Student Travel Grant

Student Travel Grants
The AMHA will make available two travel grants to enable student presenters to participate
in the Cobar Conference. For details of the grants and instructions on how to apply see
Student Travel Grant.
Previous recipients of the Student Travel Grants and the titles of their papers:
Beechworth, 2013
Samantha Killmore, University of Sydney
When the dust settles: Henry George Chapman and the Broken Hill strikes, 1919-1920
Trevor Rootes, University of Tasmania
The Ringarooma River dredging bubble and boom, 1905
Charters Towers, 2014
Helen McMonagle, University of Queensland
Sir Bruce Watson: memories of the Queensland mining industry, 1950-1965
Xiaolu Wu, University of Queensland
A brief history of the Tianfu Coal Mining Company, China, and its cultural impact on local
everyday life
Darwin, 2015
Galina (Kal) Ellwood, James Cook University
Aboriginal prospectors and miners of tropical Queensland, from pre-contact times to
ca.1950: a new story for the Chillagoe mineral fields, North Queensland
Ella Stewart-Peters, Flinders University
‘To brave a thousand Cornishmen’: Cornish-South Australian identity and the question of
government intervention