Chapter 12 Assignment

Chapter 12 Assignment
“A Changing Nation”
Directions: This will be an independent assignment, you will need to complete the
following tasks. Each task will have a point value and the entire assignment will have the
value of a test grade. The assignment should be completed in parts, so that each part is
done separately.
Part 1: Vocabulary (25 points)
The following words need to be defined or identified:
Andrew Jackson
states’ rights
Panic of 1837
John Quincy Adams
Jacksonian Democracy
Indian Removal Act
Whig Party
spoils system
Indian Territory
William Henry Harrison
Tariff of Abominations
Trail of Tears
John Tyler
John C. Calhoun
doctrine of nullification
Martin Van Buren
Part 2: Key Questions (25 points)
The following questions need to be answered in complete sentences.
1. Describe the political divisions that appeared before and after the 1824
2. Explain how Jackson helped change American democracy.
3. In what ways did economic issues increase sectional tensions?
4. What issues were at stake in the state’s rights debate?
5. Explain why Jackson wanted Native Americans moved to the West.
6. Describe the effects of the Indian Removal Act.
7. Explain how Jackson destroyed the national bank.
8. Describe how the Whigs differed from the Democrats.
Part 3: Timeline (25 points)
Make a timeline that covers the years 1824-1840. Feel free to use the timeline on
pages 392-393. Your timeline should have 10 historical events on it. The events
should be covered in Ch 12. Make sure your timeline has:
1. the year
2. a short explanation of the event
3. a small picture or symbol that is connected to the event
Part 4: Choose a creative assignment (25 points)
1. Create a cause and effect chart using the Essential Question (What impact
did Andrew Jackson’s presidency have on the nation?). Use page 411 as a
a. Use at least 5 events.
b. Include a small picture or symbol that represents the event.
2. Write an article for the Cherokee Phoenix. The purpose of the article is to
inform readers about the passage of the Indian Removal Act. You should
warn readers of any possible effects this act could have on the Cherokee
people and how they might prepare. Be sure to include a picture with the
3. Draw a sketch map of Indian Territory. Refer to the map on page 405.
study the area of land set aside for Indian Territory. (1)Draw a large sketch
map of Indian Territory. Using the information found on the map, (2)label
the area each Native American Nation occupied, (3) write its population, and
(4) the approximate length of its journey. Make sure you (5)add a title to
your map.
4. Create campaign jingles for both presidential candidates in the 1832 election.
Jingles should be brief, yet should reflect each candidate’s beliefs about the
national bank. Jingles should also mention which party each candidate
represents. They should be simple and catchy.