GCSE Urdu preparation for mock exam 2016

GCSE Urdu Preparation
Your child will be taking Listening and Reading exams in May/June 2016. For speaking and
writing exams students will complete two controlled assessment tasks in each skill. The tasks
for each assessment will be decided by the teacher in consultation with the students. The
controlled assessment for both the skills needs to be completed by end of March 2016.
Speaking tasks will be recorded and marked by the teacher and sent to AQA for moderation
whereas the writing tasks will be marked externally by AQA.
Very soon, they will NEED to begin revising for the mock exam in February 2016.
The themes to examined are:
1. Lifestyle
2. Leisure
3. Home and Environment
4. Work and Education
Sources of Revision
Exercises books
Vocabulary books
Past exam papers provided by AQA website
Text Books
Work books and new modules
GCSE Urdu – Roohi Rizvi
GCSE Urdu – Sagheer Ahmed
GCSE Urdu – Zarmina Khand
 GCSE Revision Guide – Anis Qari (available from the department)
 GCSE Revision Guide – Sagheer Ahmed (available from the department)
How to support your child:
 Help your child learn new vocabulary by testing them regularly at home
Encourage your child to do research and practise answers for the
speaking/writing tests.
Conduct role plays with child using their scripts
Help children write their scripts in order to build confidence in the work that
they are producing
Should you have any questions please contact your child’s Urdu teacher
Mr M Hussain