Planning and Governance Agenda - West Hills Community College

West Hills College Lemoore
Planning and Governance Council
Wednesday – October 7, 2009, 2:00 p.m.
Conference Center, Rm. 256
Members Present:
America Bryant, CSEA/Classified Representative
Stephanie Droker, Academic Senate President
Sylvia Dorsey-Robinson, Vice President of Student Services
Marty Ennes, CTA/Faculty Representative
Marlon Hall, Associate Dean of Educational Services, Evening College
Myeisha Johnson, Student Government Association Representative
Jose Lopez, Dean of Students
Keith Brock, CSEA/Classified Representative
John Bernal, Director of Facilities & Auxiliary Services
Ron Oxford, Librarian
Angela Tos, CTA/Faculty Representative
Don Warkentin, President
Members Absent:
David Babb, Student Learning Outcomes Chair
Dave Bolt, Vice President of Educational Services
Rene Sanchez, Curriculum Committee Chair
TBD, Counselor/Advisor
Call to Order
Mr. Warkentin called the meeting to order at 2:03 p.m.
The following item was added to the agenda by Stephanie Droker: Area Budget
Roll Call
A silent roll was taken and a quorum was present.
Approval of minutes
The minutes of the September 16, 2009 meeting were approved on a motion by Marty
Ennes, seconded by Stephanie Droker (with corrections as noted by Stephanie Droker);
all in favor with one abstention (Ron Oxford), motion passed.
Action Items
 Distance Learning Strategic Plan
Mr. Warkentin tabled this item at this time as the Academic Senate had not reviewed the
Plan. Angela Tos commented that a spelling correction is needed to the name of a
student: Garrett Gudgel, on Attachment A.
 Athletic Program Review
Angela Tos stated that she has an issue at the top of page 4. She noted that the request
for a counselor or advisor is inconsistent. Also, the referenced budget attachment still
needs to be included in the document. Marty Ennes would like to see the grammatical
errors corrected under the student learning outcomes section. Mr. Warkentin asked
that Angela work with the originator of the document (Bob Clement) to make these
clear. Mr. Warkentin questioned section V.a.1 which references a rubric. There is no
rubric attached. Stephanie Droker recommended removing the reference to a rubric as
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it is the assessment and should be with the SLO forms rather than with the program
review. Mr. Warkentin tabled action on this item at this time.
 Educational Services/LIFE After School Program
Mr. Warkentin explained that a question had come up that this is a district-level
program and does not need to be reviewed at the college level. A definition for college
level would be that the program has a budget code or leads to a degree or certificate. It
does not and will be removed.
 BP 6200, Budget Preparation
Marty Ennes stated that this was discussed at District Leadership Council and BP 6200
will be revised to state that the model will also be used for budget reduction. Paragraph
2 will add “and/or budget reductions.” Whether we have monies or not we need to
follow the same model. Stephanie Droker stated that the Senate has looked at this with
no recommended changes. Marty motioned that BP 6200 & AP 6200 be approved with
the addition of the description on BP 6200 as follows: “This model shall be used for
both budget allocation and reduction,” Marlon Hall seconded; all were in favor,
motioned passed.
 AP 6200, Budget Preparation
AP 6200 was approved as recorded above.
Information/Discussion Items
 Mr. Warkentin stated that he was asked by Vice Chancellor Ken Stoppenbrink to
remind staff about direct deposits for payroll. This is an effort for the district office to
streamline. If payroll checks are not directly deposited, then they will have to be picked
up by the employee at the district office.
 Budget Flowchart: Marty Ennes reported that at the District Leadership Council,
Ken Stoppenbrink was asked to develop a flowchart of the budget process basically to
visually show what happens at the district level, college level, then on to the Board of
Trustees. Mr. Bolt will be asked to develop a flowchart to bring before the PGC to show
the college level budget process.
1. Student Town Hall Meeting Results
Jose Lopez distributed the grid used at the Student Town Hall meeting with the findings
identified at the various tables. He has added another column to provide an update on
all that’s happened. Jose explained that Frances Squire, marketing director, is working
on digital signage. He stated that the Student Government Association (SGA) has grown
to approximately 12 students including some freshmen who are being prepped to carry
on. The SGA is preparing for another student town hall meeting, and Jody Ruble is
preparing his students in the IS 7: Student Leadership class to act as facilitators. They
will address pending issues.
There is a concern of a lack of communication to students regarding
counseling/advising. This has been addressed. The variety or types of tutoring available
is a concern. Ron Oxford stated that tutoring needs were discussed at a recent meeting.
The concern is that the current tutoring situation basically needs more than a 19-hr. per
week position. Jose will include Ron in further discussion.
Financial aid services are a concern as financial aid packages need to be processed
quickly. Delays with checks and waiting in line are also concerns. Direct deposit has
caused more efficiency. Scholarships will also be managed through the financial aid
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office which will bring more timely checks rather than having to go through the district
Myeisha Johnson commented that she had come in contact with a student under age 25
who was independent but still needed to claim parental income. America Bryant stated
that this is a federal regulation; however, there are special circumstances that may
apply. Marty Ennes stated that students who are ineligible for financial aid need to
know what options are available. If they are independent and struggling it seems they
are being double penalized. Myeisha stated that even with direct deposits, many
students still do not have information on bank accounts. She recommended classes on
how to set up a bank account or how to complete forms for setting up an account.
Angela Tos stated that they are attempting through the Curriculum Committee to
develop noncredit classes. Myeisha stated that perhaps a college success class could
address the bank account topic. Marty Ennes recommended looking at the College
Success curriculum to see if it includes personal spending plans. Stephanie Droker
stated it depends on how the instructor conducts the class. Jose reported that Bank of
America and Educational Employees Credit Union have been available to offer
information. Ron Oxford commented that some banks come on campus and offer
students a credit card with a $300 limit. He does not believe this is a good idea. Marty
commented that many colleges have banned banks from offering credit cards on their
school campuses.
Regarding concern from students about facilities, the traffic congestion has been
addressed by the City of Lemoore and the need for gym facilities on campus will be
addressed by the Multi-use Sports Complex project. Marty asked if the speakers in the
library study rooms could be deactivated so when announcements are made it is not
disruptive when students are trying to study.
Students report a need for more Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS)
shuttles. Sylvia Dorsey-Robinson reported that data is being collected to make certain
that only students with motor disabilities are riding the shuttle. The data will reveal
who is riding and when.
Jose Lopez reported many cars being broken into on campus recently, and he would
appreciate staff keeping a watchful eye.
Input for the graduation ceremony is appreciated and Jose will be involving students for
their input. SPLATT (the student art club) will consider designing some graduation
announcements to sell. It was also recommended that the art students design a crest or
insignia for class rings.
Regarding the issue of classes and counselors, this is being continuously worked on.
Acronyms used in everyday language are a concern and should be spelled out or a
glossary included in college materials.
Regarding welcome week activities, these events should remain a mainstay of this
college. Angela Tos reported the largest attendance this year for orientation with much
discussion transpiring. There were approximately 250 participants.
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The front counter staff will be cross-trained. Due to one staff member being absent and
the only veteran’s person, there’s been a vacuum. Financial aid staff will also provide
coverage assistance when it is necessary for front counter staff to be gone.
Angela Tos stated that the SARS system will improve communication and scheduling.
Ron Oxford asked if SARS might also address the tutor scheduling. It has been difficult
attempting to match tutors with students. Angela stated that the SARs training will
occur per area. Jose Lopez asked if this document/grid is something we want to keep
and continue to update. Mr. Warkentin responded that he sees this as a task document;
as well it will serve as history for accreditation. Tasks in progress need to remain on the
grid until a solution is reached. Marty Ennes believes the document (grid) should be
retained for planning purposes. Rather than putting the document in a file it could be
referred to as decisions are made. Angela suggested creating an annual student survey.
Mr. Warkentin asked if Jose’s idea is to show the progress made at the next student
town hall meeting. Jose Lopez responded that through the portal they have been using
workflow. He is excited about the students getting involved and the upcoming second
student town hall meeting. Stephanie Droker recommended that students, rather than
staff, be facilitators at the town hall event. Jose responded that Jody Ruble plans to
focus on the topic of facilitating in his leadership class. Mr. Warkentin asked if there
were questions or comments.
2. Student Government Association
Myeisha Johnson stated that there are now 15 students participating in SGA. They have
created new positions on the SGA Executive Board: Assistant to the Secretary, Assistant
to Public Relations, and Assistant to the Sergeant of Arms. Myeisha stated that they are
having fun and have developed a word to describe the gavel, “the Beaver.” If you don’t
have the Beaver, you cannot speak. Mr. Warkentin would like a description of “the
Beaver” and how it is utilized. This may be a good article for the student newspaper.
The fight night is scheduled for Saturday, October 24th at 7 p.m. It will be pay-per-view
in Rm. 253. SGA is excited and wants to represent the students well. Many SGA
students are involved as they live out of town and are stuck here between classes.
Stephanie complimented Shawn on his contribution to SGA.
3. Curriculum Committee Report
Stephanie Droker reported that the Curriculum Committee is making progress on
courses. They have a meeting on October 16. The liberal arts degrees have been
approved by the Systems Office. They have a couple more degrees they are working on.
There is no non transfer degree. The originators will meet on October 16 for discussion.
Mr. Warkentin stated that corrections could be made in house. The degrees went
though the Curriculum Committee and changes were made thereafter without the
originator’s knowledge. Marty Ennes stated that at some point we will have to address
how this happened. They will address the procedural problems. There is a new
secretary designated for the Curriculum Committee, Kyle Crider. Susan Whitener will
attend when she can.
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4. Arts and Letters Resolution: Pre-reqs
Stephanie Droker stated that this resolution came from the Arts and Letters area. This
resolution addresses a current problem. Students enrolled in Eng 51A register for
English 1A for the following semester and fail Eng 51A but remain registered in Eng 1A.
Angela Tos stated that typically what happens is the Friday before the semester begins a
list is sent to the lead counselor at each site listing students who have not met the
prerequisites. You cannot drop a student after the first day of class unless you notify the
student. She has spent Friday nights here reviewing the eight pages of students who’ve
not met the prerequisite and it is a tedious process. The lists did not go out this year.
The Senate resolution addresses those students who have registered for the next class
and are currently enrolled in the prerequisite and fail. This has to be a district-wide
process. Angela stated that there is a mechanism in place for those who have met the
pre-requisite challenge or who have met the pre-requisite at another institution. This
needs to be discussed here and taken to the district level. This is a violation of Title V.
Marty stated that many students don’t understand why they need the prerequisites.
These prerequisites have been validated. This will need to be taken to DLC. Marty
would like to see this as an action item on the next agenda. America asked if this
becomes a policy will it amend the current policy. America wants to make sure that the
drop is aligned with the financial aid process. Stephanie agrees that financial aid should
be a part of the process. This will also be taken to the District Technology Committee.
5. Academic Senate Report
Stephanie Droker would like to forego her report at this time.
6. CWEE - Chancellor's Advisory Committee, District Plan, Board of
Governors Meeting
Stephanie Droker shared that she has been asked by the system office to make a
presentation on CWEE Title 5 changes to the Board of Governors at their November
meeting. She wrote the resolution for the State-wide Senate, and it will go to the Board
of Governors next month. Additionally, the State-wide Advisory Committee on work
based learning has asked her to stay on as a permanent committee member. She has
been asked to write the model plan based on our model here at WHCL. The template
has been re-written. This is a great opportunity to be acknowledged. Recognition at the
state level has been achieved. In recognition for all of Stephanie’s work, Marty Ennes
recommended that Stephanie be moved to a permanent contract status. Sylvia DorseyRobinson commented that Standard II will want to include this information.
7. Room Sanitation
Stephanie Droker questioned if there is a way to sanitize the computer keyboards in the
labs. She suggested that perhaps cleaning supplies could be put in the classrooms.
Sylvia Dorsey-Robinson stated that she is working to get supplies over there to clean.
Staff used to be able to get sanitizers through Office Depot. M & O will order supplies to
leave on campus, i.e. Lysol wipes.
8. Report from Committee Representative
a) Student Learning Outcomes Committee
Ron Oxford reported that the creation of general education SLOSs are now complete.
The program level SLOs are being worked on now. CalWORKS had many questions
about the SLOS for CalWORKS. Sylvia Dorsey-Robinson stated that Tom Robb can do
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an audio of the portal team site training in order to do it one time. Angela responded
that the problem is that each program is different and SLOS are specific to them. Ron
and Angela will call a meeting with the non-instructional areas. They can give them
guidance and send them on their way, but the outcomes that return are not tracked. The
outcomes will need to be taken care of along with assessments on their own. They are
also talking about the program review parties.
b) Institutional Effectiveness and Program Review Committee
In the absence of Dave Bolt, no report was given.
c) Budget Allocation Committee
Jose Lopez reported that the Budget Allocation Committee had met this week, and all
members attended. They reviewed the budget allocation procedure. The ABC chairs
will meet with Dave and prioritize the area needs. There is $48,000 of lottery money
d) Employee Success and Development Committee
Dr. Hall reported that this committee is planning on conducting a professional
development workshop on building a learning organization. On October 28th Mr. Don
Smith author of the book “Coach Sez” will be here to speak about dealing with difficult
students and several other topics. Whoever attends will receive a free copy of his book.
RSVP’s will be needed. Angela Tos and Dr. Hall are working on a stress management
workshop. Dr. Hall is also checking with Ken Cochran on financial planning. Portal
training and professional document training will also be considered. He will bring
another speaker during African-American history month to speak regarding difficult
students, child abuse and gangs. This speaker is disabled as he was shot. Mr.
Warkentin would like a flyer put together including relevant information.
e) Student Success Committee
Jose Lopez reported that the Student Success Committee will meet this Friday.
f) Facilities, Safety and Auxiliary Services Committee
John Bernal distributed a handout including basic information about the M & O
department. The facilities request is on the website. John would like everything in one
location on the portal. The Multi-use Sports Complex construction is beginning. They
are digging out old dirt and will bring in clean dirt. Sylvia Dorsey-Robinson suggested
that John check with Jana Cox about student workers that could have duties to check
the bathrooms for supply replenishment. Angela Tos stated that a student who had
their car broken into was very appreciative to the excellent help from the Maintenance
and Operations department. There were four incidents in one month and as a result the
Lemoore Police Department has been frequenting the campus which helps.
g) Technology Committee
Ron Oxford reported that they had met last week and replaced the maintenance and
operation director position (John Bernal) with another maintenance and operations
staff member (John Ieronimo) as a member on this committee. They will include Anna
Silvestre in Melinda Olson’s place. They discussed the printing costs. 40 cases of paper
have been ordered this semester. Mr. Warkentin asked if we should go back to charging
individual accounts. Marty believes part of the problem is faculty has been encouraged
to put documents online but students are printing out in the Library. Printer cartridges
are expensive. It is cheaper than the last system but this is also not a good system. We
have restructured the WHIST Committee into the District Technology Committee. We
are going to form a portal site that includes the basic information/forms that all new
faculty and staff would need. There is not now an orientation that would include all
that is needed. Any ideas should be emailed to Ron. Marty Ennes recommends
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something with all the Lemoore forms centralized and also contact information for
areas, i.e. Academic Senate. Ron stated that this team portal site will be called the
Eagles Nest.
9. WHIST Committee Report
In the absence of Dave Bolt, no report was given.
10. Other
Stephanie Droker distributed information regarding Area Budget Committees and the
member makeup of each area budget committee. She is distributing this to ask for input
for representatives. Faculty learning areas have been reconfigured and no longer reflect
the distributed information; therefore, she would like direction on how to proceed.
Marty Ennes recommends having one faculty member on each committee. As for the
facilities support this can be represented by John Bernal. Marty believes we should seek
instructors not yet participating. She would like this on the agenda to see how to
reconfigure this. The budget planning begins in January and February. Representatives
need to be determined so they can meet. Maybe next semester the structure could be
put on our document. This could be brought as a draft. The Budget Allocation
Committee will review it. Stephanie has been directed to get one faculty representative
for each area committee.
11. Agenda items for next meeting
 Resolution for Enforcing Prerequisite Completion
Mr. Warkentin announced that the spring schedule will be very lean. Lemoore will have
$204,000 and Coalinga $70,000 for adjunct faculty. Further cuts may be necessary.
We do not have a full-time psychology instructor but yet we know we need to have one;
therefore, we will be allowed to use adjunct dollars for this purpose. All faculty will be
given their loads and there will be some overloads. The focus is to be on bread and
butter classes. Our target for Lemoore is $50,000 for adjunct and overload. The reason
for saving is if the FTE target is not made we can make it up in the summer. Next year’s
dollars can be used to backfill. We want to save to remove furloughs and give step
increases. We need to look at general fund matches to see where we can reduce as far as
transferring general fund to categorical. Our FTE number will probably drop. We were
at 5200, now 4900, then 4700 for next year. If not paid, we cannot offer more sections.
Pedro Avila and Carole Goldsmith are working on verbiage for a policy for the October
27th board meeting and registration has been delayed to mid November. The board has
to approve priority registration which will include president’s scholars, veterans and
students in 45-75 units. Stephanie Droker asked if faculty will see what their schedules
will be. Mr. Warkentin responded affirmatively. Susan Whitener has added online
classes to the schedule. Students need to register early. Angela Tos stated that she
recently conducted the Student Services meeting and shared the reductions in the
schedule. She advised the staff to be honest with students and inform them to register
early due to the schedule reductions. There are normally 450 class sections and there
are now 300 but this will probably reduce to 260-270. It is cheaper to hold online
classes versus face to face.
Stephanie Droker reported that she has been preparing for the November 13 town hall
meeting. She has faculty representation but classified staff is needed. Students are also
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needed. She has recruited six students and twelve faculty have been secured. Mr.
Warkentin will designate the administration representation.
12. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 4:03 p.m.