
Introduction to Psychology 202, Dr. Rosalyn M. King, Professor
Take Home Examination #2
Please answer each question completely but concisely. Submit your answers typewritten. Provide at least one typewritten page on
each answer. Please include your name on each sheet and staple the pages together. You may use diagrams, illustrations and
supporting research, in addition to the textbook. Also use your understanding in preparing your responses. Do not take the exam
lightly. You should give it your very best effort. You can fail this exam.
Nature vs. Nurture and Intelligence (10 Points)
In your opinion, what influences intelligence more, genetics or environment? Explain your answer.
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (10 Points)
2. Is Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences a logical one? Why or why not?
Does Gardner's model expand or inhibit the capacities of man? Why is Gardner's theory considered a scientific revolution?
Visit the links under related links on Gardner's theory.
Sternberg’s Practical Intelligence (10 Points)
Robert Sternberg presents a theory on practical intelligence. Review his theory. In your opinion what is practical
intelligence? Is this a valid theory in your opinion? Why?
Define Personality (10 Points)
Read Chapter 15 on Personality. How would you define personality from each perspective presented in the textbook and
then from your own perspective? How is one’s personality assessed using therapeutic instruments? Discuss the most
significant information you learned about personality from reading the chapter. Make sure you indicate why this was
significant information.
Your Favorite Personality Theorist (20 Points)
Visit a web site listed on the Personality links page on the course website or conduct your own archival research on
personality theorists. Identify a theorist or theorists that you like and believe their theory (is) to be the most relevant.
Discuss the theorist, tell us something about his or her life and tell us why you think the theorist's explanations are
Altered States of Consciousness (20 Points)
What is an altered state of consciousness and how is it different from everyday consciousness? Review the course website’s
related links on this subject. Discuss one of the following altered states and describe how and why it is an altered state of
consciousness: hypnosis, the influence of drugs, meditation/levitation, lucid dreaming, out-of-body experiences, stigmata,
astral travel, multiple personality disorder, extra sensory perception, other altered states supported in the research
literature, but not listed here.
Most Significant Discovery in this Segment (10 Points)
What has been the most significant information you learned in this segment on intelligence, personality and altered states
of consciousness? Indicate the reasons you found your topic(s) significant and cite the research. How will you use this
information in your personal and professional life?
Develop a concept model conveying your understanding of the relationship between learning, memory, thinking, language
and intelligence. Write a comprehensive definition that describes your concept model.
Concept Model on the Cognitive Areas (10 Points)