporting community health development
initiatives in the 12 county region of the EOCCO. Charlie nominated John Adams. Vicky Taylor made
a motion to appoint John Adams to the board of the EOHLA. Diane Clay seconded. The motion was
presented and passed unanimously.
Linda Watson presented some financial literacy resources. Linda stated she could be available
following the meeting to answer any questions about the resources.
Lake County CHIP Coordinator: John V. Adams
Ofc. (541) 947-2114 Ext 375 | Cell (541) 219-0907 | jadams@lakehealthdistrict.org
Lake County Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP)
700 South J Street
Lakeview, OR 97630
Charlie acknowledged November 20th as National Rural Health Day.
Introduction to Community Based Participatory Research
5:45pm – Paul McGinnis
Paul McGinnis presented on community based participatory research. Paul reviewed the community
based participatory research presentation provided to the group. This work stems from the OHSU
program CHIRP, which adds a Research component to the CHIP model. The grant opportunity is the
through the National Institutes of Health. The goal is to impact oral health of kids 0-36 months. Paul is
recruiting volunteers from the 12 counties of the EOCCO. He is looking for 2 representatives from
Lake County. Volunteering includes an all-day boot camp type of meeting and quarterly meetings in
person or by phone. The volunteer opportunity comes with a $500 stipend/year for each volunteer.
The grant will also cover travel expenses to and from meetings. CAC members and/or the general
public can volunteer.
Early Childhood
6:00pm – Angie Curtis
Angie Curtis presented on early childhood development (presentation provided to meeting
participants). Angie discussed that she is working on early childhood development on a grant through
the Healthy Eastern Oregon Consortium. The grant focuses on increased partnerships between Public
Health agencies and the EOCCO to impact early childhood development through a number of programs
including childhood developmental screenings and pre-natal home visits. Angie is coordinating with
the Oregon Pediatric Society to provide trainings in both Christmas Valley and Lakeview for clinic
providers on the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ). The trainings are planned for December.
Transformation Grants - Monitoring and Evaluations
6:10pm – Anne King
Anne King discussed the role of the OHSU Center for Evidenced Based Policy in supporting the
EOCCO in selecting Transformation Grant projects (presentation provided to meeting participants).
The Center for Evidence Based Policy also has supported Transformation Grant awardees in effectively
monitoring and evaluating their projects. Lake County received 3 Transformation Grants, including
Warner Mountain Medical Clinic, Patient Centered Primary Care Home
Lake County Mental Health, Mental Health First Aid
Lake Health District, Home Health and Hospice, Patient Navigator Program
Dala Pardue discussed their Transformation Grant project to establish a Patient Centered Primary Care
Home (PCPCH). Goals include increasing access to care by increasing provider hours, conduct
adolescent well visits, perform the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) with parents of children 0-36
months, develop a shared decision making tool between providers and patients, and develop
communication between providers and staff regarding patient care.
Lake County CHIP Coordinator: John V. Adams
Ofc. (541) 947-2114 Ext 375 | Cell (541) 219-0907 | jadams@lakehealthdistrict.org
Lake County Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP)
700 South J Street
Lakeview, OR 97630
Eric Sarensen discussed the Patient Navigator program. The program addresses psycho-social barriers
to care with a Patient Navigator. The goal is to help patients appropriately utilize the health system.
The Patient Navigator connects patients to resources and care and helps them take responsibility for
their health. The program works with high ER utilizers to appropriately utilize the health care system
and work more closely with their primary care providers. Eric provided an example of transportation
can be a barrier to health care and how they have had to work with the DMV to help individuals obtain
the ability to transport themselves to health care services. Eric reported that they are working with 15
clients in N. Lake County and 10 in the Lakeview area.
John Adams reported that Ben Paz could not report on the Mental Health First Aid program, because he
was out sick and could not attend the meeting.
6:45pm – John Adams/
Maeve Trick
John reviewed the strategic planning process over the summer. He reviewed the variety of ways that
strategies can be developed to address problems, including adopting evidence-based best practices,
adopting and tailoring evidence-based best practices to the unique circumstances and needs of a local
community, creating projects using Population Intervention, Control, and Outcome (PICO), action
steps, and policy changes. Over the summer, each workgroup identified additional strategies to be
included in the community health improvement strategic plan. The group is now working to
develop the strategies similar to how the group developed the original strategies in the2014 Lake
County Community Health Improvement Plan, including (1) the problem statement, (2) the strategy, (3)
lead organization, (4) measurable outcomes and (5) budget. Last month the group focused on
presenting the strategies or interventions and this month this month the goal is to focus in on
developing the measurable outcomes.
Strategic Planning Interventions, Measurable Outcomes
Maeve McClellan-Trick discussed how to create SMART goals or measurable outcomes. SMART
stands for S=Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.
John instructed the meeting participants to form four groups, one for each health priority including oral
health, mental health, physical activity and senior services. The groups were tasked with reviewing
existing strategies, discussing measurable outcomes and reporting back to the large group.
Charlie presented on the oral health strategies. The group agreed with the existing measurable
outcomes. They recommended to combine strategy 1, the First Tooth program (fluoride varnish with
children 0-36 months) and strategy 2, which is the fluoride varnish program with children in early
learning settings including Head Start. The recommended that the timeline for the First Tooth program
begin in January 2015 and end in December 2015 and that the fluoride varnish program in the preLake County CHIP Coordinator: John V. Adams
Ofc. (541) 947-2114 Ext 375 | Cell (541) 219-0907 | jadams@lakehealthdistrict.org
Lake County Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP)
700 South J Street
Lakeview, OR 97630
school setting be conducted from September 2014 to July 2015. Finally, they recommended that
strategy 3, which expands access and outreach through “dental days” and/or “dental vans”, be
conducted from September 2014 to June 2015.
Jamie Davis reported on the physical activity strategies. The group focused on discussing strategy 1,
which focuses on physical activity health education, promotion, and outreach. The group discussed
that the existing measurable outcome was adequate and discussed how they measurable outcome could
be tracked by tracking the participants at physical activity programs within the community.
Shree Morgan reported back on the senior services strategies. Shree discussed strategy 1, to partner
with the Lake County Senior Center and provide cardio physical activities for seniors. She reported
that the Senior Center currently has the Strong People program, which focuses on strength building and
that they are working to get Zumba Gold or Zumba for seniors established at the Senior Center. The
group agreed with the existing measurable outcome of increasing physical activity of seniors
participating in the Zumba program by 15% over the program year. Shree also discussed strategy 2,
which focuses on working with the Senior Navigator to connect seniors with youth programs. The
Senior Navigator has been hired. Measurable outcomes were not identified. Shree also discussed
strategy 3, and the group agreed with the process outcomes; however, the timeline would be some time
in the future when the Senior Center is more stable.
Next meeting/Adjourn
7:00pm – Charlie Tveit
Lake County CHIP Coordinator: John V. Adams
Ofc. (541) 947-2114 Ext 375 | Cell (541) 219-0907 | jadams@lakehealthdistrict.org