Objective 7.02

Objective 7.02
Analyze how different groups of
Americans made economic and
political gains during the Progressive
Jane Addams
Social reformer that started a settlement
house called The Hull House
16th Amendment
• Income Tax Amendment to the
17th Amendment
Direct Election of Senators Amendment
to the Constitution
18th Amendment
Prohibition Amendment to the
AKA Volstead Act
19th Amendment
Women’s Suffrage Amendment to the
Carrie Nation
Female that worked for prohibition by
walking into saloons with a hatchet and
scolding customers while destroying
liquor bottles
Anthracite Coal Strike
Coal Strike of 1902, United Mine workers
go on strike, President T. Roosevelt
threatens to send in the military to take
over the mines if the workers do not go
back to work
Northern Securities vs. US, 1904
Railroad Trust headed by J.P. Morgan,
broken up by the Sherman Anti-trust Act
American Tobacco vs. US, 1911
Sherman Anti-trust Act used to break up
American Tobacco into several different
US vs. EC Knight, 1895
Showed weakness in the Sherman Antitrust Act, could not break up sugar
Payne-Aldrich Tariff, 1909
Tax on imports in the history of the
United States, it split the Republican
Party between Taft and Roosevelt
Mann-Elkins Act
Made it illegal for railroads to give
rebates for using a particular railroad
company extended the Interstate
Commerce Act to include
Robert Lafollette
Republican from Wisconsin, lead way in
regulating big business, especially
railroad industry
Election of 1912
Woodrow Wilson vs. William Howard Taft
and Teddy Roosevelt, won by Wilson
Progressive Party/Bull Moose
Name given to
Progressive Party
in 1912
candidate from
this 3rd party was
Federal Reserve Act
Divided the nation into 12 banking
districts and established a regional
central bank in each one, purpose
was to solidify the currency and
stabilize the economy
• Theodore Roosevelt
• William Howard Taft
• Woodrow Wilson
Describe at least 2 specific
Cases that occurred
during the tenure of each
of the Progressive Era
Presidents. Answer the
• How successful were the
Progressive Era
Presidents in leading
reform efforts?