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Salutations to you nordic god/goddesses of west virginia,
Congrats on new years! Glad we could bring the snow for ya!
just finished up day 3 of the first ski odyssey of the season. high atop Roan mountain today at a whopping
6284ft. we could see 3 states and enjoyed a foot of powder. tomorrow looks to be the last of it as we skate
on the road when it starts to melt. will see you in 3 weeks. ULLE RULES!
peace and sub-zero temps, mar star (somewhere in the big smokies)
Hi Chip
I just returned from WG and saw your message. Charlie gave me a wonderful lesson. I bought your video
and will study that, and hopefully return the first week in 2/2002 with my three daughters to play some
I also bought your cookbook and hope to imitate (I doubt I can replicate) that wonderful spinach barley
Peace, Shawn
The shots of the Yurt look good. FYI the name of the traditional Scots drinking/social hut is called a
"bothan" the '"h" is silent. I look forward to imbibing and socializing in the one at Whitegrass soon. Love.
Chris ps. Sending lots of very cold wet thoughts your way.
What a surprise to check your web page last night to find out I was elected "Dude of the Week".
Thanks for recognizing and validating the work of a nordic ski-bum.
It's been and will continue to be a real pleasure to work with you, the
staff, and all the Friends of White Grass. PS. In squirt boating kayaking, we refer to the dream like trances
we get
after a particularly good mystery session as the "Mystery Effect". Today at work I'm experiencing the
"Powder Effect" a dream like trance one gets after a particularly good powder session. Stro
Had another incredible weekend there in your little corner of the valley. My
wife Kim and I skied up to Round Top and Bald Knob on Saturday. Today
(Sunday) our 5 year old, Isabelle, and her five year old friend Allison Moyer
skied with us up to the fifth switchback on Three Mile, before retreating for
chili, hot chocolate and sledding.
Thanks for running such a great place. John Franklin
Chip, Love the webpage! I've been having a blast here skating on
snowmobile-groomed forest roads, dedicated x-c forest trails, and, yes, even
McRoyal Disneygorge a few times. Makes me miss WG more when they "process"
me there. I'm hoping there's enough snow for the Mountain State race on Feb. 10th so I
can use up a free air ticket and see you all. Happy memories of Jack Frost linger. Let's see some Mountain
State snow for
February! John in Chico
ChipI made my first trip up this Sunday and loved it. I guess things were
thin but I was still able to ski some trees and had a couple of nice
runs down the big trail in the middle. The touring and the views were
awesome as well. It's great (and somewhat unbelievable) to know that I
can have a ski experience like that in West Virginia. Thanks, and I'll
be back this weekend, weather permitting. Rob Scott
Holla Chip...
Thank god for your website. Backcountry surfing for the desk-bound stuck
watching the snow melt away this week. I have gooseflesh from reading
about all the good things to see and do. Can almost smell snow on the wind
coming over the ridge from mt porte crayon. Wondering what will come of
the nato clinic and have already decided to go to Madriver this year after
reading the couloir article. Your sods topo is now my screensaver.
THanks for salvation...
Please add me to your subversive mailings list. Thanks, Rush
Terrie and I are coming up this Friday for the weekend. Let it snow! We skied a little on the eastern shore
Saturday morning, down south of Cambridge at the Backwater Wildlife Refuge, barely enough snow,
luckily very few rocks! Lots and lots of geese's. Ski you soon, Craig
Hi Chip, Peter Rust and I were there skiing at Whitegrass last Wednesday and
Thursday and wanted to let you know we had a great time! Even though
we're both inexperienced skiers and slightly out of shape, we enjoyed
the skiing immensely! We especially loved the cafe food and various &
sundry magazines to read. I bought a copy of your cookbook to use at
home since I like the easy recipes. I'm a birder too, so skiing through
the woods provided an opportunity to see a few interesting birds.
We were staying over at one of the cabins at the Cheat River Lodge
outside of Elkins -- a great place to stay in the woods, and an easy
drive to Whitegrass. - Connie Van Zant
Just wanted to thank you all for being there. We were up Dec 30 and 31 - had
a great dinner and lunch and some great skiing. My ten year old daughter
tackled (most) of the big hill (for us!) on Springer Orchard Trail. She
walked it last year. She also appreciates the vegetarian dishes! Can't wait
for next time! Steve
Hi Chip,
Thank you for another great day in nordic nirvana! Brita and I had the best
day skiing on that fresh West Va powder!
Whitegrass is the friendliest and most positive ski center on the planet.
We always get our batteries recharged soaking up all that positive energy
that flows at Whitegrass.
Thanks again to you, Laurie, Tom, Stro, and the everyone.
much love,
Brita and Brad
hi chipper and whitegrass
wow what a great weekend! can't thank u enuf for such an awesome time.
the party was great fun and hats off to the chefs! everything was
gourmet delicious. all beside the fact that the skiing was out of this
world!!! we tried to track up as much snow we could...high up fresh
snow through the trees! can't wait to do it again! have fun alaska
bound!! much love, jeanne and jt
Hey, ChipI just looked at the website, and it looks like all the rain we had here in DC yesterday was SNOW out there
in Canaan Valley. Just my luck - I missed it due to sickness March 10-11 when the snow was good, was
there March 17-18 after everything melted, and now I'll miss March 24-25 when it's good again! (But don't
feel sorry for me - I leave tomorrow for a week of hut-to-hut skiing in British Columbia! YEEHAA!).
While I'm writing, I just want to mention what a great cure Whitegrass is for the winter blues and blahs. If
I had to sum it up in one sentence, it would go something like this:
To paraphrase Hunter S. Thompson, when your life gets complicated and the weasels start closing in,
during the winter the only way to fix it is to blast on out to Canaan Valley and spend a few days (or
more) at White Grass thrashing around in the snow!
Jack Kangas
We love the White Grass and have been fans since the early 80's!! I can
never decide what I like the best-- the skiing or the food!! Donna Goodman
I come up for trail work because of my love for Whitegrass, the valley and the community. Chris Wellborn
I have skied at Whitegrass for years as a renter. I finally got the guts to buy a home. Which we rent most of
the time. I learned to Xcountry ski at Whitegrass...if you saw me ski you probably wouldn't want me to tell
people that!
I love your place,and thank you for providing such a professional place,and, such a great cafe!
Anyway, I would love to get e-mails from stay abreast of what is happening in Canaan Valley and
Whitegrass. Robert Moore
Hey guys- can’t wait to get to our winter Mecca! Would you please reserve a table for four at the cafe.
Dave Norman
Chipi am a telemarker who has recently relocated to lexington, virginia.
someone on a lift in vermont told me about whitegrass last year, but i
forgot to check it out ( kind of busy last year). i looked at your
website the other day and it sounds like it may be a dream come true for
anyway, my question(s):
do you guys allow offtrail/woods skiing and if so how often do you have
enough snow for that? is there a point in the season when you maintain
a sufficient base for that for an extended period, or should i try to
catch a storm for that kind of fun.
thanks a lot and i look forward to visiting you guys regardless of your
rob scott
Hi Chipper and Whitegrass groupies,
Diane Miller here from across the miles and through the many snowflakes
of the High Peaks region of the Adirondacks. I have been working at a
ski touring center here and it has not been what I am used to.
I had memories of skiing on "White grass" back in November but have not
seen any grass since Dec. 15. Backcountry skiing is grand here with
snow just about every day. We were blessed (unless you are a homeowner
shoveling your roof yet another time) with over 5 feet of the white
stuff in March alone. Today it is 15 degrees and snowing and the woods
are calling.
I have yet to find the spirit of Whitegrass here in the north. The
grooming you have has a much better attitude about it. Here I turn
people away because no one feels like grooming today! or we don’t have
someone we want to let out to teach a lesson today so go somewhere else.
I assume from email that Sue Haywood has gone west to train. Please send
her my best.
Missed you all this past season,
Diane Miller
Chip, Got home safe and sound after my tumble on Saturday. Doctor says no big deal just sprained ankle
and knee. Thanks for the help and ride from your snow mobilers and staff for the first aid. I had a great
time skiing Saturday no matter what. Sorry I missed the party though.
I'll be back this year God and snow willing. if not see you next year and have a blast in Alaska.
Man, you really provided me with some good info and I'm getting pretty excited about getting up there
many times this winter. I've heard someone else talking about the "Pipeline to Laneville" before. Is all that
2000 foot vertical downhill or are there a lot of flat spots you gotta hike? I had never thought of doing
anything other than straight up downhill areas like Timberline, snowshoe, etc. before because I didn't think
it was a good possibility this far east... but you've definitely convinced me! I'll keep up to date with your
website and will have to stop by sometime this year. Thanks for the info. Some Dude on email
HI Chip, this is Lindsay and I was one of the kids from Nags Head in Mr.
Welch's group. Thanks so much for having us, and I don't think we would have
made it up to the top without your enthusiasm. You said that you had some
pictures that you were going to send to Mr. Welch's e-mail. It would be
great if you wanted to just send anything straight to me. Thanks for an
awesome weekend!-Lindsay
Hi Chip!
Many thanks for the fantastic Whitegrass hospitality this past season.
This was my first-ever season of skiing -- and now I'm hooked forever.
Two thoughts: (1) where have I been all these winters??!! and (2)
Better late than never. Special thanks for your late-season help in
picking some gear for the future. When I walk by those skis stacked
pride-of-place in the garage, I sigh and long for next season.
Not long though: the rivers are up, Dude!! Yee haw. So one last
thanks for the tip on the gage levels for the Laurel Fork of the Cheat
that you posted on the Whitegrass web site. That is going to be a
fantastic help in deciding when to cut work, ...err I mean, call in
sick..., and head to the mountains. See you on the river.
In any case, let's plan to meet on powdered white water in November
again this year, eh?!
Thanks for a great season. We came up two weekends and had a great time.
It's so great to have a facility like White Grass providing a refuge from
the hustle & bustle of DC, along with friendly people, and the best food in
The Valley. See you next season!
Paul Chandler
Howdy folks, we are part of the "friends of Jay" crowd!!! Frank and Ginny and
the Virginia clan. We are more reserved but definitely like to party and ski
at your place. When we were there we had akiller onion pie. I think it had
sour cream, yogurt and walnut crust. yummmmmmm. do you have the recipe to
share? if not is it in the cookbook? If it is and you don't want to share,
let me know and we will purchase one. We have been coming to your place for
years (six) and have upgraded the kids skis so many times that they are now
in adult sizes!!! We love the cozy homey feeling that we get when we go
there! Regina and Carroll Hart
Hello Chip: Missed you on Monday 3-26 when you were skiing in the Russian
Plains, but as Ken might have told you I had quite the adventure, skiing in
White Grass' late March wonderland. I've enjoyed reading about and seeing
pictures of the mountain and the Dolly Sods wilderness on the web site, and
have pined for the real thing. I took Monday off work, an excellent choice
given the superb early spring conditions, drove up from Bowie MD, and set
off on Three Mile, Fern Gully, and the Cabin Mountain Trail bound for the
Sods. I had the plan of skiing westward along the Dolly Sods side of the
mountain and then come back down on one the trails near the Canaan such as
Boundary, Beech Lick, or Upper Springer. At the edge of the Sods, I found a
wide trail and continued on for more than an hour in the strong late March
sunshine through the heart of the Sods. Eventually I saw a trail that
appeared to start back toward White Grass and started descending. Everything
looked alright as there were wide swaths cut on the mountain in my view that
seemed like a ski resort. However, too late I realized I was on a lengthy,
switchback fire road which kept going down interminably, so far down, in
fact, that even with the 3.5 feet of base up on top I eventually ran out of
snow and ended up in a rustic settlement along Lindeman Road called Dry
Forks, WV. School buses dropping off children told me that I was now in
Randolph rather than Tucker County. Fortunately, friendly trout fishermen
helped me get my bearings and gave me a ride the 8.5 miles back to White
Grass, as it was getting late. I had skied all the way across the Sods and
down the next mountain over. They said the trout fishing had been awful due
to the unseasonable cold, but they deserve some excellent fishing now for
their good deed. I'm the guy with the funny red, low cut Salomon boots and
Peletonen skis from the late 80s that makes it up to White Grass at least
once a year; one these years you'll have to put me in new stuff. Have a
blast in Alaska and we'll watch for your report. --Dave Unnewehr
I want to thank you for letting me ski. It was lots and lots of fun. The scary part was race day, but I am glad
I did it. It was very very pretty up there. I like the hot co-co. I didn’t like falling down but I did lots of
times. I hope this letter doesn’t take up too much time. Thanks again. Ashley Chapman of Webster Springs
West Va. Special Olympics
I had a feeling White grass would be a cool place but I had no clue how cool
it would be. I know if I had more time to ski the top of the mountain that
I would have fallen in love with the place. Even skiing around on the snow
farm was a hoot. It gets me fired up to see people like you that are
so into snow. The fact that you took the time to shovel snow in key spots
just to have a race for 10 people is pretty cool. We plan on coming back
next year. When we do come back I'll bring about 10 more people from Erie
and Pittsburgh and we can double the race field. Enjoy the snow while it's
here and I'll pray for more. Jim
P.S. Thanks for the taste of the moonshine. That stuff was smooth…
(Jim lapped everybody on Sunday, he is the fastest skier we have ever seen here!)
Ever since my friends and i visited whitegrass last february, maybe it was on the weekend of your birthday,
we haven't stopped talking about how great your mountain lodge was. We enjoyed the gourmet food
immensely and reveled the appalachain bluegrass music. A bunch of us rented telemark skis and had a blast
cutting turns the following day. peter
Man, you really provided me with some good info and I'm getting pretty excited about getting up there
many times this winter. I've heard someone else talking about the "Pipeline to Laneville" before. Is all that
2000 foot vertical downhill or are there a lot of flat spots you gotta hike? I had never thought of doing
anything other than straight up
downhill areas like Timberline, snowshoe, etc. before because I didn't think it was a good possibility this
far east... but you've definitely convinced me! I'll keep up to date with your website FORGOT WHO
My heart is full of love for life and friends and children and snow.
You guys fuel my fire. Thanks. Alice Fleischman
Love your web site, and your ski area. It's a place where a transplanted
Yank like me can get my fix of snow. The food is better than any other
XC area bar none, too. Keep truckin'. And thanks for pulling me out
of that ditch a couple of years ago. - Ron
Hi Chip Took my first trip to Whitegrass last month and loved it. It got me thinking about
skiing up through Whitegrass into the Dolly Sods for an overnight, then coming back
out the next day. I understand a lot of people do this sort of thing. Do you object to
people parking in your lot overnight while camping? Also, would it be a problem for
my wife to rent backcountry skis overnight ? Would welcome any other suggestions
you may have.
Thanks for the advice! You guys run a great operation - can't wait to get back esp.
w/fresh snow on the way.- Dave
Excellent web site, very informative (if a little dis-organized) and fun to
I've enclosed a graph (as a gif) of the snowfall over the past ten years
using your information.
Thanks for the 'memories'!
-- Colin Enger
XC Skier since pine tar and wood were the 'pinnacle of technology'.
thank you so very much for an incredible weekend! it was clear that
our entire NATO clinic couldn't get enough of whitegrass in only three
days! some of my "w" thoughts: WHITEGRASS= wild, wondrous, wacky, warm, wispy tendrils of smoke,
white fluffy snow, wise souls, wilderness of the allegheny mountains, and wide arms around the
community…much love, laughs, and respect, jordan main...p.s. i baked the whitegrass oatmeal cookies for
my family (1/2 with raisins and 1/2 with choc. chips), and they loved them!!
The pure spirit of skiing and the good life is alive and well and living at Whitegrass. I know of no other
place where skiers gather and get closer to that wonderful spiritual aspect of skiing and fellowship. That
special place in us ( all of us nords ) that makes us want to go outside put on our skis and have fun.
Whitegrass is quite simply my favorite ski area in North America.
Ski Hard, Play Fair, Have Fun, Dickie Hall * NATO (Our nation's most FUN telemarker)