PGC minutes February 17 2010 - West Hills Community College


West Hills College Lemoore

Planning and Governance Council

Wednesday – February 17, 2010, 2:00 p.m.

Conference Center, Rm. 256


Members Present:

David Babb, Student Learning Outcomes Chair

Dave Bolt, Vice President of Educational Services

Sylvia Dorsey-Robinson, Vice President of Student Services

Stephanie Droker, Academic Senate President

Marty Ennes, CTA/Faculty Representative

Marlon Hall, Associate Dean of Educational Services, Evening College

Jose Lopez, Dean of Students

Keith Brock, CSEA/Classified Representative

John Bernal, Director of Facilities & Auxiliary Services

Ron Oxford, Librarian

Angela Tos, CTA/Faculty Representative

Don Warkentin, President

Angel Isidoro, Student Government Association Representative

Members Absent:

America Bryant, CSEA/Classified Representative

Rene Sanchez, Curriculum Committee Chair

Linda Amaya-Guenon, Counselor/Advisor

Call to Order

Mr. Warkentin called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m.

Roll Call

A silent roll call was taken with a quorum present.

Approval of minutes

The minutes of the February 3, 2010 meeting were approved with corrections on a motion by Marty Ennes, it was seconded by Marlon Hall, all in favor, motion passed.

Action Items:

 Child Development Program Review

Marty Ennes motioned to approve the Child Development Program Review noting the need for additional faculty; it was seconded by Angela Tos. Dave Bolt added that the learning area had also identified the need for faculty. Mr. Warkentin asked if there were questions, or comments. Marty Ennes, Stephanie Droker and Angela Tos all commented that this was a well done review. All were in favor, the motion passed.

Information/Discussion Items


Program Reviews (first reading)

 Business

 LNAS-Voluntary Educational Military Program

Dave Bolt reported that these two program reviews were submitted early and therefore he would like approval to have these submitted without the summary form. The originators will be invited to attend the next meeting should there be questions. Jan

Planning and Governance Minutes 2/17/2010

Young is the LNAS originator and Brian Kron, the originator of the Business Program



Student Government Association (SGA)

Angel Isidoro reported that there will be a fund raiser on February 25 th. Chips and sodas will be sold with the proceeds to go toward Haiti relief. Mr. Warkentin questioned Angel regarding Johan Mayado, the WHCC Associated Student Body President, who is currently the student trustee to attend the Board meetings. Mr. Warkentin has concern that Mr. Mayado is not reporting on behalf of the WHCL SGA at the Board meetings.

Angel responded that he was familiar with this student and he had tried to contact him with no return response. Angel has asked SGA advisor, Shawn Jackson, to contact the

WHCC advisor for communication regarding this. Mr. Warkentin recalls discussion regarding concern with the title/name of Student Government Association as to whether it needed to be changed to coincide with the name of Associated Student Body. Sylvia

Dorsey-Robinson reported that follow-up is still being pursued on this as well with the student body fee charged to athletes. The funds have been identified and the next step is to meet with director of accounting, Tammy Weatherman, to clarify the process of how to access these funds. Sylvia reported that there could be additional dollars in the account from previous semesters. Last semester, approximately $750 was collected, but previous semester’s collections have not been determined. Angela Tos commented that some of the students who paid the $7.50 from pervious semesters are no longer here and unfortunately not able to benefit from these monies. She believes that deliberate action need be taken to let students know the purpose and use for these monies.


Curriculum Committee Report

Dave Bolt reported that the Curriculum Committee is having a difficult time transitioning from Blackboard to the Portal and these concerns have delayed progress.

The Curriculum Committee meets each Wednesday at noon.


Academic Senate Report

Stephanie Droker reported that four names had been forwarded to President Warkentin for tenure consideration. The names forwarded were confirmed by unanimous vote.

They are: Christian Raia, Mike Rodriguez, Joel Rodgers and Lataria Hall. The faculty is having dialogue concerning the new District Educational Coordinating Council. An election committee has been appointed for the election of a new Senate president in

April. This committee will develop the ballot for approval by the Senate and conduct the voting procedures. They have another resolution coming through regarding department chairs.



Dave Bolt reported that the President’s Executive Cabinet meets weekly to discuss the accreditation self study template forms. The ghost writer has completed revision of

Standard 3B and 3C. It has been concluded that WHC Lemoore and WHC Coalinga need to submit substantive changes to WASC to reflect that 50% of the degrees are now online. Stephanie Droker asked if this would slow up awarding degrees. Dave responded negatively. Marty asked if the liberal arts degrees were officially online now.


Planning and Governance Minutes 2/17/2010

Dave responded affirmatively. Where are we on the degrees? They have received the go ahead from the Chancellor’s office. The needed changes have been made and approval from Sacramento is not required. Approval will be needed from the Board of Trustees.

We have not submitted our fall curriculum action report and these could be included for

Board approval. The issue with the liberal arts degrees has to do with all courses having to be transfer level. We are now in a situation where we have to alter some for the student’s benefit. Mr. Warkentin reminded everyone that Dave Bolt is the WHCL

Accreditation Liaison Officer.

6. Report from Committee Representative a) Student Learning Outcomes Committee

David Babb reported that they had held their first meeting last Monday with few members in attendance. They discussed the schedule for courses to be assessed this semester and talked about course and program level SLO’s and the plan for completion.

Mr. Warkentin stated that we have course and program level SLO’s, and questioned whether we have degree level SLO’s. David responded negatively. We have general education SLO’s in place. Mr. Warkentin reiterated that a program is anything leading to a degree or certificate. Marty Ennes stated that if we perform a program review on a program or area; it should have SLO’s. The degree level SLO’s are embedded with the program level SLO’s. David reported that a year ago general education SLO’s were defined and mapped. If the course’s SLO’s have been assessed then general ed is also assessed. The old WASC annual report asked about general ed and program SLO’s. Mr.

Warkentin suggested that this be a discussion at their next meeting: What does degree

SLO’s mean to us? Mr. Warkentin would be interested to know what Coalinga is doing on their degree level SLO’s, and what they assess. The SLO meetings will be held on

Mondays. David expressed that he has had frustration with who to get help from with the Portal. He wants to set his team site up so that there is a web form to be completed and submitted by instructors. Ron Oxford stated that the portal is going to be redone.

The IT department is addressing concerns from web requests as they are received. Mr.

Warkentin directed David to send his request for assistance to Pedro.

b) Institutional Effectiveness and Program Review Committee

Mr. Bolt reported that they will meet next Tuesday. c) Budget Allocation Committee

Dave Bolt reported that they will meet next Tuesday.

d) Employee Success and Development Committee

Marlon Hall reported that all faculty, staff and administration had received a survey with 75 responses returned. Cathy Barabe’s grant writing workshop is tentative on

March 5th. Mr. Warkentin stated that he has had requests for short-term culinary classes, four nights per week classes this summer. Marty recommended one night per week. Sylvia reported that the last time these were held they were successful. These type of classes were offered two years ago and it went over really well, French, Chinese, and Italian cuisine, and bar tending.

e) Student Success Committee (SSC)

Sylvia Dorsey-Robinson reported that the SSC had met on February 8 th with the next meeting scheduled on March 9 th at 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. They are having 2 hour meetings lunch served as there is much to do. Each individual present had a chance to go over the


Planning and Governance Minutes 2/17/2010 document specifying the role of the SSC. The team members need to be armed with the necessary tools to understand the committee responsibilities. Copies of the plans, i.e.

Transfer Plan, Matriculation Plan, etc., are all needed for reference by this committee.

There was discussion about the committee membership. CSEA and the Senate nominate and send members to participate on this committee. Sylvia is not sure about the service term of the members and/or if the decision is made by the constituency group. They are working first on the structure of the SSC. Sylvia will bring the final proposal to the PGC upon completion. f) Facilities, Safety and Auxiliary Services Committee (FSAC)

John Bernal reported that construction is 16% complete on the Multi-use Sports

Complex. The concrete will be poured and steel going up in the next couple weeks.

There have been some incidence reports: vandalism to the push button pads on some of the walls wherein three charter school kids were found responsible; a theft was reported; and, a car accident (fender bender) occurred. The roof tops of the portables will be reroofed. Also, the City of Lemoore has contacted John about the banners on

Bush Avenue, as they are ripped and need to be repaired or taken down. Mr. Warkentin recommended the banners be taken down as they were relevant to the district’s 75 th anniversary. John additionally reported that the chiller has not been used this year and that there have been a couple of in-house accidents, i.e. two employees tripped and fell.

g) Technology Committee (TC)

Ron Oxford reported that the TC will meet on Friday. They are discussing concerns regarding the Portal and the process, including who to contact when help is needed.


Strategic Planning Grid (11/13/09)

Sylvia Dorsey-Robinson reviewed the corrections/changes to the grid that were recommended from the last meeting. Further corrections should be submitted to Sylvia.

Marlon Hall, Ron Oxford and Sylvia looked at the concerns and made committee assignments based on what where they thought best. This will be on the agenda at the next meeting. Page numbers will be added. Dave Bolt asked what the process is for progress made on a particular item. Mr. Warkentin responded that the progress should be given to Sylvia. She will next sort the concerns by the assigned committees.

Stephanie Droker stated that she is responsible for finalizing the SPC Manual.

8. Graduation Committee

Jose Lopez announced that Vice Chancellor Dr. Barry Russell from the Systems Office will be the graduation speaker. The sound system has been secured and a couple of students have asked to be the student speakers.

9. Other

Mr. Warkentin reported that he, Sylvia Dorsey-Robinson, Joe Savopolis, Dave Bolt and staff from Coalinga are traveling to Cisco Systems in San Jose to review Sylvia hopes to find information on student kiosks. This falls under Standards 1 and 3.

10. Agenda items for next meeting

 Program reviews

 Planning calendar


Planning and Governance Minutes

 Student Success Committee update

11. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 2: 57 p.m.


