Course Outline ENGR 2520U Winter10 Wang

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
ENGR 2520U: Fundamentals of Electromagnetics
COURSE OUTLINE – Winter 2010
1. Instructors:
1.1. Course Instructor:
Prof. Ying Wang, PEng.
Office: U5 21
Tel: (905) 721-8668 ext 3702
Office hours:
(subject to change, and will be announced on WebCT and in class if they do change)
1.2. Teaching Assistant
Ms. Shuqi Li
Office: TBD (See WebCT)
Email: (See WebCT)
2. Course Objectives
This course will introduce the electrical engineering student to the fundamentals of electromagnetics with
an engineering emphasis on Maxwell’s laws. The general topics covered will include vector analysis,
orthogonal coordinate systems, electrostatic and magneto-static fields.
3. Course Outcomes
Students mastering this course should have knowledge and understanding of the following areas:
 Vector Analysis;
 Coordinate Systems and their transformation;
 Vector Calculus;
 Electrostatic fields;
 Electric Fields in material space;
 Magnetostatic fields;
 Magnetic forces, materials and devices.
4. Prerequisites
ENGR 2200: Electrical Engineering Fundamentals
MATH 2860: Differential Equations for Electrical Engineers
5. Course Organization
Three lectures hours (in two 1.5 hour lectures) and two tutorial hours per week.
6. Required Course Texts and Other Materials
Elements of Electromagnetics, Mathew N.O.Sadiku, 5th edition, Oxford Press
7. Reference Books and Information Sources
Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics, Fawwaz T. Ulaby, 5th edition, Pearson Prentice Hall
8. Course Evaluation
Assignments and Quizzes
Midterm Tests (two worth 15% each)
A combined grade of less than 40% in the midterms and final exam will automatically result in a
final grade of F for the course.
8.1. Deferred Midterm Tests and Final Exams:
Please note the following:
 Medical certificates MUST be sent DIRECTLY from the Doctor’s Office or Hospital within 5
days by mail or preferably by fax to the Academic Advisor of FEAS (fax number 905-721-3370
attn: Academic Advisor).
 A fee for the deferral must be paid by the student if the Medical certificate is valid and arrives on
 Failure to comply with the above will result in an F for the mid-term and/or the final exam.
 Any portion of term grades from midterms (or any other term work) which were not completed
and that are considered eligible for consideration will be directly applied towards the final exam.
(i.e. Your final exam will be worth more.)
 The deferred final exam will be either written or oral at the discretion of the instructor.
8.2. Each student MUST present his/her UOIT student ID during mid-term and final exams,
fail to do so will fail the course.
8.3. Other Information
If any changes must be made to the dates in this course outline, notification of changes will be made in
lecture as well as posted on WebCT.
9. Midterm Tests:
Midterm Test I: Thursday February 11, 2009, 2:10 pm – 3:30 pm
Midterm Test II: Thursday March 25, 2009, 2:10 am – 3:30 pm
 Midterms will be written during the lecture times.
 30% of your grade is allotted to midterms.
 If you do not write your midterm then it will be assigned a grade of zero.
 There will be no make up midterms – any deferrals for midterms which are accepted by your faculty’s
academic advisor will result in that portion of your grade being allotted to the final exam.
10. Assignments and Quizzes
Assignments will be assigned approximately bi-weekly. The assignments are normally due one week following the
date they are assigned. No late assignments will be accepted without appropriate documentation and justification.
Quizzes will be given in lectures and/or tutorials. The quizzes may be either planned or unannounced “surprise”
11. Laboratories, Prelab Reports, Notes and Reports
12. Tutorials
The tutorials will be used to demonstrate detailed solutions to assignments and/or quizzes by the TA in front of the
class. There will also be quizzes during tutorial time. The students will be given problems to solve and hand in for
13. Course Content
13.1. Detailed Course Content
Note that this outline is subject to change and may be modified at the Instructor’s discretion.
1. Vector Algebra, Ch. 1, week 1.
2. Coordinate Systems and Transformation, Ch. 2, weeks 1 & 2.
3. Vector Calculus, Ch. 3, week 3.
4. Electrostatic Fields, Ch. 4, weeks 4 & 5.
5. Electric Fields in Material Space, Ch. 5, week 6 & 7.
6. Electrostatic Boundary Value Problems, Ch. 6, week 8 & 9.
7. Magnetostatic Fields, Ch. 7, week 10 & 11.
8. Magnetic Forces, Materials, and Devices, Ch. 8, week 12 & 13.
13.2. Accreditation Units
(The following categories are defined by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board’s
Accreditation Criteria and Procedures report, available at
Basic Science:
Engineering Science:
Engineering Design:
Complementary Studies:
14. Academic Integrity and Conduct
UOIT is committed to the fundamental values of preserving academic integrity as defined in UOIT policies and
contained in the UOIT Calendar. Students should familiarize themselves with UOIT’s policies and statements in this
area. Acts of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, cheating, aiding others in cheating, and examination
impersonation, will be dealt with severely as they threaten the integrity of the academic system and are not
UOIT and faculty members reserve the right to use electronic means to detect and help prevent plagiarism. Students
agree that by taking this course all assignments are subject to submission for textual similarity review to Assignments submitted to will be included as source documents in's
restricted access database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism in such documents for five academic years.
The faculty member may require students to submit their assignments electronically to or the faculty
member may submit questionable text on behalf of a student. The terms that apply to UOIT's use of the
service are described on the website. (To read the entire policy, please go to:
15. Accessibility
To insure that disability-related concerns are properly addressed during this course, students with documented
disabilities and who may require assistance to participate in this class are encouraged to speak with their Instructor as
soon as possible. Students who suspect they may have a disability that may effect their participation in this course are
advised to go to the Centre for Students with Disabilities (room B297) as soon as possible.
16. Approval
This course outline approved by (indicating approval of Faculty’s Curriculum Committee):
Mikael Eklund.