Lake County Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP) 700 South J Street

Lake County Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP)
700 South J Street
Lakeview, OR 97630
CAC/CHIP Meeting #8
Meeting Minutes
Date and Time:
3/20/2014; 5:30pm – 7:00pm (dinner provided)
Lake District Hospital, Penn Wilbur room
Partnership members, staff, and guests in attendance: Ray Simms, Anne Kasbohm, Ben Paz, David
Kerr, Jake Greer, Ken Kestner, Mike Newcombe, Charlie Tveit, Glenna Wade, Tallulah Chiono, Dala
Pardue, Mary Wilkie, Charissa Kucera (by phone), Rachel Klippenstein, Deb Diment, Pat Widenoja (by
phone), John Adams, Cecelia Montgomery, and Jill Sipes (by phone).
Call to Order
5:35pm – Charlie Tveit
 The meeting was called to order by Coordinator John Adams at 5:35pm.
Mr. Adams provided an opportunity for public comment.
5:35pm – Charlie Tveit
Welcome and Introductions
5:40pm – Charlie Tveit
 Tule Chiono made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of the February 20, 2014
meeting minutes as presented. Ray Simms seconded the motion. The motion was
presented and passed unanimously.
 Charlie thanked everyone for their contributions over the course of the first year of the
program. He discussed the latest activity with the Transformation Grant and reported
that 52 Letters of Intent were submitted over the 12 county region of the EOCCO and 5
LOIs were from Lakeview. Charlie mentioned that the full proposals were due by April
 Paul McGinnis discussed how OHSU will be reviewing proposals and not the EOCCO,
to create a fair review process.
 Charlie talked about other funding sources available, including grant funding through
Moda for dental. Charlie mentioned a couple of programs that provide dental vans
programs including ODS and Northwest Medical.
 Tule announced the Chamber of Commerce mixer with CARES (Child Abuse Response
and Evaluation Services) at LHD in front of Dr Bradbury's office.
Lake County Needs Assessment
5:45pm – Paul McGinnis
Paul McGinnis provided a review of the Lake County Needs Assessment produced by the
EOCCO. The information was provided to the EOCCO from our local needs assessment
Lake County CHIP Coordinator: John V. Adams
Ofc. (541) 947-2114 Ext 375 | Cell (541) 219-0907 |
Lake County Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP)
700 South J Street
Lakeview, OR 97630
process and includes a comparative analysis with the other 11 counties of the EOCCO. John
Adams requested that CAC members review the assessment and contact him by the end of the
next week with any recommended changes or edits.
Lake County Community Health Improvement Plan
6:00pm – John Adams
John Adams provided a review of the draft Lake County Community Health Improvement Plan.
He stated he would work with lead agencies or programs and the workgroups to identify
specific measurable outcomes for the strategies and talked about setting SMART goals, which
are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.
John announced that Charlie and him planned to attend an EOCCO regional implementation
and fundraising strategy development work session on April 7th. The purpose is for the 12
counties of EOCCO to work together to organize a regional fundraising event to help raise
funds for our projects, current and future.
Transition to Lake County CHIP Year 2
6:20pm – John Adams
John Adams provided a review of the Lake County CHIP program Year 2 activities handout.
He announced that the Office of Rural Health would help fund and continue to partner with the
CHIP program in year 2, including providing facilitation support for the strategic planning
process. He also announced that the Office of Rural Health would have an implementation
grant available, and the ORH will provide the details to apply in early April.
John Adams provided a statement from the Office of Rural Health regarding our partnership
over the course of year 1 and continued partnership in year 2.
Mike Newcombe provided some encouraging and inspiring words for the work we are doing.
John asked the group to fill out the program evaluation form and return it the following Friday,
March 28th.
Next meeting/Adjourn
 Goals and objectives
7:00pm – Charlie Tveit
Lake County CHIP Coordinator: John V. Adams
Ofc. (541) 947-2114 Ext 375 | Cell (541) 219-0907 |