September 21, 2006

Campus Center Room 204
Thursday, September 21, 2006 7:00pm
Members Present: Meg Ambrus, McKay LeBlanc, Jillian Flynn, Kamille King, Molly McCadden, Mary
Opler, Jan Arbaugh, Adrienne Lee, Ali Woodruff, Margaret MacRae, Devin Burke, Michele
Chapdelaine, Rae-Anne Butera, Ayesha Siddiqui, Monique Robinson
Call to Order: Margaret
A. Margaret called the meeting to order at 7:40pm
Roll Call: Adrienne
Approval of Minutes: Adrienne
A. Motion to approve the minutes from 9-14-06 passes 10-0-0
Committee Updates
A. McKay
1. 3 new members
2. Going to CAP soon; SHIP
B. Jan
1. Give receipts to her
2. Funding requests went without a hitch
C. Kamille
1. Will go to Senate this Tuesday
2. Had meeting on Wed. with The Republican (newspaper) on common ground
committee; is on the common ground committee
D. Jill
1. Nothing new because Mountain Day coincided
E. Margaret
1. Had first hearing of the year
F. Monique
1. No update
G. Adrienne
1. Intramurals
H. Devin
1. After 20 hours of deliberations, ORC allocated money today to majority
2. 3 new members elected Tuesday from Senate; need 2 more
3. Confusing about money left over in org. bank accounts and where it rolls over to
i. Orgs allocated money October-October of next year; traditionally rolls over into
SGA reserve
ii. Need to vote on whether money to go to SGA reserve, to ORC discretionary fund
(to go to conferences, events; up to ORC to decide whether they’ll get it or not),
what percentage
I. Michele
1. 5 new members
2. New Dean of Students observed the hearing
3. Georgia – November 2nd, or 9th; 7:15-8:00pm
J. Ayesha
1. Haven’t found out who is running for the 2 open cabinet positions (historian, social
3. 13th October – chocolate fondue party
4. Investor Responsibility meeting today
K. Molly and Meg
1. Meg presented College Hall Open House co-sponsorship idea
2. Tuesday October 17th is next HPA meeting, Seelye 101 7pm
3. Tuesday brainstorming session on how to feel more included; HPA is on board for
College Hall publicity
4. In the future, make the work that we want HPA to be involved in to be collaborative
5. Sign-up sheet for dinner in different houses
L. Mary
1. Senate went really well for the most part, people were excited
2. Still short a person on ORC
3. EnA
4. Party Policy
5. Cabinet Liaison committee will be a good resource
6. Senate and HPA should help each other out
M. Ali
1. First Senior Rep meeting – big issue is class t-shirts
2. Senior appreciation program – 11 students interested
V. Kika Gilbert – MassPIRG
A. Next week voter registration blitz
1. SGA – on voting day, organize SGA vans to the polls
2. For the blitz: e-mailed HPA, heads of orgs
3. Event: vote floats to register people to vote; map of people running in every state;
inviting a few radio stations to come; tabling event; hope to get orgs there so lots of
people working it; opportunity for SGA to be there; voter wristbands that say “Vote”
4. MassPIRG has re-app vote, to keep students on campus ($12/yr, $6/semester); have to
submit something to Senate
5. Will need to go on the fall election ballot
6. Campaign – new voters project started in 2004, national campaign
7. 2004- grant from Pew Foundation, $9 million grant this year, voter registration went
up 11% in 18-24 y/o; last NJ and VA gubernatorial races – went up 3%
8. Wednesday: show up and encourage people to vote; table
VI. College Business Updates: Meg
A. Met with Pat Mahok: does menu planning for college
1. General menu complaints – weekend dinners are not the best
2. Snacks for finals period
i. Fruit, dried trail mix packets, granola bars
ii. Packaged goods
iii. Possibly doing a coffee (Seattle’s Best) and hot chocolate delivery (in a box)
to every house during reading period
a. Let house know of dates in advance so they can plan something for
those nights
3. Plan menus for next semester on Monday and Tuesday of fall break
i. 9am-5pm each day
ii. Margaret: 1-2:45pm Monday
iii. Devin: 10am-12pm
4. Strategic Planning
i. Need to have students attend Strategic Planning sessions
ii. Want to write up plan for the next 10-20 years by the end of the semester
iii. Lunches or teas; free food; only 1 hour commitment
5. College Relations meeting
i. Excited about publicity for Seven Sisters Conference
ii. Interested in students’ perception of school ranking
iii. Might put out a newsletter or current students highlighting great
accomplishments of Smith
6. Board of Trustees
i. Weekend of 17th (Tuesday) October
ii. Meetings on 19-22 October
Friday 20th – cabinet’s meeting with Board of Trustees in Mary Maples
Dunn room
Formal presentation not to exceed 20 minutes in length
a. Goals of wellness and social life
People who can present: Margaret: curriculum (extension of reading
period, etc.), Molly: social life, Mary: Get Fit Smith, food issues, eating
7. Issues Board seems to be interested in:
i. Eating – the Board thinks Smithies are fat
a. Way to discuss healthy choices
ii. Stress on campus
a. Not in Strategic Planning at the moment
b. Talk in a positive way on how to improve student life on campus,
improve morale
iii. Senior gifts
8. Remember that you’re representing all students’ opinions
Seven Sisters Updates
1. Ayesha: e-mails are out; 4 have been sent out
2. Keynote: McKay: waiting for Jill Ker Conway; waiting until Monday
3. Molly: Hillary letter has gone out asking for support
4. Food – Jill: Alumnae House is not answering e-mails (probably because very busy)
(for lunch); e-mailed Sam about whether she can accommodate
5. Space/Gifts
1. Reserved Seelye 101 5-6pm
2. Gifts: binders – Seven Sisters, hosted by Smith College, date, black
Closing Announcements
1. If you want to talk to Senate, e-mail Mary
VII. Motion to Adjourn
A. Meg adjourned the meeting at 9:04pm