RAIL DEMAND FORECASTING IN HONG KONG AND SHENZHEN AUTHORS Tim Martin and Stephen Rutherford Atkins China Limited 16/F World Trade Centre, 280 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Tele. (852) 2972 1000, Fax. (852) 2881 0056 tmartin@atkins-china.com.hk, srutherford@atkins-china.com.hk ABSTRACT Many cities in Asia are looking to rail-based systems in order to solve urban transport problems and to allow further development. Patronage forecasts for rail system planning and design must be robust and yet sensitive to small differences in the attractiveness of the available route choice options. The default EMME/2 transit assignment procedure can produce travel cost matrices that are suitable for use in strategic modelling but limitations arise when the default procedure is used for detailed rail patronage forecasting. This paper describes a logit-based multi-routing public transport EMME/2 model structure that is appropriate for urban rail networks with low service intervals. The model allows for choice of sub-mode (rail or other), choice of station, and choice of rail route between station pairs. The necessary network coding and transit assignment ‘additional options’ features required are outlined. INTRODUCTION RAIL DEVELOPMENT Hong Kong. The 6.5 million residents of Hong Kong make around 12 million trips everyday with 80% made by public transport (i.e. transit). Rail accounts for 35% of the public transport market share with bus at 40%, minibus 15%, and LRT or ferry or tram 10%. The rail network first opened in 1979 and three lines were operational by 1997. Last year the Airport Rail Line (Airport Express and Tung Chung Line) started services and a further three lines will be opened by 2004. This recent emphasis on rail development is closely related to increases in future population projections and recognition of the efficiency and environmental benefits of rail transportation. Rail services run at service intervals of two to three minutes and trains are often full in peak periods where line flows over 70,000 passengers per person per direction (pphpd) are regularly carried on the MTR. Interchange stations passenger (walk) flows can reach up to 20,000 passengers per hour. Urban and trunk bus services also operate at high frequencies and with high occupancies. Shenzhen. Population within the Shenzhen economic zone is set to increase by around 1 million people by 2010. At the same time, the population is becoming more dispersed and more affluent. Major developments are planned in terms of reclamation Page 1 areas, New Towns, port developments and industrial centres. To address current highway congestion and to provide an attractive alternative to the car, a Metro system is planned comprising underground services in the Central Area with radial routes to the development corridors. The first section of the planned Metro System will be open by year 2003 with construction beginning later this year. Atkins China Ltd has recently been commissioned by the Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Centre to undertake the Shenzhen Comprehensive Transport Planning and Rail Development Study. This 12 month Study involves the planning and feasibility of alternative rail systems and alignments, with an emphasis on integrating development with the rail stations. THE NEED FOR RAIL FORECASTS The planning and design of rail network development requires realistic and plausible patronage forecasts for a range of development scenarios and rail networks. Rail strategy and system design decisions will be made on the basis of the patronage forecasts. Given the engineering cost of rail systems (Hong Kong will spend HK$110 billion on rail development between now and 2004), the planning resources dedicated to optimising the rail system can prove to be extremely cost effective. RAIL FORECASTS WITHIN THE OVERALL FORECASTING APPROACH Public transport assignment is only one stage of the overall demand forecasting approach that is required to produce future year rail passenger flows. For Hong Kong, and now for Shenzhen, we have developed an overall land-use strategic transport planning model incorporating the traditional four-stage approach within EMME/2. This model takes planning data, transport network data and socio-economic data (income etc.) and produces daily and peak hour flows on highway and public transport services. For rail forecasting, the critical outputs from the strategic transport model include (i) daily public transport trip matrices and (ii) peak hour highway/bus travel times. Although the strategic model is not detailed within this Paper, it is important to stress that the two inputs (trip matrices and highway network speeds) must be thoroughly checked to ensure that they are acceptable for use in the detailed public transport model. TRANSIT ASSIGNMENT The term assignment describes the building of paths through a network and the loading of a trip matrix onto those paths. Key outputs include routeings through the network, flows/usage information, and network performance i.e. level of congestion (especially for highway applications). Transit assignment involves (i) choice of public transport submode (bus / rail / ferry) and (ii) choice of individual service. System design is generally based on demand forecasts (assuming unlimited capacity) which means that successive model iterations (used in highway assignments) are not required. For public transport, the assignment must include all elements of door-to-door journey cost such as: Walk access time Waiting time Fare (converted to minutes using a Value of Time (VOT) Page 2 In-vehicle time Walk egress time to final destination Actual travel time is ‘weighted’ such that a generalised journey cost is produced. Typically walking and waiting time is perceived as unattractive and factored by around 2 relative to in-vehicle time. Boarding and interchange penalties are used to represent the inconvenience of an in-direct journey. Additional waiting penalties at boarding nodes or in-vehicle time factor on congested services can be used to represent congestion. STANDARD TRANSIT ASSIGNMENT WITHIN EMME/2 The ‘default’ transit assignment within EMME/2 incorporates a multi-routeing algorithm based on the computation of ‘optimal strategies’. For any journey a ‘strategy’ comprises a selection of ‘sub-strategies’ representing all the attractive sub-paths such that the total expected travel time is minimised. The path-building and assignment procedure is essentially a two-stage procedure as follows: i. Selection of a ‘attractive’ path set. At any decision point, a path is excluded from the attractive path set if a traveller can reach the destination more quickly by waiting the full service interval for an alternative service. ii. Allocation of trips based on frequency. Trips are allocated to the sub-paths in the attractive path set on the basis of service frequency. This algorithm is suitable for strategic modelling as the concept of an ‘overall strategy’ ensures that zonal travel costs are minimised. These travel costs can then be used in the four-stage model for input to main mode choice calculations and distribution modules. LIMITATIONS OF THE DEFAULT TRANSIT ALGORITHM However if detailed forecasts of loadings on individual lines and services are required, then straightforward application of the default EMME/2 algorithm may not be appropriate. For the purpose of system design (and particularly station sizing) it is essential that the forecasts are ‘continuous’ in that small changes in travel time / cost lead to reasonable changes in patronage. The following features of the EMME/2 pathbuilding/assignment algorithm need to be considered when using the default algorithm: Selection of Paths. When the headway (service interval) of the ‘lowest cost’ path is small (2 or 3 minutes) as is often the case in Hong Kong, the algorithm can tend to operate in a similar manner to an All-or-Nothing (AoN) approach. Potential problems occur when two alternative paths are similar in terms of time and cost in that small change in travel time can result in extremely large differences in flow. Treatment of walk choices at Rail Interchange. A particularly important aspect for station planning is the forecasts of passenger interchange demands. Within the default EMME/2 algorithm, all passengers already on board a particular rail service and heading for a particular destination, will tend to act as a single group and ‘herd’ together (see Figure 2). Page 3 Although the network can be coded to introduce a ‘decision point’ and to control the split of passengers (i.e. avoid the AON decision), this is not an ideal solution. Treatment of walk choices. In the allocation of trips to reasonable paths, walk links are treated as having an infinite frequency and will therefore take 100% of all trips. Where two alternative walk choices are available (e.g. zone centroids to choice of zone connectors), a single link will take 100% of trips between an O-D pair. For zone connectors, EMME/2 options 5.34 and 5.35 (for detailed analysis of transit trips) allow trips to be allocated to the connectors on the basis of journey cost. This option is limited due to processing time and it also precludes the ‘additional options’ features. Effect of Frequency in Line Loading. Journey cost elements (other than service frequency) can only influence line loading via the selection of paths. Thus (for a individual O-D pair) a change in fare or travel time for a service will either (i) have no effect or (ii) can influence whether or not the path is included within the reasonable path set. As line flows are made up of many O-D pairs, the total line loadings are much less sensitive than the route choice for a single O-D pair. TECHNIQUES TO ADDRESS THE ABOVE Small zone sizes should be used to address the issue of loading of trips between zone connectors. Following the assignment, critical route choices should be identified and the ‘additional options’ facilities used to investigate whether the result is acceptable for study requirements. If necessary, the network coding and assignment parameters can be adjusted to ensure that ‘correct’ routeings are achieved. However, for most transit applications involving system design, it is preferable to use a ‘matrix’ based approach to sub-mode split in place of the simple default algorithm. Under this approach, two or more sets of public transport ‘biased’ paths are built. Trips are then allocated to sub-modes based on the difference in travel costs according to a ‘diversion curve’ such as a logit model. This approach removes some of the ‘discontinuities’ described above and will produce at least two paths for each O-D pair. However, the sub-mode split approach alone is not sufficient to address the more complex rail routing issues detailed above. The approach that we have adopted to produce rail forecasts for system design is described below. RAIL MODEL STRUCTURE Our rail forecasting approach is a three-stage procedure, given the inputs of a daily public transport trip matrix and highway speeds. Modules such as path-building, travel cost and daily to peak hour factors are included within the public transport model structure. The primary assignment-related models are as follows: Sub-mode split model to split total public transport trips into two categories - rail and non-rail trips – based on differences in journey time and cost. A trip that uses rail for any part of the journey is included within the rail category. Page 4 Station Choice Model to determine the (initial) origin and (final) destination station for rail trips. Between an OD pair, trips may have a choice of several origin and destination rail stations Rail Route Choice Model to determine the route through the rail network when more than one rail routing is available SUB-MODE SPLIT MODEL The sub-mode split model parameters define the relationship between relative journey costs by mode and the proportion of trips using each mode. The output from the submode split model is the proportion of public transport trips travelling by either (i) rail or (ii) other public transport modes. We apply a ‘binary’ logit model to divide trips into rail or non-rail as this is the most basic choice that travellers make. Separate curves were calibrated for short, medium and long trips. Apart from the total public transport trip matrix, the basic inputs to the sub-mode split model include travel cost skim matrices taken from ‘biased’ rail and non-rail assignments. A weighting of 3 to 5 is applied to the in-vehicle time of the unfavoured mode to produce the biased assignments. The model parameters include the slope i.e. degree of sensitivity and mode constant i.e. bias (which can be expressed as minutes in favour of a particular mode). The function employed in the PTM is as follows: 1 Pr = (1 + e ( (GCn - GCr)*a - b) ) where: Pr = GCn = GCr = a = b = the probability of choosing rail mode for any OD pair generalised travel cost by non-rail modes from origin to destination generalised travel cost by rail modes from origin to destination slope parameter mode constant (positive = in favour of rail) The parameters a and b are ideally calibrated based on observed data. For cases with little survey data (or with no existing rail system such as Shenzhen) then imported values need to be used (subject to sensitivity tests). STATION CHOICE MODEL The station choice model determines the ultimate boarding station and final alighting station of rail trips. In simple rail networks, the choice of station is straightforward. For more complex networks, there may be a number of options available all of which involve travel by rail (see Figure 1). Typically, people within walking distance (up to 700m) will walk to the nearest station. For bus access trips, however, the route choice model will determine the split of trips amongst the available stations. In Hong Kong only 50% of journeys are single-leg ‘walk-in’/ ‘walk-out’ rail trips which shows the importance of bus access trips. Page 5 The modeller must identify the range of alternative choices within the network/corridor in question. Path-building parameters within EMME/2 must be set so that the desired routeing is achieved. Travel costs from each path are saved and manipulated in order to remove the ‘bias’ and to give the actual travel cost. The multinomial logit diversion function applied to the three sets of alternative rail paths is similar to the binary logit function used in the sub-mode split model. The form of the model is as follows: eUr1 Pr1 = (eUr1 + eUr2 + eUr3 ) where Pr1 eUr1 = = the probability of choosing rail path 1 for any OD pair a utility function for travel by rail path from origin to destination For equal generalised journey cost, an equal proportion of trips will be allocated to each alternative. For a situation with two alternative route choices, a difference of 10 generalised cost minutes will result in around 75% of trips using the shorter alternative. Figure 1 Example of Available Route Choices: Shatin to Hong Kong Island Choice of Origin Rail Station (primarily for bus access trips) Choice of cross-harbour submode: ‘MTR’ or ‘KCR plus cross-harbour bus’ Choice of Destination Rail Station Page 6 RAIL ROUTE CHOICE MODEL For each station-to-station pair, the rail route choice (RCM) model determines the proportion of rail trips travelling via each available rail route based on the travel cost of each alternative. A station-to-station trip matrix is extracted from the full zone-to-zone assignment following the station choice model. The RCM is applied at the station-tostation level in order to reduce processing time. The general form of the model is the same as the station choice model although the model parameters are different in that the route choice model is more sensitive to journey time differences. For a difference between two alternative routes of 10 generalised cost minutes, it is estimated that around 90% of trips will use the shorter alternative. A typical application of the RCM is illustrated in Figure 2 which shows the proposed West Rail service in HK and the interchange stations with two existing lines. In the AM peak, a major flow of passengers is forecast to travel on West Rail towards the Central area which is also a primary interchange with other rail lines. In reality, with the small differences in journey characteristics in terms of walk interchange time, wait time etc, one would expect a limited amount of multi-routing between the two route options, but that the route-choice would be highly sensitive to station design in terms of walkinterchange length at each station. Figure 2 Route Choice Involving Rail Interchange Stations NORTH WEST NEW TERRITORIES MEI FOO STATION (6 MINUTE WALK) WEST RAIL (PLANNED) TUNG CHUNG LINE (EXISTING) or aj M TSUEN WAN LINE (EXISTING) r ge en ss Pa YEN CHOW STREET STATION (3 MINUTE WALK) d an m De Choice of Rail Line and Interchange Station ow Fl HONG KONG STATION KEY interchange station CENTRAL STATION This level of sensitivity is extremely difficult to achieve using sub-mode split techniques alone. In the route choice model, one path will be built via the Tsuen Wan Line and one path via the Tung Chung Line. The journey costs via each alternative are compared using the logit model described above. The route specific matrices are then successively assigned (using the ‘assign more trips’ options) to the network to give line loadings and rail interchange flows. As with all logit models, a key issue in the design of the Rail Page 7 Route Choice model is that only ‘true’ alternatives should be input. If required, further levels in the hierarchy can be introduced to differentiate between two very similar but slightly different paths. SPECIAL MODEL FEATURES RAIL NETWORK CODING The rail network was coded so that a single entry/exit ‘gate’ link (node 8177-7177) provided walk access/exit from each rail system as shown in Figure 3. The arrangement for rail-rail interchange stations is more complex but operates on the same principle. Figure 3 ZONE CONNECTORS Network Coding for Rail Stations STATION ENTRY Note: Board Fare set by length of entry ‘gate’ walk link. Set to zero on outbound gate link RAIL PLATFORM BUS LINK BUS-RAIL WALK LINK RAIL LINE This network coding serves several purposes. Firstly, the initial boarding fare of a rail trip can be represented while allowing subsequent boardings (i.e. rail interchanges) to occur without fare penalty. Secondly, the gate link allows for the extraction of a stationto-station trip matrix for use in the route choice model and for calculation of system revenue Thirdly, the interchange between bus and rail can be represented by a dedicated walk link allowing alternative interchange penalties to be modelled. Page 8 FARES MODELLING Fares are included within the network as additional time penalties. Bus fares are straightforward and are included in the line-specific ‘boarding penalty’ which is ideal for ‘flat’ fare systems. ‘Step-down’ fares need to be coded as ‘line and node’ specific option which can be time-consuming to code due to the volume of bus routes. Rail fares are represented as an initial boarding fare (represented by the ‘gate link’ on rail system entry) plus a distance element per kilometre stored in a link attribute. The stationto-station fare represented in the network can be extracted using the ‘additional options assignment’ and compared to the actual fare table. Adjustments to the boarding penalty and the distance-related fares on individual links can then be made in an iterative manner to ensure that fares are correctly represented. EXTRACTION OF RAIL TRIP MATRIX (FOR ENTIRE SYSTEM OR BY OPERATOR) The procedure for extraction of a station to station matrix requires use of the additional options procedures and a short (Fortran) program. In the example below, 100 rail trips travel between a single O-D pair and all use origin destination ‘188’ as shown below. Some rail route choice occurs with 60% of trips alighting at station ‘177’ and 40% of trips alighting at station ‘193’. The steps to produce a station to station matrix include the following (see also Figure 4): 1. The link extra attribute (@RSTAT) on the walk gate-links is set as follows where %ID% is a three-digit station identifier: Entry links given the value: %ID% * 1000 Exit links are given the value: %ID% 2. A first ‘additional options’ assignment is undertaken to sum the auxiliary transit attribute @RSTAT. The ‘maximum attribute sub-strategies’ are retained with the path operator ‘+’ and a threshold of ‘1 to 999999’. The ‘additional strategy attribute’ and the ‘active demand’ are saved. 3. The link extra attribute (@RSTAT or Rail STATion) on the walk gate-links is reset: Entry links are given the value: (-1000+%ID%)*1000 Exit links are given the value: -1000+%ID% 4. A second ‘additional options’ assignment is undertaken. This time the ‘minimum attribute sub-strategies’ are retained with the path operator ‘+’ and a threshold of ‘999999 to 0’. The ‘additional strategy attribute’ and the ‘active demand’ are saved. 5. The four matrices are then converted to ASCII and a short program is used to produce a station to station trip matrix. The values of RSTAT and the active demand output from each assignment are shown in the Table below. The FORTRAN program then re-converts @RSTAT back into the origin and destination station and appends the number of trips using the route. Page 9 Figure 4 1). Extraction of Station to Station Matrix for a Rail System Assignment Number 1: Maximum Attribute Retained (not retained) 60% of trips in 8188 177 7177 188000 177000 7188 188 193 40% of trips (retained) 2). 7193 out 8193 193000 Assignment Number 2: Minimum Attribute Retained -823 (retained) 60% of trips in 8188 Key: 8188 -812000 8177 -823000 7188 Station number -807 out 8193 40% of trips 7193 -807000 (not retained) Notes: (i) Length of station entry link Rail service Represents Boarding fare 188000 @Rstat: station entry 188 out 7177 -812 3). out 8177 (ii) Zero length on station exit link @Rstat: station exit Information Extracted from the Two Additional Option Assignments Add. Options Assignment 1) Maximum Sub-strategy 2) Minimum Sub-strategy Origin Station 188 188 188 188 Destination Station 177 193 177 193 Value of @RSTAT 188177 188193 -812823 -812807 Active Demand Retained (trips) Not retained 40 60 Not retained CONCLUSIONS Realistic transit patronage forecasts can be produced for urban rail systems using EMME/2. The exact approach needs to be tailored to the requirements of the particular study. The default algorithm is appropriate for strategic modelling but more complex ‘diversion-curve’ models are more appropriate for rail forecasting, particularly in complex urban networks. Page 10