School-Wide Action Plan Improve staff collaboration and professional development to increase student achievement. Action Plan Number 3 Goal: Improve staff collaboration and professional development to increase student achievement. Subgoals: Implement PLCs to drive professional development and staff collaboration (both within Muir and with feeder schools) Rationale: The sharing of ideas, methods, and materials, as well as the continued study of best educational practices and research, is vital to maintaining exceptional teaching skills and holding our teachers to the highest standards of the profession. The teacher survey indicates that teachers are eager to collaborate with their colleagues but would like more control over collaboration time and content. Additionally, teachers would like more training in areas that they feel would most keenly impact their teaching and student achievement. Growth Targets: Use 100% of allotted collaboration time to address the collaborative needs of teachers, as established by the Collaboration Team. Make data analysis an essential part of the professional culture. Designate/appropriate/establish collaborative time to discuss and analyze data on a regular basis during faculty meetings, department meetings, and collaborations so all teachers understand what the numbers mean and how to use data to inform instruction. Provide training and ongoing support or technological expertise to ensure that 100% of teachers and administrators have the skills to use software for their subject area such as Accelerated Reader, ancillary materials and curriculum resources. All staff will also receive adequate training in Aeries, Data Director, IEP-Pro , IEP writing, district email, Cisco phones, LCD projectors, and the internet to ensure that teachers can use these technologies and the various software to improve instruction and provide new ways for students to access content and master standards. Phase in training in explicit-direct instruction (EDI) and begin to incorporate EDI teaching methods into the classroom when appropriate. Integrate discussions about EDI into professional discussions so EDI strategies become part of the culture at Muir. Develop pacing guides for all courses to be used by all teachers. Work in departments to determine the best ways to apply the content of pacing guides to classes at Muir. Develop an articulation plan with feeder middle schools to map curriculum and to develop an eighth-to-ninth grade transition program. John Muir High School Schoolwide Action Plan Chapter 5 Page 1 Link(s) to ESLRs: Tasks Identify, develop and evaluate solutions to problems through critical thinking to improve the learning community. Realize that anything is possible for the determined and motivated individual who strives to be a lifelong learner. Responsible Person(s) Involved PLCs 3.1 Establish a Collaboration Team of multi-disciplinary Admin teachers who are committed to planning relevant and effective MLT collaboration and professional development. The Collaboration Team will: Represent the needs of their PLC but plan for the school as a whole. Design content area and cross-curricular collaboration opportunities to strengthen Muir’s academic program based on the analysis of student academic achievement, including a continued focus on writing across the curriculum and highyield strategies. Create a professional Implementati on Strategies Create a curriculum map to discover connections and relevant integration opportunities. Professional Development/ Resources District collaboration days Means to Assess Improvement Timeline Collaboration Team Establish first District minimum days agendas and minutes District professional development Teacher survey results Estimated Cost Collaboration Team meetings annual team in Time at department meetings for collaboration Teacher feedback form each professional development event and at the end of the school year Classroom walkthrough visuals Student performance John Muir High School Faculty meetings May 2011 for remainder of 10- 11 and 1112; develop each successive year's calendar by June of preceding school year; assess continuously, but specifically at each Collaboration Team meetings and year in total each May. Schoolwide Action Plan Reporting Chapter 5 Administrative Team meetings Department meetings Department Chairs meetings School Site Council meetings Page 2 development plan aligned with the district’s plan. Advise the administration on use of professional development money. Design collaboration and professional development for collaboration days, minimum days, and summer trainings, develop a calendar, and document /keep records of professional development. Assess success of collaboration and professional development through reflection, monitoring, and analysis of student work. 3.2 Develop an articulation plan with feeder middle schools to map curriculum and to develop an eighth-to- ninth grade program. Muir Department Chairs Counselors Feeder School Counselors Review and plan weekly lessons using the curriculum map during academy meetings Summer PD on curriculum integration Collaboration time for Muir representatives and feeder school representatives. Pacing guides Admin Team Initial meeting spring 2011 to plan 11-12 calendar; continued articulation annually ongoing. PD Cost for Summer of 2011 Planning Meetings Single Plan Certification Reports for each academy CDE content area standards Teachers 3.3 Continue to discuss and analyze data as a faculty to PLC Team School Plan Faculty understanding of John Muir High School Spring 2011 and ongoing Schoolwide Action Plan Faculty meetings Chapter 5 Page 3 better understand what the numbers indicate and to determine how teachers can use the data to improve instruction. Department Chairs DataDirector District/LACOE reports API, AYP, CST, and CAHSEE data Teacher survey results Department Chairs meetings Agendas and minutes from faculty meetings Administrative Team meetings presentations and handouts from meetings School Site Council meetings Department meetings SST Data presentations and discussions will take place during faculty meetings, Department Chairs meetings, Collaboration Team meetings, department meetings, School Site Council meetings, and Administrative Team meetings. coordinator meetings Site level data 3.4 Write and revise curriculum guides for all courses and implement effectively. Teachers by course and department Become familiar with how benchmark assessments align to pacing guides and how to use these tests to improve students’ learning, including sharing and modifying teaching strategies. District Leadership pacing guides to plan instruction. Collaboration Team meetings District Subject Area Coordinators PLC Leaders Parent Night Community Forums District Office coordination, including leadership of Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, and Subject Area Coordinators Summer collaboration time for teachers to develop drafts Completed curriculum guides for all courses Department meetings Chairs meetings Guides for first round of courses complete during the 2011-2012 school year, all other guides complete during 2012 school year, classroom use ongoing Printing costs Department Chairs Meetings meetings Administrative Team meetings Collaboration Team meetings Audits by the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum Collaboration time for teachers to revise drafts and discuss benchmarks and implementation Benchmark-related collaboration Class time to Teacher feedback Faculty meetings School Site Council meetings Use of benchmark tests to improve instruction and learning John Muir High School Schoolwide Action Plan Chapter 5 Page 4 administer benchmark assessments CDE content area standards 3.5 Provide faculty with adequate technology training to further the implementation of technologies that assist students in learning, teachers in teaching, and all staff with communication among the school community. All teachers Aeries IT Trainer School Plan trainers Webmaster Certification tool needs to be examined and then the report needs to be written through a collaborative effort Time for training sessions Teacher survey results Teacher evaluation interviews Technology teacher guides Computer labs with internet access Administrative Team Schedule of training sessions Record of computer lab use Aeries Teacher survey results Accelerated Reader Classroom walkthrough visits $500 for paper and copying costs for printing the report Faculty meetings Department Chairs meetings Department meetings Administrative Team meetings Collaboration Team meetings Aeries reports Math Student achievement 3.6 Provide professional development training in differentiated instruction techniques with follow-up collaborations to further teachers’ skills in using EDI. All teachers Collaboration Team Administrative Team Department Chairs Peer walkthroughs can be used to monitor and motivate faculty to post student work and post academy representative materials Professional development funds Collaboration time Formal observations Informal observations Peer walkthroughs Collaboration Team EDI training sessions Classroom walkthrough visits $300 for printing costs for Academy logo posters Teacher evaluations School Site Council meetings Faculty meetings Department meetings Department Chairs meetings Administrative Team meetings Teacher survey results meetings Student achievement John Muir High School Schoolwide Action Plan Chapter 5 Page 5