US History Midterm Exam Review Sheet

US History Midterm Review Guide
Describe the impeachment of Andrew Johnson.
Identify the following: Worcester v. Georgia; Indian Removal Act; Trail of Tears:
Explain how the belief and actions of John Brown caused a rift between the North and South.
What was the ultimate goal of the Homestead Act?
List the importance of the 13th; 14th; and 15th Amendments.
Detail the impact that Thomas Paine’s Common Sense had on colonial America.
List the causes and results of the French and Indian War.
Identify the importance of the Freedmen’s Bureau.
Explain the relevance of the Battle of Wounded Knee.
Identify the impact these battles in the American Revolution: Yorktown; Lexington; Bunker Hill;
Saratoga; Trenton
Identify the terms of the Compromise of 1850:
List the weakness of the Articles of Confederation:
Identify Promontory Point, Utah:
Describe Thomas Edison’s impact on industrialization during the 19 th Century.
Analyze Jonathan Edward’s role during the First Great Awakening.
Evaluate the impact that Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin had on society.
Explain what King Philip’s War represented to the colonist living in New England.
Identify the similarities between antebellum slavery and reconstruction sharecropping.
What is the common denominator in the compromises made during the Constitutional
Convention (i.e. Three-Fifth’s Compromise and Great Compromise)?
What centuries are the following years a part of: 2013; 1787; 1974; 1860; 1607?
What Supreme Court case established the power of judicial review?
Explain why many Southern states passed Black Codes immediately following the Civil War.
Identify why John D. Rockefeller was known by the derogatory term “Robber Baron”.
Explain Ellis Island’s purpose at the turn of the 20th Century.
Analyze how England’s policy of mercantilism impacted trade within colonial America.
Explain the impact Dorothea Dix had on the treatment of the mentally ill living in America.
Detail how the North’s industrial advantage was a contributing factor in their victory over the
Identify the following terms from Jamestown, VA: The Virginia Company; House of Burgesses;
Bacon’s Rebellion
Explain England’s rationale for moving the war to the South after their defeat at Saratoga.
Explain how Eli Whitney proved the viability of interchangeable parts to President Adams in
When the Republican Party was created during the mid-19th Century, most of its Northern
supporters came from what waning party?
What major promise did the Federalists make to the Antifederalist during the heated debates over
the ratification of the Constitution?
Identify the opening stanza of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.
Describe George Washington’s concerns about the increasingly sectionalizing of American
citizens as seen in his farewell address to the nation.
Analyze the key differences between the Federalist and Antifederalist point of view about
Explain the reasoning behind King George III’s Proclamation of 1763.
Describe the impact that Shay’s Rebellion had on the movement for a new US Constitution.
Identify the opposing viewpoints of John C. Calhoun and President Andrew Jackson regarding
the theory of nullification and states’ rights.
Describe the main reason why the French established the colony of Quebec.
US History Midterm Review Guide
40. Identify the reasoning behind Nathaniel Bacon’s rebellion in 1676.
41. Explain how someone who agreed with the concept of popular sovereignty would have viewed the
Dred Scott decision as well as the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
42. Compare and contrast the Thirteenth Amendment with the Emancipation Proclamation.
43. List the main components of the Reconstruction Act of 1867.
44. Why did many Radical Republicans in Congress not agree with both Lincoln and Johnson’s
Presidential Reconstruction Plan?
45. Identify the area of the world that the Monroe Doctrine aimed to free from possible European
46. Explain what became obvious in labor-vs.-management disputes with ending of the Pullman
47. What was John Winthrop’s vision for Plymouth, his “City upon a hill”?
48. Explain how the use of vertical integration enabled 19th Century robber barons to create
monopolies in various US industries.
49. Explain how Congress reacted to widespread anti-Chinese sentiment in the west in the late 1800s.
50. Identify the significance of Virginia’s House of Burgesses on American democracy.
51. What was the main theme behind Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address?
52. Summarize the demands made by the leaders of the Seneca Falls Convention, and highlight the
importance of their Declaration of Sentiments.
53. Explain the shift in US immigration by the end of the 19th Century.
54. Identify the main motivation behind European exploration to the America’s during the 1600’s.
55. Detail the components within the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ended the MexicanAmerican War.
56. What was the unique about the reasoning behind the establishment of Pennsylvania and
57. Identify why Andrew Jackson stated that a “corrupt bargain” was made when Congress chose
John Q. Adams to be president in 1824?
58. Identify which Constitutional amendment/ rights the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 suppressed.
59. Explain how the idea of State Rights influenced Southern states to secede from the Union.
60. Outline the basic principles contained within the Declaration of Independence.
61. Explain why the Battle of Gettysburg was such a devastating blow for the Confederacy.
62. Identify why Sherman’s march to the sea was a great example of a “total war”.
63. Explain how the Kansas-Nebraska Act highlighted the failure of popular sovereignty.
64. Identify the “middle passage” leg of the triangle trade.
65. Explain the impact that Nat Turner’s rebellion had on slavery in the antebellum South.
66. Identify how the Marquis de Lafayette and Baron von Steuben aided the colonist during the
American Revolution.
67. What was William Penn’s primary purpose for settling the colony of Pennsylvania?
68. Identify which founding father exemplifies the best ideals of the Enlightenment.
69. Explain how the railroads stimulated the national economy during the late 1800s.
70. The construction of what engineering feat expanded commerce to the country’s interior.
71. Identify the impact that the Compromise of 1877 had on the South.
72. What is it called when a labor union negotiates for all employees in a specific factory?
73. Identify the main reason why America declared war on Britain in the War of 1812.
74. Explain Henry Clay’s rationale for instituting the “American System” immediately following the
War of 1812.
75. Explain the concept of “manifest destiny”, and how it impacted western migration.
76. Explain how the Missouri Compromise impacted new states added to the Union from 1820-1850.
77. What was Thomas Jefferson’s greatest concern in purchasing the Louisiana Territory?