BUSINESS LAW 410 - the College of Business!

BUSINESS LAW 410-051/510-051
Monday, 6:00-9:45 p.m., Cobb # 111
FALL 2015
Instructor: Forrest L. Moegle, J. D.
Office: College of Business, Room 111
Office Hours: By appointment, Monday through Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm
Contact Information: (318) 254-0100 (my firm’s #),
Text: Bisk CPA Review Regulation Thomson Reuters, 44th edition 2015
This course provides a concentrated study of various areas of business law including, but
not limited to, contracts, credit transactions, governmental regulations, business
organizations, and property related topics that you will encounter in the business world.
Accommodations for Special Needs
Students needing special accommodations based on a disability must notify me as soon as
Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct will not be tolerated. Cheating of any kind may result in an “F”
being awarded for the entire course. Students caught cheating or who are suspected of
cheating will be reported to the Office of Judicial Affairs. Students are encouraged to
read the university academic misconduct policy in the current University Catalog. In
accordance with the Academic Honor Code, students pledge the following: Being a
student of higher standards, I pledge to embody the principles of academic integrity.
Emergency Notification System
All students are encouraged to enroll in the Emergency Notification System and to keep
their contacts current on BOSS. The FirstCall system contains information concerning
weather updates, traffic accident related notifications, and safety cell-phone theft
reminders. For information concerning emergency, weather, and health related changes,
go to and click on the hurricane icon, or go directly to
As required by university policy, attendance will be monitored at each class meeting.
You must be physically present in class for the entire class time to be counted as
attending that class session. Students who miss three (3) classes, whether excused or
unexcused, will automatically fail the course. Please arrive on time for class.
There will be three tests given during the quarter, consisting of fifty (50) multiple-choice
and true/false questions. No make-up exams will be administered. In the event a student
misses either Test 1 or Test 2, he or she will take a comprehensive Test 3 consisting of
fifty (50) multiple-choice and true/false questions which will encompass material
gleamed from Tests 1, 2, and 3. Furthermore, any student who misses any two (2)
scheduled tests will automatically fail the course. Lastly, any student who misses the
third scheduled test will receive a grade of “0%” as her/his respective grade for Test 3.
BLAW 510 students
Business Law 510 students and/or students taking the class for graduate credit will be
required to draft a persuasive position paper on a topic relative to the subject matter of the
course. All topics must be approved by the instructor. No ENRON papers! All papers
must conform to the following drafting requirements: a font of No. 12 Times New
Roman or other acceptable font, double-space, proper citation to authority, a Works Cited
page, a length of between five (5) ten and ten (10) pages, and 1” margins all around. The
due date for the paper will be determined by September 28, 2015. Graduate students will
meet as necessary with the instructor as a group or one-on-one in order to gauge progress,
receive critiques on drafts, thesis development, etc.
The final paper will be handed in as a hard copy.
The grading scale for the research paper is as follows: 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20,
and 10 (%).
The final averaged grade for the research paper will be worth 25% of the overall final
There will be three exams at 100 points each. The grading scale is 100–90% = A, 89-80%
= B, 70-79% = C, 69-60% = D, 59-50% = F.
Chapters Covered
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Negotiable Instruments and Documents of Title
Secured Transactions
Debtor & Creditor Relationships
Business Structures
Federal Securities Regulations
Other Federal Regulations
Accountants’ Ethics & Responsibilities
Federal Taxation: Individuals
Federal Taxation: Property
Federal Taxation: Estates, Trusts & Exempt Organizations
Federal Taxation: Corporations
Federal Taxation: Partnerships
Federal Taxation: Other Tax Topics