FACULTY NAME School Name UNIT CODE UNIT NAME TYPE OF PUBLICATION Unit Coordinator: Name Job Number Prepared by: NAME for the School NAME, Monash University, Gippsland Campus in conjunction with the Off-Campus Learning Centre, Monash University Printed by: Off-Campus Learning Centre Monash University, Churchill, Victoria, Australia, 3842 First Published January 2008 © Copyright 2008 NOT FOR RESALE. All materials produced for this course of study are protected by copyright. Monash students are permitted to use these materials for personal study and research only, as permitted under the Copyright Act. Use of these materials for any other purposes, including copying or resale may infringe copyright unless written permission has been obtained from the copyright owners. Enquiries should be made to the publisher. C O N T E N T S Unit Information 1 Aims of the unit 1 Objectives 1 Eligibility Error! Bookmark not defined. Placement Error! Bookmark not defined. Student commitment 1 Unit Coordinator’s commitment 1 Prescribed and other reading 1 Assessment policy for the unit 2 Assessment for on-campus studentsError! Bookmark not defined. Assessment for off-campus studentsError! Bookmark not defined. 1 Unit Guide UNIT INFORMATION Aims of the unit • That students acquire a holistic view of community, as well as an understanding of how the wider structural forces: social, political, organisational, economic, environmental and ideological, impact on communities, and that their practice reflects this understanding. Objectives On successful completion of the unit, you will be able to: • • • • Student commitment Off-campus (Distributed learning) students On-campus students Unit Coordinator My phone number on campus is (03) 5122 ???? or (03) 9902 ???? (no code prefix) if calling from Melbourne. Please leave a voicemail message if I am not in my room. My email address is: ????????@????.monash.edu.au Prescribed and other reading Prescribed texts 2 Unit Guide Recommended texts Recommended journals in the Gippsland library • • • • • Assessment policy for the unit Penalties for late submission of assignments Students will incur penalties if their work is submitted late without an extension. Assignments handed in late, without an extension, will incur a penalty of 2% per day, up to 14 calendar days. Assignments received more than two weeks late without an extension will not be accepted, and will be returned unmarked. No extension will be granted for more than 14 days unless forms part of a special consideration application. Extensions Extensions must be applied for before the due date, and I will send you two copies of an official extension slip, one for you to keep, one to return with your work. Return of assignments Assignments submitted on time will be marked and returned within three weeks. Rewrite/resubmission of failed assignments The Faculty policy is that rewrites are only permitted in FIRST year units. The implication of the policy for this unit is that if you fail your Workbook assessment you fail the unit, including the placement, and will need to repeat both next year. You will note that all pieces of work must be passed for a pass in the unit. Grading Each piece of work will be graded according to the Monash system: High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass = = = = 80%+ 70%-79% 60%-69% 50%-59% Outstanding level of achievement High level of achievement Sound pass Satisfactory 3 Unit Guide NN Note: = below 50% Fail You are strongly advised to keep copies of all assignments, as a safeguard in the event of a disputed grade or a lost assignment. Plagiarism The School Policy on Plagiarism defines those forms of writing that are regarded as plagiarism. Any form of copying of another student’s work, and any unacknowledged use of written material from any source constitutes plagiarism. The policy is not reprinted in full in guides for upper level units. Make sure that you are clear about the ‘rules’ for referencing. Please refer to the School’s policies for more detail and observe the referencing requirements contained in the School’s Style Guide. The following page has been left blank 4 Unit Guide 5 Unit Guide Assignment 1: Name Due date: Value: Length: Assignment 2: Name Due date: Value: Length: Assignment 3: Name Due date: Value: