CONFIDENTIAL - Smith College

Campus Center Room 204
Thursday, March 29, 2007 7:00pm
Members Present: Meg Ambrus, Molly McCadden, Adrienne Lee, Ayesha Siddiqui, Michele
Chapdelaine, Devin Burke, Rae-Anne Butera, Ali Woodruff, Shadavia Jones, McKay LeBlanc,
Margaret MacRae, Jillian Flynn, Jan Arbaugh, Mary Opler, Aliza Leventhal
Members Absent: Kamille King
Call to Order – Meg
A. Meg called the meeting to order at 7:05pm
B. Recognizing Excellence Awards – due tomorrow! (Friday)
C. Cabinet Column – Ali
Opening Activity – All
A. What was the funniest moment in your life in the last two weeks?
Minutes – Adrienne/ All
A. Motion to pass minutes from 3-15-07 passes 9-0-5
Constitutional Review – Meg/All
A. Impeachment language for all cabinets/ committees
1. ORC Impeachment clause – more detailed impeachment guidelines are kept in the
ORC guidelines, not in the constitution
2. Motion to approve the changes to the constitution passes 13-0-1
3. Getting word out about changes – publicity?
a. Tabling in the CC: lemonade, popcorn (CC popcorn machine), candy
b. Adrienne will look into reserving a table during the week of elections
c. T-shirts: “Check out my article”; “Do you want typos in your constitution?”
d. Stickers – might have to send away for them; Jan will look into them, so send
her slogan ideas
e. People might immediately associate constitutional change with the previous
change (gender issue)
f. Constitution will go to Senate next Tuesday; help advocate the changes
Staff Appreciation Day = 4/25 – All
A. Logistics committee – flowers, list of staff members, delivery locations, etc.
a. Single gerber daisies?
b. Informal poll: flowers: 4, cookies: 6
c. Flowers – 2,000? Are they cost-effective?
d. Cookies – can attain from Atkins Farms
e. Flower cookies? Colored cellophane?
f. No flowers, but rather cookies!
g. Best delivery locations?
h. Cookie (“logistics”) Committee: Ayesha, Michele, Shadavia, Aliza, McKay, Jan,
i. Friday 20 April: Custodial/Housekeeping Appreciation Day
B. Committee for Campus Publicity/ Internal SGA Publicity
a. Meg, Mary, Molly, Adrienne, Margaret, Ali, Jill
C. April 13th Pub Opening at 4pm – part of staff appreciation?
a. 13 April Staff Council event at the pub, opening the pub at 4pm – incorporate this
into Staff Appreciation Day, students buy staff members drinks; e-mail sent to
students to encourage them to go to this event
Turnover = 2/19 at 7pm in Mary Maples Dunn – Meg/All
A. What’s the best way to convey info for the year – binder, digital, both?
1. Put documents on CDs
2. The more material you can give, the better
B. All-cabinet letter of what we want to encourage people to carry on and what things to
do differently?
1. Things to keep pushing for (not fall off the deep end), and things you can do
2. Send ideas to include in the letter to Meg and Adrienne
C. What else?
1. Turnover meetings within committees for HPA, AHB, JB, ORC
2. Dinner at Rae-Anne’s house: Sunday 29 April 6:30pm
Essential Committee Updates – All
A. McKay
1. Latin Honors: “Liberal Arts Commendation”
2. Wanted something that would exactly reflect the accomplishment and be
3. Wanted a better name, but sometimes if something is more transparent, it has
greater impact
B. Aliza
1. Sent out care package letters before Spring Break, and already have 40-50
requests (~$1,000)
2. Hot tub extravaganza – Thursday May 3rd
C. Michele
1. JB apps due Wednesday, interviews will happen next week
D. Ali
1. Food ideas for senior ball: crab cake, fruits?
2. Invite ‘08Js?
E. Mary
1. Has received many e-mails about GQ article
College Updates – Meg
A. EnA
1. Someone may run!
B. April fireside chat – 3rd guest and title?
1. Dean Jennifer Walters as the third guest
2. Title: Finding Your Life Partner
C. J.B. Appeal – Who wants to be involved?
1. McKay
D. Election Publicity
1. Need more people to run for SGA Secretary, 2010 Class President, 2008 Class
Closing Announcements
A. McKay
1. Going to CAP to defend curriculum on 14 April
Motion to Adjourn
A. Everyone motioned to adjourn at 8:56pm