About Joseph`s Work & Books

About Joseph’s Work & Books
National Association for Interpretation
“Sharing Nature with Children is not just a book but a powerful approach to
nature education. The first edition of this book sparked a worldwide
revolution in nature education and became a classic. The author, Joseph
Cornell, is one of the most highly regarded nature educators in the world
Whole Earth Catalogue
“This is absolutely the best awareness-of-nature book I’ve ever seen.
Imagining yourself to be part of nature…that’s what this extraordinary book
is all about.”
London Times
“I do not envy anyone producing a book on nature study for children after
Cornell’s superb Sharing Nature With Children.”
New York Times
“…wholesome, uncompetitive, imaginative games.”
National Audubon Society
“I see this little book as a powerful tool in educating children.”
New Texas Magazine
“This man is connected to the heart of our planet, and the Earth’s wisdom
shines through him.”
What Individuals Say
Jacques Moreillon, Secretary General, World Scouts, Geneva, Switzerland
“I would like to see every scout leader in the world using Sharing Nature
with Children.”
Tom Brown Jr., Author of The Tracker
“Listening to Nature is a splendid masterpiece that captures the ‘one-ness’
we are all seeking to achieve with nature. It is a triumph in bringing all
people back to the Earth, and in closer touch with the real treasures of
So. Coast Region Teacher, New South Wales, Australia
“The activities are fresh and eminently workable. They also generate an
amount of enthusiasm for science that I felt before was not possible.”
Michael Soule, Co-Director, Children of the Green Earth
“What impressed me the most was not so much what the children knew at the
end of the workshop, but the joy and calmness I saw on their faces. That is
the stuff which moves mountains.”
Cheryl Charles, Ph.D., Former National Director, Project WILD and Project
Learning Tree
“Joseph Cornell brings John Muir’s voice to children with purity and grace,
in words that carry the spirit, enthusiasm and wonder that Muir felt and
shared with all. Muir and Cornell are great natural collaborators across the
Tom Burke, Friends of the Earth, England
“I wish there had been such a superb book on nature education when I was in