Lake County Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP) 700 South J Street

Lake County Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP)
700 South J Street
Lakeview, OR 97630
5/15/2014 CAC/CHIP Meeting
Meeting Minutes
Date and Time:
5/15/2014; 5:30pm – 7:00pm (dinner provided)
Town of Lakeview, Annex room
Partnership members, staff, and guests in attendance: Ray Simms, Charlie Tveit, Tallulah
Chiono, Mary Wilkie, Charissa Kucera, Rachel Klippenstein, Vicky Taylor, Cecilia Montgomery,
Anne Kasbohm, Jamie Davis, Ken Kestner, Deb Diment (by phone) John Adams, Justin Valley,
Bernie Berkholder, Ryan Bonham, and Deanna Simon.
Call to Order
5:30pm – Charlie Tveit
The meeting was called to order by Chair Charlie Tveit at 5:40pm. Charlie provided an opportunity for
public comment.
Welcome and Introductions
5:35pm – Charlie Tveit
5:40pm – Charlie Tveit
Charlie provided an opportunity for public comment. Deanna Simone with CCO Oregon discussed
their efforts to sign up the uninsured in Lake County. CCO Oregon partners with Lake County Public
Health and other local partners to provide health insurance under the Cover Oregon program. She is a
local resource and willing to provide education, support and assistance for any community partners
interested in helping their clients sign up for health insurance coverage.
Tule Chiono made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of the April 17, 2014 meeting minutes as
presented. Vicky Taylor seconded the motion. The motion was presented and passed unanimously.
Charlie Tveit provided the update that the LHD was working with the Greenhouse Group around the
feasibility of an assisted living facility. Greenhouse Group held a meeting to get community input
about the facility. After determining the financial feasibility, more opportunities will be provided to the
community and public to get involved and provide input.
John Adams updated the group that the CHIP program helped to secure $8,000 in local funding and
worked with County Treasurer Anne Crumrine to submit a grant application for funding ($42,000 plus
local match) to develop a parks and rec master plan with the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department.
Additionally, CHIP supported the Lake County Senior Citizens Association in submitting a grant
Lake County CHIP Coordinator: John V. Adams
Ofc. (541) 947-2114 Ext 375 | Cell (541) 219-0907 |
Lake County Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP)
700 South J Street
Lakeview, OR 97630
application for $20,000 with the Oregon Office of Rural Health. The LOI has been accepted and the
results from the full application will be announced 5/16/2014.
John provided the recent updates of the Regional Community Advisory Council. The issues prioritized
include: Early Childhood, Mental Health, Community Health Workers, Oral Health, Public Health
Integration (including Chronic Disease Management), and Local Community Advisory Council Skill
Development. The RCAC will work to fund strategies and programs related to these issues through a
collaborative fundraising effort.
Strategic Planning
5:45pm – Justin Valley
Justin Valley discussed developing new strategies. The group may decide to prioritize another issue,
develop new problem statements, and/or develop new strategies with existing priorities. Charlie
emphasized the importance of considering strategies for the whole population and not just the Medicaid
Small groups were formed and the groups reported back ideas from their discussions.
Oral Health:
Birth to 3 program and emphasis
Dental sealant and fluoride varnish for early learning (Head Start, YMCA, others?)
Communication, education, and outreach
Physical Activity:
Focus on existing strategies
More coordination on existing strategies
CHIP promotion
Paper, health fair, Saturday market, churches, clinics, library, grocery stores, etc.
Senior Services:
Outreach and promotion
Senior Center needs to be more welcoming – hostess/greeters
Socializing programs
Physical activity
Lake County CHIP Coordinator: John V. Adams
Ofc. (541) 947-2114 Ext 375 | Cell (541) 219-0907 |
Lake County Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP)
700 South J Street
Lakeview, OR 97630
Mental Health:
Addressing the stigma around mental health
Outreach through physician offices
Elderly mental health
Developmental screenings
Early learning – Ages and Stages program
Mothers support groups
New mom
Post-partum depression
Retired folks help young mothers/babysitting
Integration of older adults and youth
Community Meeting Preparation
6:45pm – John Adams
Just before 7pm, John Adams asked for an additional 15 minutes from the group to discuss the
upcoming community meeting. The group decided to stay the additional time. John discussed the
upcoming June community meeting. The date has been set for Thursday, June 19th in Lakeview and
June 5th in Christmas Valley. The event theme is Healthy Outback. John reviewed the proposed
agenda. The purpose is to share the Lake County Community Health Improvement Plan with the
community and to get additional feedback from the community about other ideas to make Lake County
a healthier place. The nominal group technique will be used to identify the community’s health
priorities. Jamie Davis, Anne Kasbohm, and Charissa Kucera volunteered to be small group
facilitators. Tallulah Chiono and Vicky Taylor would not be able to attend.
Next meeting/Adjourn
Chairman Tveit adjourned the meeting at 7:13pm.
7:00pm – Charlie Tveit
Lake County CHIP Coordinator: John V. Adams
Ofc. (541) 947-2114 Ext 375 | Cell (541) 219-0907 |