COURSE INFORMATION Chemistry 104B A. INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Christine Yerkes Telephone: 333-6353 e-mail: Office: Room 207, Chemistry Annex Office Hours: M, W 11-12 a.m.; T, Th 1-2 p.m. B. INSTRUCTION BEGINS: Lecture: Wednesday, January 19 Discussion: C. Start the week of Jan. 24-28 REQUIRED MATERIALS: Textbook: Chemistry, 8th edition, Zumdahl I Clicker Recommended books for additional review and practice: (These are available in the Learning Center, 212, Chemistry Annex.) A Partial Solutions Guide for Chemistry by T. Hummel, S. S. Zumdahl and S.A. Zumdahl Chemistry 104: Past Hourly Examinations, Fall 2007-Spring 2008 Organic Chemistry: a Short Course, 13th edition, Hart , Crane & Hart Other Materials: Each student should have an electronic calculator to be used in lab, quizzes and exams. A set of models for organic chemistry is recommended. P-7 D. COURSE CONTENT: Chemistry 104B is a second semester course in introductory chemistry which is oriented toward biological and medical sciences. The course covers the following topics: Thermochemistry and thermodynamics, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, and introductions to organic and protein chemistry. E. COURSE FORMAT: There are three lectures a week. The lectures will outline the main topics and focus on presenting chemical concepts. Demonstrations will be used to help you learn by example. Lecture time will be spent working problems in small groups. During the weekly discussion section TAs will discuss problems, answer questions and may cover additional material. This semester, you must sign up for a discussion section in LON-CAPA during the first week of class. To do this, log into LON-CAPA and click on Main Menu. Select Manage reservations and select a time and day that fits into your schedule. You will begin attending Discussion sections the week of Jan. 24-28. Sign-up begins on Wednesday evening. To do well in this course you should attend the lecture and discussion section. Each class period requires on average two to three hours of study time. Your TA will offer extra help during his/her office hours. F. GRADING POLICY: Grading will be based on the following point breakdown: Hour Exams (150 each) 450 On-Line Homework 70 Quizzes 150 I Clicker Grade 30 Final Exam 300 1000 The letter grade will be assigned as follows: 970-1000 A+ 930-969 A 900-929 A870-899 B+ 830-869 B 800-829 B770-799 C+ 730-769 C 700-729 C670-699 D+ 630-669 D 600-629 D0-599 F P-8 Depending on the distribution of points at the end of the semester, these borderlines may be lowered, but never raised. I Clicker points will be given for participation in each Lecture, 1 point per lecture. Bonus points for correct answers will also be awarded (.25 pt/correct answer). The 30 highest lecture scores will be kept. Your quiz sub grade (worth 150 points) will be calculated as follows: Each quiz will be worth 15 points. Only the ten highest quiz scores will be used for your quiz score. All quizzes will be given on-line on LON-CAPA. They will generally open at 5:00 on a Wednesday and remain open for one week. During that week, you will have three attempts to take the quiz. The first attempt will be worth a maximum of 15 points (100%), the second attempt 13.5 points (90%) and the third attempt 12 points (80%). The highest of the three scores will be recorded in the gradebook. The 10 highest quiz scores (maximum 150 points) will determine the quiz grade. Each hour exam will be scaled to 150 points. Your on-line homework sub-grade (worth 70 points) will be calculated as follows: Each problem is worth one point. You receive the point when you successfully answer the problem before the homework deadline. A point total is kept on-line. The homework points are normalized to a total of 80 points at the end of the semester. The due dates for homework assignments are shown in LON-CAPA and in the Syllabus. H. HOUR EXAMS: The hour exams will be written by the course instructor and will be multiple-choice, machine-graded exams. If there are any questions or concerns about the exam, please feel free to contact your course instructor. Hour exams will be held at 7:00PM (rooms to be announced) on the dates given in the calendar for your course. Conflict exams will be held at 5:30 PM on the same dates. You must sign up for conflict exams in advance, on the shelf outside of 101 Chemistry Annex. No make-up exams will be given. If you have to miss an exam, contact your TA or the course director immediately. Your exam score will be prorated if you have a valid, documented excuse. A written excuse must be submitted to be excused from an exam. (See University regulations.) Solutions for the hour exams will be posted on-line after the exam. . P-9 I. LEARNING CENTER: The Learning Center is located in Room 212, Chemistry Annex. The Learning Center hours are: Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM - 9:00 PM Friday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Saturday CLOSED Sunday 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM The room is open for students to work on interactive video lessons or as a place to study. There are supplementary textbooks and study guides available for students to use in the room. TAs are on duty for tutoring Monday-Friday from 9 AM-4:30 PM. They are there to help students in any of the General Chemistry courses, but not to help students with quizzes. J. GRADEBOOK (Course Grades): We are using an on-line gradebook for Homework, Quizzes and Exams. K. FINAL EXAM: A final exam is required of every student who wants to receive credit for the course. Excused students must take a make-up final early in the next semester. Due to University regulations, a valid excuse can only be obtained from the Dean of your college. L. FRED H. TURNER SERVICE BUILDING: Staff located in the Fred H. Turner Student Services building, 601 E. John Street, offer a counseling service for emotional problems, test anxiety, and study skills. Academically related problems are dealt with by the college offices or the Academic Deans. M. POLICY FOR RECEIVING EXCUSED GRADES: Since no make-up quizzes, exams or labs will be given, a student may receive an excused grade: a) For extenuating circumstances such as family related problems. In this case the student has to notify the Emergency Dean (phone 333-0050). b) For medical reasons. A valid excuse from McKinley or any other medical institution stating that the student was confined for the day of the absence is acceptable and has to be presented to the TAs for missed quizzes or lab or to the course instructors for missed hour exams or to the Dean for missing the final exam. Excused grades will be prorated. This means that the average grade of the completed quizzes, labs or hour exams will replace the "ex" grade. P-10