Early 19th Century Terms, Concepts, Names, and Essay Questions

Early 19th Century Terms, Concepts, Names, and Essay Questions
The Imperial Republic
Henry Cabot Lodge
Alfred Thayer Mahan: The
Influence of Sea Power on
Venezuelan Boundary
Queen Lilioukalani
Samoan Islands
Yellow Journalism
Boxer Rebellion
“You furnish the pictures
and I’ll furnish the war”
De Lome letter
“Remember the Maine”
“A splendid little war”
John Hay
Commodore Dewey
Rough Riders
Treaty of Paris
Platt Amendment
Emilio Aquinando
William Howard Taft
Open Door Notes
“Speak Softly, but carry a big
Portsmouth Conference
“Yellow Peril”
“Great White Fleet”
Roosevelt Corollary
Platt Amendment
Panama Canal
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
Dollar Diplomacy
Porfirio Diaz
Pancho Villa
General John Jay Pershing
White Man’s Burden
Battle for National Reform
17th Amendment
Theodore Roosevelt
1902 United Mine
Workers Strike
Square Deal
Hepburn Railroad Regulation
Act 1906
The Jungle
Pure Food and Drug Act
Meat Inspection Act
Gifford Pinchot
John Muir
William H. Taft
New Nationalism
Progressive Party
Woodrow Wilson
New Freedom
Underwood Simmons Tariff
16th Amendment
Federal Reserve Act
Federal Trade Commission
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
The Great War
Submarine Warfare
Zimmerman Telegram
American Expeditionary
Selective Service Act
Liberty Bonds
War Bonds
War Industries Board
Bernard Baruch
National War Labor Board
“Great Migration”
Committee on Public
George Creel
Espionage Act of 1917
Sedition Act of 1918
Eugene V. Debs
“Liberty Cabbage”
Fourteen Points
The Big Four
Treaty of Versailles
The Irreconciliables
Henry Cabot Lodge
Red Scare
“Both the Mexican War and the Spanish-American War premeditated affairs resulting from
deliberately calculated schemes of robbery on the part of a superior power against weak
and defenseless neighbors.” Assess the validity of this statement.
Compare the debates that took place over American expansionism in the 1840s with those
that took place in the 1890s, analyzing the similarities and differences in the debates of the
two eras.
Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois offered different strategies for dealing with the
problems of poverty and discrimination faced by black Americans at the end of the
nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries. Assess the appropriateness of each of
these strategies in the historical context in which each was developed.
“From the 1840s through the 1890s, women activities in the intellectual, social, economic,
and political spheres effectively challenged traditional attitudes about women’s place in
society.” Assess the validity of this statement.
The Progressive movement of 1901 to 1917 was a triumph of conservatism rather than a
victory for liberalism.” Assess the validity of this statement.
Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy was based on a “civilized”/”uncivilized” perspective of
the world. Woodrow Wilson’s was based on a “moral” diplomacy, and W.H. Taft’s was based
upon capitalism. Evaluate and compare the ethics and pragmatism of each approach, taking
into consideration which policy accomplished most in the short run/long run.
“The United States entered the First World War not ‘to make the world safe for democracy’
as President Wilson claimed, but to safeguard American economic interests.” Assess the
validity of this statement.
It was the strength of the opposition forces, both liberal and conservative, rather the
ineptitude and stubbornness of President Wilson that led to the Senate defeat of the Treaty
of Versailles. Assess the validity of this statement.
While Wilson was making the world “safe for democracy,” he was violating Civil Liberties at
home. Assess the validity of this statement.