Lake County Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP) 700 South J Street

Lake County Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP)
700 South J Street
Lakeview, OR 97630
CAC/CHIP Meeting #7
Meeting Minutes
Date and Time:
2/20/2014; 5:30pm – 7:00pm (dinner provided)
Lake District Hospital, Penn Wilbur room
Partnership members, staff, and guests in attendance: Ray Simms, Mike Newcombe, Charlie Tveit,
Glenna Wade, Tallulah Chiono, Dala Pardue, Debbie Utley, Mary Wilkie, Charissa Kucera, Rachel
Klippenstein, Chrystal Johnson, Mary Wilkie, Vicky Taylor Deb Diment (by phone) Pat Widenoja (by
phone), Barbara Vandenberg (by phone), Brianna McCoy (by phone), John Adams, Meredith Guardino
(ORH), Diane Clay, Cecelia Montgomery, Bernie Burkholder, Elizabeth Mitchell, Connie Steward,
Jennifer Stephens, Ryan Davidson, Teresa Squires, Shree Morgan, Cheryl Cornwell, Ryan Bonham,
Estella Gomez (by phone), Teresa Thomas, Deanna Lambert (by phone) and Sharity Ludwig (by
5:30pm – Charlie Tveit
Call to Order
 Food
 Sign in
 Public comment
Welcome and Introductions
5:35pm – Charlie Tveit
The meeting was called to order by Chariman Charlie Tveit at 5:35pm.
Mr. Tveit provided an opportunity for public comment.
5:40pm – Charlie Tveit
Vicky Taylor made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of the October 17, 2013 meeting
minutes as presented. Charissa Kucera seconded the motion. The motion was presented and
passed unanimously.
Mr. Tveit provided a review of the agenda.
John Adams announced that the deadline to submit the Lake County Community Health
Improvement Plan to the EOCCO has been extended to April 18th, 2014.
Project Funding Review and Updates
5:45pm – John Adams
John Adams provided a review of the funding, including:
 At RCAC, it was discussed how $1.6m Transformation Grant funds will be dispersed
Lake County CHIP Coordinator: John V. Adams
Ofc. (541) 947-2114 Ext 375 | Cell (541) 219-0907 |
Lake County Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP)
700 South J Street
Lakeview, OR 97630
based on a 3 tier system.
The EOCCO would like to make available at least $30K in Transformation Fund Grants
to each county; however, they do not hand over that $30K. We still have to submit
strong proposals for that funding. Additionally, we're eligible for more funding through
a competitive process, meaning we can submit proposals and compete with other
proposals for funding.
OHSU will evaluate proposals, they organized a Q and A call today, they recommend
minimizing the number of proposals we submit and collaborate on proposals when it
makes sense.
EOCCO transformation Grant funds must be spent from the period July 1st 2014
through June 30, 2015. We must consider how we'll sustain our programs and articulate
our sustainability plans within our proposals.
The CCOs in Oregon are planning to lobby the legislature for more funding for
implementation projects; however, if received, those funds will likely not be available
for another year
The RCAC supported a proposal by Charlie that we collaborate around a regional
fundraising strategy. So, a fundraising committee has formed, and we're working
together to raise funding for many of our projects throughout the region. We're probably
not going to see any funding from this for several months to a year.
There's limited funding, and we're likely not to fund all of our projects this year, and
we'll have to raise additional funding for this year, for future projects, and to be able to
sustain all of these projects. This is the same reality for all 12 CACs of the EOCCO.
John discussed the current funding paths available, including:
 $25K (approx.) through CHIP Implementation Funds
 $30K (competitive) minimally through Transformation Funds, and we're eligible to
apply for additional Transformation Funds through a competitive process
 The option to raise additional funding by partnering with foundations and philanthropic
Workgroup Presentations
5:50pm – John Adams
Dala Pardue shared the strategies developed by the Dental workgroup, which was provided in
the CHIP strategies document.
There was a comment to include Solid Rock, a private school in North Lake. Mary Wilkie
suggested providing the Cover Oregon dental insurance applications with the outreach and
registration materials. Meredith Guardino commented that the dental data focuses on services
Lake County CHIP Coordinator: John V. Adams
Ofc. (541) 947-2114 Ext 375 | Cell (541) 219-0907 |
Lake County Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP)
700 South J Street
Lakeview, OR 97630
and access and not on prevention, and the introduction could be stronger with more data
supporting the need for prevention.
Mental Health:
Teresa Squires shared the strategies developed by the Mental Health workgroup, which was
provided in the CHIP strategies document. Meredith Guardino underscored the importance of
measuring the impact to ER utilization. Also, she commented that the behavioral/mental health
integration into primary care is a strong strategy that the EOCCO will be interested in
Physical Activity:
Jamie Davis shared the strategies developed by the Physical Activity workgroup, which was
provided in the CHIP strategies document. There was a suggestion for the Physical Activity
workgroup to work with the YMCA around a centralized recreational/physical activity center.
There is a grant for planning for establishing a Park and Rec district, and Ray will forward John
Adams the information.
Senior Services:
Ryan Davidson shared the strategies developed by the Physical Activity workgroup, which was
provided in the CHIP strategies document.
Lake County CHIP:
John Adams shared his proposal and activities to provide health education, promotion, and
outreach for the Oral Health and Physical Activity groups, which was provided in the CHIP
activities handout. Additionally, the Lake County CHIP activities include administering the
scholarship program, conducting the adult oral health assessment, and working on sustainability
of implementation projects.
Lake County Community Health Improvement Plan
6:50pm – John Adams
Charlie Tveit discussed how the Mental Health strategy to integrate behavioral/mental health
with primary care is a priority for the EOCCO. He also stated that there are other opportunities
outside of CHIP strategies to seek Transformation Grant funding and mentioned how
Navigators or Community Health Workers and establishing Patient-Centered Primary Care
Homes are priorities for the EOCCO and opportunities for our community. Charlie
recommended that Lake County CHIP exist as a clearinghouse for all Lake County proposals
for Transformation Grant funding, so we can coordinate our efforts. No decision was made.
There was some discussion about funding availability and funding strategies, with no clear plan
presented or an agreement on how to fund the strategies that require funding. The group agreed
Lake County CHIP Coordinator: John V. Adams
Ofc. (541) 947-2114 Ext 375 | Cell (541) 219-0907 |
Lake County Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP)
700 South J Street
Lakeview, OR 97630
to establish a subcommittee to coordinate, review, and support the submission of Letter of
Intents and full proposals for the Transformation Grant funding and other funding sources.
Glenna Wade, Mary Wilkie, Dala Pardue, Chrystal Johnson, Charlie Tveit, Jamie Davis,
Cecelia Montgomery, and Vicky Taylor volunteered to participate on the subcommittee.
Next meeting/Adjourn
7:00pm – Charlie Tveit
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 20 , 5:30-7:00pm at Lake District Hospital.
Lake County CHIP Coordinator: John V. Adams
Ofc. (541) 947-2114 Ext 375 | Cell (541) 219-0907 |