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Professional Profile
Tony Bellas
Key Industry Experience
 Coal and Gas Fired
Electricity Generation
 Renewable Energy
 Infrastructure Operation
and Management
 Equity Funds Management
 Property Development
 Commercial Negotiations
 Corporate Strategy
 Stakeholder Management
 Bachelor of Economics
 Diploma of Education
 Master of Business
 Fellow of the Australian Institute
of Management (FAIM)
 Member of the Australian Institute
of Company Directors (MAICD)
 Member of CPAs Australia (ASA)
Tony has over 23 years experience in senior management roles in the
public and private sectors.
Currently chairman of CTM Travel and director of a number of other
listed and unlisted companies, Tony was previously Chief Executive of
a number of major companies including:
 Seymour Group (November 2007 to June 2010) – Queensland’s
largest private investment and development company
 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited (January 2004 to November
2010) – a Queensland Government Owned Corporation involved in
electricity distribution, and which employs around 5,000 staff and
contractors, has assets of almost $9 billion and manages an
annual capital and operating program of around $1.3 billion
 CS Energy Limited (December 2001 to January 2004) – A
Queensland Government Owned Corporation involved in base
load electricity generation with over 3500MW of coal and gas fired
generation plant at four locations in Queensland
Prior to this, Tony had a long career with Queensland Treasury where
he reached the position of Deputy Under Treasurer. In that role, Tony
had oversight of a number of related Treasury operations including
Fiscal Strategy, Office of Government Owned Corporations and Office
of State Revenue.
He was at one time responsible for the Industry and Energy Division
of Queensland Treasury and was heavily involved in the formulation of
the State Government's Energy Strategy released in May 2000.
As well, Tony was a member of the three person Treasury team that
formulated and executed the Suncorp-Metway-QIDC merger in 1996.
Tony was subsequently responsible for the three public floats, totalling
$2.2 billion, of the Queensland Government’s interest in Suncorp
Tony also headed the team that privatised the Queensland TAB by
way of a $300 million public float in 1999. In that same year, the team
led by Tony floated the Queensland Government’s 44% interest in the
Bank of Queensland.
In 2001, Tony oversaw the sale of the Dalrymple Bay coal terminal to
Prime Infrastructure Trust.
Selected Experience
 Chief Executive of major public and private corporations variously
involved in investment and funds management, property
development, infrastructure management (regulated and
unregulated assets), and retail and business services
 Chairman of CTM Travel
 Director of Watpac Limited, ERM Power Limited, Australian Water
(Qld) Pty Ltd
 Deputy Under Treasurer - Queensland Treasury
 Project Leader – privatisation (trade sale) of the Dalrymple Bay
Coal Terminal by the Queensland Government
 Project Leader – privatisation (public float) of the Queensland TAB
by the Queensland Government
 Government Team Member of the Suncorp-Metway merger
 Project Leader – public float of the State Government’s
shareholding in Suncorp Metway
 Project Leader – public float of the State Government’s
shareholding in Bank of Queensland
 Extensive public policy experience