1. Circle the correct characteristic (or both) for each kingdom:
A) Animalia= Eukaryotic / Prokaryotic
Multicellular / Unicellular
Heterotrophic / Autotrophic
Cell wall / no cell wall
B) Plantae= Eukaryotic / Prokaryotic
Multicellular / Unicellular
Heterotrophic / Autotrophic
Cell wall made of cellulose / Cell wall made of chitin
C) Fungi=
Eukaryotic / Prokaryotic
Multicellular / Unicellular
Heterotrophic / Autotrophic
Cell wall made of cellulose / Cell wall made of chitin
D) Protista= Eukaryotic / Prokaryotic
Multicellular / Unicellular
Heterotrophic / Autotrophic
E) Archaebacteria= Eukaryotic / Prokaryotic
Multicellular / Unicellular
2. List the 7 taxa in order from largest to smallest
3. This organism’s correct kingdom is???
4. This organism’s correct kingdom is???
5. This organism’s correct kingdom is???
6. Define Classification.
7. Aristotle classified plants into herbs, shrubs, and trees based on ____ and ____.
8. What language is used for scientific names?
9. Define cladogram.
10. Define derived traits.
11. Define cladistics.
12. Define taxomony.
13. Define division.
14. Which kingdom is associated with the decomposition of dead organisms?
15. Define binomial nomenclature.
16. Define phylogeny.
17. In Aristotle’s system of classification, animals were classified on the basis of
their ___ and ___.
18. Organisms that are similar in structure and form and reproduce among
themselves belong to the same ____.
19. Write an example scientific name: ________________ __________________
20. Define dichotomous key.
21. In a fan diagram, the ____ a species is to the outer band, the later it appeared in
geologic time.
22. Which kingdom is Streptococcus classified in?