Cooley - Language Arts 7
Course Syllabus, Ms. Craghead- Language Arts Teacher
Mrs. Young- Special Ed Co-Teacher
Course Information
COURSE TITLE: 7 th Grade Language Arts
The Language of Literature – McDougal Littell
Language Network (Grammar) – McDougal Littell
Novel List – on website
2 composition notebooks
A 3 Ring Binder for 7 th grade that includes loose leaf paper, Glue, blue or black pens, pencils for daily use, multi-color pack of highlighters, colored pencils or thin markers and an expo marker.
Requested: A Dictionary & A Thesaurus, Clorox wipes and Large hand sanitizer for the classroom. This will help keep your child from getting the flu or other illnesses.
Instructor Information
Teacher: Ms. Mallory Craghead
Credentials: Bachelors of Middle Grades Education
Highly Qualified Language Arts and Social Studies
Phone: 480-279-8349
Instructor Availability
I make every effort to respond to email within 24 hours. I am also available to you before or after school by appointment; please do not hesitate to let me know if you need to speak with me.
Welcome to 7 th grade language arts. This year is going to be a great one! With a lot of hard work you will accomplish many amazing things. My goal is to be a great support system for you to grow as a learner and become inspired to love writing and reading. This year we will be reading lots of different text including short stories, plays, novels, poems, biographies, fiction, non- fiction/ informational, and many more.
About Ms. Craghead
Hello! My name is Mallory Craghead. I am excited to be at Cooley Middle School. I graduated from in Northern Kentucky University with a Bachelor of Education focusing on middle grades, highly qualified in language arts and history. I have a strong passion for learning and I hope to instill that into all of my students. I have lived in Alabama and I came from Kentucky a few years ago. I began my teaching career in
Kentucky where I taught 8 th grade. Most recently I came from the Chandler Unified District, however it is my second year in the Higley District.
I enjoy teaching and I would not have any other career.
Fun Facts about Ms. Craghead
I love my Chihuahua Parker
My favorite movie is “The Sandlot”
My favorite color is teal
The best places I have ever traveled was China and Peru… it is a tie
My favorite snack is a brownie and favorite soda is Orange Fanta
General Course Description
This course is structured to provide you with a comprehensive study of grammar, composition, literature and vocabulary.
Course Topics and Objectives
Understanding grammar and its uses
Expanding vocabulary and spelling capabilities
Exploring the different genres of literature
Becoming familiar with literary terms
Using composition to accurately express thoughts
Come to class prepared.
Be on time
Bring all needed materials to class
Be seated and ready to begin when the bell sounds
After you take a seat open your notebook and copy down the daily objective then start on Bellwork and wait for Ms. Craghead or Mrs.
Young to take attendance.
Participation is very important. We engage in many forms of learning and you are expected to participate in them all. Come prepared to participate in all class discussions. Be prepared to defend your ideas, to think critically and to have fun. We will be using Kagan strategies in class to increase student participation by using random selectors. Make sure that you bring your Ipad charged as well, we will use this as a resource tool for learning per teacher discretion.
Expectations for Class Behavior and Demeanor
Treat the teacher and all other students with respect.
Be quiet & respectful when others are speaking
Good manners are expected at all times
Use only language that builds others up, not tears them down
This class is a complaint free zone. No complaining about the school, teachers or students will be tolerated. If you can’t say something nice – don’t say anything at all!
NO PROFANITY or RACIAL SLURS of any kind will be tolerated
You are expected to dress modestly in accordance with the school dress code at all times. If any portion of your undergarments
(underwear, bra straps, etc) is visible you are in violation of the school dress code.
NO GUM, Food or Drinks! This is a no gum campus. No Eating or drinking with the exception of a water bottle.
Assignment Submission
Most assignments may be hand written or computer generated .If you choose to type an assignment the excuses of no ink, paper, broken printer will not be a valid excuse. All formal writing assignments are MLA format and properly cited.
Any assignment that does not follow the specific direction given will be “red-lined”. This means that a red line will be drawn across their paper and will not be collected or graded until they have fixed the problems or errors. They will be given 24 hours to resubmit the assignment correctly for full credit. Please keep in mind that in middle school, students are given “semester grades”. Their first and second quarter grade will be averaged for a final semester grade in December.
Test Retake Policy
Any student can retake a quiz or test, however you must make arrangements to retake, this includes turning in the Cooley Middle School
Retake Action Plan. Retakes must be taken within two weeks of the original quiz or test that was posted. All practice materials for standards being assessed must be completed and turned into the teacher. The most recent score will be the one recorded in the gradebook. The retake score will replace the original score even if it is lower. Weekly vocabulary tests and all final exams do not have re-take opportunities.
Late Policy
All assignments must be turned in on or before the due date to receive credit. The teacher will determine if assignment will be accepted after the due date. Adequate time is given for all assignments to be completed. If you are absent the day an assignment is due, the assignment will be due the day you return to class. I will NOT remind you, you will be expected to remember to turn in the assignment or it will not be accepted. You will have one day for each day absent to make up work. If you have an emergency situation, please do not hesitate to contact me. Emergency situations are limited to such major events as death in the family, severe illness, or other catastrophes. Just speak to me and we will come to an understanding.
Academic Honesty
Academic honesty is highly valued at Cooley. A student must always submit work that represents his or her original words or ideas. If any words or ideas are used that do not represent your original words or ideas, you must cite all relevant sources. Words or ideas that require citations include, but are not limited to, all hardcopy or electronic publications, whether copyrighted or not, and all verbal or visual communication. Anyone caught cheating will receive a zero for that assignment. I take plagiarism and academic dishonesty seriously and you will receive a zero if you plagiarize anyone else’s work or if your parents (or anyone else) do your work for you.
As I return each assignment, I will provide grades and input in to the grading system. If you have any questions about your grade, please see me in private and I will be happy to discuss them with you.
Please don’t hesitate to see me with any questions or issues. I am not perfect and if I have made an error, I would like the opportunity to correct it. Please do not accept a lower grade than you think is correct, simply because you are unsure how I arrived at it.
Percentage Values for Course Assignments
Assessments/ Projects/ Essay/ Quizzes
Classwork/ Practice/ Notebook Checks/ etc..
% of Final Grade
Total 100
Composition Notebook/ Assignments
You will be required to keep a notebook for all classwork. If you are absent it is your responsibility to locate and complete all assignments given during your absence. Everyday in your composition notebook, you will be writing your content objective along with the date and that is where any of the class notes will go that day. Points will be deducted for incomplete materials or missing daily content objectives. Your writing must be legible; neatness is a requirement for an “A” or “B”. Some of the daily classwork and rubrics will be on my school website. All classwork worksheets and a list of vocabulary words will be available on my website. It is your responsibility to write down the vocabulary words so that you may look up the definitions and study them throughout the week In order to be ready to take a quiz on Fridays.
Written Reports/Projects/Oral Presentations
You will be required to do one (1) major project per semester. I will give you the project and rubric at the beginning of each semester. You have more than enough time to complete these assignments. I do appreciate semester projects turned in early as long as they are done well.
Specific instructions and project rubric will be available to students in a hard copy form.
Reading Assignments
Reading is a vital part of your education. You will be expected to read not only poems, articles, short stories and classroom novels while at school, but you must bring a the book of your choice that you are currently reading EVERYDAY . If you or your parents have any issues or concerns with assigned reading material, please do not hesitate to come to me immediately. I have a class library and the school has a large selection of young adult books. There is NO excuse for not having your book with you or not reading at 30 minutes of your book of choice after school. You are doing this now to help yourself. There will be no specific grade given on outside reading time. Try to find a genre you love!
Challenge yourself!
I Pad
You will receive an IPad. This is an educational tool. You are responsible to bring your iPad charged daily to class and know your personal
Apple ID and password. However, if the iPad is not needed that day in class, the iPad needs to be put away, out of sight, in a backpack. . You are also not allowed to play games in class. You will receive an informational packet when you get your assigned IPad with further instructions and information.
Classroom Expectations and Management Plan
In order to provide all students in my classroom with a high quality learning environment, the following BEHAVIORAL MANAGEMENT PLAN will be followed.
Show RESPECT to yourself and others.
Be prepared for class.
Get involved.
All assignments are to be done to the best of the student’s ability.
Observe all school rules.
1 st Intervention: Visual/Verbal Warning
Student called by name/1 st Warning
2 nd Intervention: Verbal Warning/Seat Change
Student will be moved to another seat/Record in Journal
Lunch Detention
3 rd Intervention: Student Conference/Call Home or Email/Lunch Detention
Discuss the inappropriate behavior/Call or email home
Fill out and get parent signature on a Discipline form from the teacher and return
4 th Intervention: Office Referral
Send to Front Office
Phone Call to Parents/Guardian
Administration Involved th Intervention: Student/Teacher/Counselor Conference
6 th Intervention: Parent/Teacher/Counselor Conference
*Any violation of the Student Code of Conduct will result in a Referral immediately and will be dealt with by Administration.
*Any issues with electronics, such as cell phones, personal music players, iPads, etc. will result in confiscation. Parents/guardians will then need to pick-up the item for the student.