West Hills College Lemoore Planning and Governance Council Wednesday – October 1, 2008 - 1:30 p.m. Conference Center Rm. 256 MINUTES Members Present: David Babb, Student Learning Outcomes Chair Dave Bolt, Vice President of Educational Services Bob Clement, Athletic Director Stephanie Droker, Academic Senate President Marty Ennes, CTA/Faculty Representative Marlon Hall, Associate Dean of Educational Services, Evening College Jose Lopez, Dean of Students Allen Moore, Director of Facilities, Safety & Auxiliary Services Ron Oxford, Librarian Rene Sanchez, Curriculum Committee Chair Angela Tos, CTA/Faculty Representative Members Absent: America Bryant, CSEA/Classified Representative Teresa Macias-Quilici, CSEA/Classified Representative Don Warkentin, President Jan Young, Counselor/Advisor _____Student Government Association Representative Call to Order In the absence of Mr. Warkentin the meeting was called to order by Vice President Dave Bolt at 1:35 p.m. Approval of minutes- September 3, 2008 The September 3, 2008 meeting minutes were approved (with corrections as noted) on a motion by Marty Ennes, seconded by Marlon Hall, all in favor, motion passed. Action Items Categorical Programs Report Mr. Lopez reported that the report is 99% complete. There are still a few formatting items to complete. The content has not been changed. Signatures and binding are still needed. Mr. Lopez, Angela Tos, and Sylvia Dorsey-Robinson have worked intently on this since last fall. A final copy will be sent to Dave Bolt and Mr. Warkentin for approval prior to final copying. There has not yet been official notice of the site visit. There are 17 schools to be visited. The report is due to the Systems Office by October 31. Rene Sanchez motioned to approve the Categorical Programs Report with the final changes to be made and signatures obtained, it was seconded by Stephanie Droker, all in favor, motion passed. Planning and Governance Council October 1, 2008 - Minutes Page 2 Information/Discussion Items 1. AP 7211 Faculty Service Areas, Minimum Qualifications and Equivalencies Mr. Bolt stated that AP 7211 was added to the agenda as it had just been received from the chancellor’s office. He asked that AP 7211 be distributed to each constituency group and that members return to the next meeting with any questions and/or suggestions. He asked if there were any questions. There were no questions. 2. Response to Recommendation 2 (Mid-Term Report) Stephanie Atkinson-Alston was in attendance and thanked the Council for inviting her to attend this meeting. She reviewed Recommendation 2 of the letter sent from the Accrediting Commission on July 7, 2008. They want evidence of update of our mission statement. The Recommendation 2 Committee has virtually met and made some recommendations to PGC. The Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) discussed the mission statement last spring however Stephanie pointed out that the process is not documented. One suggestion for the SPC is to establish a written schedule of the mission statement evaluation. Stephanie explained that we need a decision making process that is data driven in order to be able to validate why decisions are made. If there is a shift in demographics then this would be a reason for changes. For example, if less than 15% it would be noticed as declining. We need to have a game plan. What are the factors that would cause change? What are the indicators to influence change? The Planning and Governance Council reviews and approves, however, we need clear cut policies and procedures as to why we do what we do. We need to take a couple more steps. Stephanie asked if there is a committee responsible to review the data. This would be the Standard 1 Subcommittee. Stephanie foresees a written schedule to review the mission statement and that it be included in the PGC Manual. Marty Ennes recommends this be an item on the December 12 Strategic Planning Committee agenda. The response is due to WASC by March 1, 2009. Dave Bolt recommends this be taken to constituency groups by the PGC member representative. This will be an item on the next PGC agenda. Stephanie A.-Alston will send the memo with recommendations electronically including Recommendation 2 as written in the letter. 3. Curriculum Committee Report Rene Sanchez reported that the curriculum committee meetings have been exciting as last week they formally approved five liberal arts degrees. They are calling them liberal arts with emphasis in social science, communication/critical thinking, elementary teacher preparation, arts and humanities, and math/science. They also approved a new form for deleting programs and certificates. The remaining step for the degrees is approval by the Board of Trustees. One item of concern is with the bookstore since it has been taken over by Follett. There are some issues with the process for adopting textbooks and the Curriculum Committee is looking into the process. The outcome will include flowcharts. There were particular concerns with the English textbooks as there is the textbook and multiple novels. The bookstore would like more communication with the faculty. Marty stated that in the past each spring both full-time and part-time faculty have looked over the approved list of novels and made changes. This would then be sent to the bookstore at the beginning of the fall semester. This is not just an English department concern, other areas have some concerns. Rene believes that communication needs to occur directly with the bookstore. Mr. Bolt asked if there was further discussion. There was no further discussion. Planning and Governance Council October 1, 2008 - Minutes Page 3 4. Academic Senate Report Stephanie Droker reported that the Academic Senate is working on the 50% drop date as it keeps resurfacing and they have another proposal. They are talking about a new schedule for brown bag sessions. Angela Tos has sent in a pre requisite/co requisite challenge process. As well there are two sabbatical proposals in process. There is a workshop on October 10 to work on the constitution and bylaws. 5. Report from Committee Representative a) Student Learning Outcomes Committee (SLOC) David Babb reported that they held their second meeting yesterday. He has drafted a slo form based on the questions WASC asks on the annual report. They had the first reading. Hopefully, if approved the course level slo’s will be completed, still five are missing. Geology 3, NC 142, IS 2, GS 61 is being worked on. Angela Tos stated that she believes NC 101 is written. David stated that he had sent a sample of Geology 3 to an adjunct faculty member. Marty Ennes recommended a course outline also be sent. b) Student Learning Committee (SLC) Dave Bolt reported that the SLC is wrestling with all of the responsibilities required of the committee. The responsibilities do not necessarily match up with what they actually do. There are three areas of emphasis with one being program review, another accreditation (they have not done anything), and the third area is the Educational Master Plan. They have approved a review of the mission of the SLC so that it has necessary responsibilities. Realistically they are only doing program review. They will bring a flowchart to PGC. c) Budget Allocation Committee (BAC) Dave Bolt reported that the BAC had met and discussed the implications of an unsigned budget. He outlined how the college came up with a process to save dollars. They talked about the approved district budget for this year which is mandated to be approved if without an approved state budget. This was distributed and discussed. They will move on with business as usual even though the budget is short. Angela Tos believes business as usual helps with staff morale. Mr. Bolt replied that requests should be made as usual should monies become available. Program review is the basis on which you make your request. d) Employee Success and Development Committee (EDSC) Marlon Hall reported that they had met two weeks ago. They are planning a professional development workshop and holiday celebrations. Staff development activity requests are also being considered. Mr. Bolt stated that the college presidents have attempted to protect the staff development dollars and if there are requests they should be submitted. e) Student Success Committee (SSC) Jose Lopez reported that the first meeting was held two weeks ago. They will develop a mission statement and the products of the SSC are being discussed along with discussion concerning the Retention Subcommittee. Jose has proposed that they consider the products required of this committee in order to divide them out. He will propose a timeline be developed for the student equity project. Jose also plans to increase the membership of the SSC. There is a task force working on retention. This task force includes other staff, and not necessarily SSC members. Planning and Governance Council October 1, 2008 - Minutes Page 4 f) Facilities, Safety and Auxiliary Services Committee (FASC) Allen Moore distributed minutes from the last meeting. They would like to add more members to include students if possible. They reviewed the mission statement and safety problems. There is currently concern in the nursing lab with the air handlers. This is planned to be fixed by next week. Allen is checking into an electrical lighting problem in the 200 bldg. He hopes to get scheduled maintenance monies and if received they will go to address these issues. There is three security staff and they have found people stealing gas from the vans. Allen is looking into mace training so they can carry mace with them. DSPS is considering more automatic doors. Specifically, there have been students having difficulty entering the bookstore and snack bar. The rebid on the sports complex should be received soon. The work order software has been taken to the TAT committee and is being considered. g) Technology Committee (TC) Ron Oxford reported that there seems to be disjointedness in the technology request flow process. Allen Moore reported that he had submitted a request for the School Dude program via an e-mail to district office, then to business office, and then it was forwarded to Mr. Warkentin, and then returned to the Technology Committee. This type of request goes on a prioritized list. This did not need to go to any committee as it did not affect student learning. Marty Ennes recommended these types of requests be sent to the local Technology Committee. Dave Bolt recommended that Ron refer to the products of this committee for modification and return the recommendations to the Planning and Governance Council. Ron reported that the TC is looking at the paper use on campus. Pay per print was expensive. Now the printing costs are coming out of the college budget. Last year, $5,000 was spent on toner and paper. Marty stated that the faculty have discussed this issue and many report that students don’t necessarily know how to print simply. It may help if faculty were trained on how to make read only slide shows. Power Point presentations are a big problem. The bottom-line was to go to free printing and this need to be reevaluated. Software could be purchased for a set number of copies per student. Marty suggests a library card to allow printing by a library patron. Ron recommends that a recommendation from the TC be forwarded to IT. Dave Bolt asked if there were objections. Marty stated that she has no objections but she questioned the impact to student learning and she recommends that the recommendation be data driven so it will be useful for students and the college. Input also needs to be sought from Student Services. The TC membership is well represented by college staff. The members of the TC need to be responsible to communicate with representatives on the PGC and to also relay information to their specific constituency groups. Ron will take this to TAT and then through PGC. Angela Tos motioned to approve a recommendation to TAT, Allen Moore seconded, all in favor, motion passed. 6. WHCIST Jose Lopez reported that WHCIST met on September 16 and Susan Whitener chaired the meeting. Susan spoke about the progress on the portal and more training to be conducted since the last meeting. She also reported that the portal will eventually replace My West Hills. The use of all subscribers will no longer be used. Jana Cox reported on payroll progress/process. Dave Bolt and Jill Stearns will be college contact persons of the payroll project once it is implemented. They are currently running mock payrolls and the project will go into effect after the first of the year. The SARs project was reported as still being planned. Sandy McGlothlin was to lead this effort. It has Planning and Governance Council October 1, 2008 - Minutes Page 5 been installed in the English lab and the grid will be used on the Student Services side and PC Track will go in the open lab. 7. Agenda items for next meeting Matriculation Plan: Dave Bolt stated that it was approved. Marty Ennes moved that if there is question of approval from last spring of the Matriculation Plan that it be approved, it was seconded by Stephanie Droker, all in favor, motion passed. Representation to the committees 8. Other Angela Tos will bring cookies to the next meeting. 9. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 2:55 p. m Next Meeting: November 5, 2008