27th Annual Sydney R. Daniels Black History Month Oratorical Festival Thursday, February 19, 2015 in Room 103 at 4:00 p.m. Type of Speech: Commemorative Speech General Purpose: To inspire Time: 5-7 minutes Subject: A person of African ancestry (living or dead) who is generally regarded as an outstanding individual e.g. humanitarian, artist, politician, educator, or scientist integral to the African American experience. Guidelines: Although you must deal with biographical data to some extent, the fundamental purpose of a commemorative speech is not just to inform the listeners but, to inspire them, to arouse and heighten their appreciation for the person, institution, or idea that you are praising. Don’t forget to create an attention-getting introduction and a conclusion, which summarizes and leaves your audience in an appropriate frame of mind. Use quotations, examples, statistics, and testimony to amplify your controlling ideas. Employ language that is clear, accurate, and vivid. Use connectives. Don’t forget that your delivery should reflect your enthusiasm for your subject. Your speech must be committed to memory. A preliminary round will be held before the festival with Harold Washington College speech professors judging. Applicants must participate in the preliminary round in order to present your speech in the Oratorical Festival. Criteria for Evaluation: Presentations are judged on the basis of originality, organization, and delivery. Eligibility: Participants must be currently enrolled student with a GPA of 2.5 or better. Past winners are not eligible. Scholarships: 1st place..........................................$300.00 2nd place.........................................$250.00 3rd place..........................................$200.00 4th place..........................................$175.00 5th place..........................................$150.00 6th place..........................................$125.00 This event is sponsored by the English/Speech-Theatre Department. -Over- Entry Form for Sydney R. Daniels Black History Month Oratorical Festival Applicant Information Full Name: Last First M.I. Address: Street Address Apartment/Unit # City Home Phone: State ( ) ZIP Code Student ID number: Email: GPA: Speech Information Subject of Speech: Specific Purpose: To inspire the audience to Thesis Statement: : The Festival is February 19, 2015, 4-6pm in room 103 at HWC. There will be an audition round at the end of January, date to be announced. Please email the completed form to jarmendarez@ccc.edu or drop off at 711C