(Attachment: 9)Former Dalgety Site, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset

Item No:
Case Officer:
Mr D Evans
Former Dalgety Site, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset,
BH15 1HS
Application No:
Date Received:
23rd June 2005
The Luken Beck Partnership Ltd 30 Carlton Crescent
Southampton Hampshire SO15 2EW
LInden Homes Southern Ltd
Reserved Matters application pursuant to outline
planning permission 00/05406/022/P dated 26/06/03
for 96 flats and a restaurant with associated car
C 030 Poole Town
This application is brought before the Planning Committee because of the
scale of the proposals.
Site Description
The application site comprises land to the north of the multi-storey and
surface car parking associated with the West Quay Road Asda store.
The northern boundary of the application site abuts Holes Bay, which forms
part of Poole Harbour and which is designated as a Site of Special Scientific
Interest (SSSI), a Ramsar Site and Special Protection Area under the Birds
Directive. To the west the site abuts the operational quay and maintenance
area of the RNLI campus. Access to the site is by a traffic light controlled
junction off Holes Bay Road, which also serves the Asda car parking.
The site forms part of a larger area of former industrial land previously
occupied by a range of buildings including an 8-storey grain silo, warehouses
and chemical stores, builders’ merchants and a bus and coach depot. All of
these buildings were demolished and the site cleared and subject to
appropriate remediation prior to the construction of the Asda store.
Relevant Planning History
2003 - Outline planning permission for a mixed use development, with access
from Hole Bay Road, including:
A food store.
64 affordable residential units above the store and an 11 storey tower.
A multi-storey car park of up to four levels together with surface level car
A 96 flats waterfront residential development.
A waterfront restaurant.
A 100 bedroom hotel.
A 9000 square metres office development.
A public park fronting Holes Bay.
This permission was subject to a Section 106 Agreement that secured the
payment of contributions in respect of recreational facilities, public art,
highway infrastructure and transportation provisions. Detailed approval was
given in respect of the access arrangements, the food store and the affordable
2003 - Approval of reserved matters in respect of revised proposals for the
food store with residential above, including a multi-storey car park.
Current Proposal
The application seeks approval of reserved matters in respect of the 96
waterfront flats and the waterfront restaurant given outline planning
permission in 2003. The proposed flats comprise 3 x 3-bed, 78 x 2-bed
and 15 x 1-bed flats.
The proposals would create a single building of between 2 and 10 stories high, its footprint reflecting the narrow triangular plan of the
application site and forming a narrow spine block, only one flat deep for
much of its eastern half.
The ground floor would accommodate car parking, bin and bike stores, a
restaurant and the lobbies serving the proposed flats. Car parking is also
incorporated on the first and second floors with access by means of carlifts giving a total of 102 spaces (1.06/flat).
An 8m. wide waterfront promenade would be created along the whole of
the site’s length. Walkways through and around the western end of the
building link the promenade to the proposed footway/cycleway across
the Asda site and beyond.
Head of Transportation Services - no objection subject to appropriate
conditions, most particularly in respect of the provision and operation of the
two car lifts proposed.
Head of Leisure Services - seeks assurance that the proposed waterside
promenade is 8m. wide to ensure the provision of any future route across the
RNLI frontage in the event of the relocation of the RNLI. The ‘minimal’
landscaping, scale of the development and ‘blank walls’ to the ground floor
are all referred to. The restaurant should be at the eastern end of the building,
higher and better integrated into the adjacent waterfront park. The external
lighting of the building should be considered in connection with the
requirements for public art provision. A viewing area should be incorporated
into the promenade overlooking the RNLI complex. No open space is provided
and no provision made for childrens play.
Environment Agency - no objection subject to compliance with the
requirements in respect of finished levels as required by the outline planning
Health and Safety Executive - no comments
Wessex Water - no comments.
Planning Policy
The following policies of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004)
are relevant:
- (Holes Basin – Urban Design)
- (Land to the East of RNLI, West Quay Road)
- (Design Code)
- (Landscaping)
- (Public Art)
- (Housing Development)
- (Affordable Housing)
- (Security through Design)
- (Purpose Built Flats)
- (Sites of International Importance)
- (Sites of Special Scientific Interest)
- (Flood Risk)
- (Cycle Provision in new development)
- (Provision for pedestrians in new development)
- (Car Parking Maxima)
- (Traffic Generated by Development)
- (Provision for Recreational Facilities)
The Supplementary Planning Guidance in respect of the Poole Bridge
Regeneration Initiative includes the application site (‘Welcome to Poole pt.1:
by road’). Its requirements for this sector of the regeneration area, as they
relate to the current proposals, include:
A major pedestrian link along the Holes Bay frontage of the site and across
the site adjacent to the east elevation of the Asda multi-storey car park.
Car parking for residential units that is adequate for their needs but does
not adversely affect the urban form and character of the area. An average
of 1.1 spaces per unit should be provided. On-site parking should be
concealed within blocks or below buildings in such a way that active
frontages are maintained at street level.
Covered communal and secure parking for two-wheeled transport.
distinctive buildings, spaces and features overlooking the north facing
A variety of building heights, scales and forms, especially in views from
Holes Bay Road.
Include buildings fronting Holes Bay generally between 3 and 5 stories
high, but which should be the tallest in the area.
Comprise a combination of high quality, eye-catching buildings and
Planning Considerations
The scale, density and access arrangements for the proposed building
were largely determined by the outline planning permission for the
redevelopment of the wider site and by the detailed consents for the
Asda store, associated residential accommodation and car parking.
The colours, materials and design of the proposed building reflect the
character and scale of the adjacent Asda building, the linked housing
and the extensive surface and decked car parking. The proposals reflect
the evolving character of the area and are of an appropriate scale to
their surroundings. The Regeneration Initiative SPG sets out the role of
this area as a principle gateway to the town centre and recognises that
the scale and density of development should form a clear ‘edge and
gateway’ to the town centre as the ‘Business Gateway Quarter’ is
approached along Holes Bay Road. The building fulfils this role and
would create a highly visible and dramatic approach to the town centre,
particularly in combination with any future redevelopment of the land to
the east as a hotel and offices.
The largely inactive ground floor elevation to the south aspect of the
building is an appropriate response to the adjacent Asda car parking.
The prominent entrance lobbies off the waterside promenade and the
siting of the restaurant adjacent to the pedestrian link beneath the
building create active frontage in these areas in accordance with the
aspirations of the SPG.
The extensive use of balconies, most particularly on the north elevation
overlooking Holes Bay, and the incorporation of both private and
communal roof terraces adds considerably to the amenities of residents.
The provision of a LAP (Local Area for Play) within the communal
terrace area should be secured by condition.
The prominent staircases and service core towers give considerable
articulation to the building and with the careful use of appropriate
materials create a building that is wholly a appropriate to this location.
Car parking is provided in accordance with the provisions of the SPG.
The design and siting of the decked car parking would ensure that the
amenities of adjacent residents would not be materially harmed by any
future proposal to form additional floors on the Asda multi-storey car
Human Rights Act
In coming to this recommendation/decision consideration has been given to
the rights set out in Article 8 (Right to Privacy) and Article 1 of the First
Protocol (Right to Peaceful Enjoyment of Possessions) of the European
Convention on Human Rights.
Subject to the following conditions
1 - NP080 (Fume Extraction Equipment)
Prior to the commencement of development, or within such other time as
might first be agreed in writing, a scheme for the extraction and effective
supression of fumes, gases and odours associated with the proposed
restaurant shall be submitted to and approved in writing by, the Local
Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be fully implemented prior to
the restaurant use commencing and thereafter retained and operated in
accordance with the manufacturers instructions for so long as the use
Reason To protect the amenities of occupiers of adjoining properties and in
accordance with Policy NE1 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted
2 - HW200 (Provision of Visibility Splays)
Before any flat is first occupied and notwithstanding the provisions of the
Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 or
any subsequent re-enactment thereof, the land designated as visibility splays
as indicated on the approved plan shall be cleared of all obstructions over 0.6
metres above the level of the adjoining highway, including the reduction in
level of the land if necessary, and nothing over that height shall be permitted
to remain, be placed, built, planted or grown on the land so designated at any
Reason In the interests of highway safety and in accordance with Policies H13 and
T13 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004).
3 - Non Standard
There shall not at any time be vehicular access provided directly from the
adjacent carriageway to any proposed 'car lift'. Measures to secure this
requirement and in accordance with a scheme which shall first have been
submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority, shall be installed
prior to the occupation of any flat and thereafter retained at all times.
Reason In the interests of highway safety and in accordance with Policies H13 and
T13 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004).
4 - Non Standard
Before development commences full details of a lighting scheme to the
proposed pedestrian and cycleway routes around and beneath the building
shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
The approved scheme shall be implemented in accordance with a timetable
that will first be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority and shall
thereafter be retained at all times.
Reason To ensure that the proposed pedestrian routes/cycleways provides a safe and
attractive environment and in accordance with the provisions of Policies T2
and T3 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004).
5 - Non Standard
The proposed pedestrian and cycleway routes around and beneath the
building shall be provided and made available for public access in accordance
with a timetable that will first be agreed in writing by the Local Planning
Authority. Public access within these areas shall thereafter be retained at all
Reason To ensure that the proposed pedestrian routes/cycleways provides are
provided and thereafter retained in accordance with the provisions of Policies
T2 and T3 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004).
6 - Non Standard
Before development commences or within such other time as might be agreed
by the Local Planning Authority full details of all canopies, ballustrades,
ventilation grills, cycle parking equipment, gates and barriers to car-parking,
and the restaurant shopfront shall be submitted to and approved in writing by
the Local Planning Authority.
Reason To secure properly planned development and in accordance with the
provisions of Policies BE1 and H13 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration
(Adopted 2004).
7 - Non Standard
Before development commences or within such other time as might be agreed
by the Local Planning Authority full details of the layout and landscaping of the
private and communal roof terraces and a timetable for their provision shall be
submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The
layout of the communal area shall incorporate a LAP (Local Area for Play)
play area.
Reason To secure properly planned development and in accordance with the
provisions of Policy H13 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted
Informative Notes
1 - IN620 - Summary of Reasons for Decision
Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (Amendment)
Order 2003
The proposed development has been tested against the following policies of
the Development Plan and, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, is
not in conflict with the following policies:
The proposal accords with site specific criteria - Policies CA1 and CA3
The character of the area would not be adversely affected - Policy BE1
Recreation contribution paid - Policy L17
Landscaping will enhance the appearance of the area - Policy BE2
The proposal will not adversely affect a protected species or a site of
international nature conservation importance - Policies NE15 and NE16.
Provision has been made to secure public art - Policy BE9
Financial contributions towards transportation issues are provided and
proper provision for pedestrians, cyclists and car parking - Policies T2,
T3, T11 and T13
Affordable housing provision has been secured - Policy H5
The proposals have regard to the principles of security through design Policy H11
The purpose built flats respect their setting - Policy H13
Provision has been made to defend the scheme from flooding - Policy
2 - IN430 - Section 106 Agreement
The land and premises referred to in this planning permission are the subject
of an Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act
3 - IN440 - Subject to Recreational/Open Space Contribution
This application and permission is subject to a requirement that a capital
contribution is made towards recreational/open space provision in accordance
with the policies contained in the Poole Local Plan.
4 - IN590 - Subject to Affordable Housing
This application and permission is subject to a requirement that provision is
made for affordable housing in accordance with policies contained in the
Poole Local Plan.
5 - IN460 - Subject to Highway Contribution
This application and permission is subject to a requirement that a capital
contribution is made towards highway infrastructure and transportation
measures in accordance with the policies contained in the Poole Local Plan.
6 - IN600 - Subject to Green Travel Plan
This permission is subject to the implementation of a Green Travel Plan in
accordance with the policies contained in the Poole Local Plan
7 - Non Standard
The Borough of Poole supports the aims and objectives of the Dorset Police
'Secured by Design' scheme. This is an initiative that seeks to achieve high
standards of security by promoting principles of good design in the built
environment. The application of these principles is a proven method of
reducing crime, the fear of crime and anti social behaviour. Details of the
scheme are available on the website www.securebydesign.com. Should you
wish to discuss the 'Secured by Design' initiative please contact the
Architectural Liaison Officer, Gravel Hill Police Station, 1 Canford Heath Road,
Poole, Dorset, BH17 7NG. (Telephone: 01202 227833).
8 - Non Standard
The applicants are reminded that conditions attached outline planning
permission Ref. No. 00/05406/022/P require that no development shall take
place on the application site pursuant to the consent now given until approval
has also been secured in respect of matters that include the proposed
landscaping of the site (and the future management of those areas) and public
art provision.