File - AP Human Geography

Chapter 10, Agriculture, Key Issue I
8/4/2008 5:53:00 AM
I. Where Did Agriculture Originate?
 A. Origins of Agriculture
o 1. Hunters and Gatherers
 a. Contemporary Hunting and Gathering
o 2. Invention of Agriculture
 1. Two Types of Cultivation
 B. Location of Agricultural Hearths
o 1. Location of First Vegetative Planting
o 2. Location of First Seed Agriculture
 a. Diffusion of Seed Agriculture
C. Classifying Agricultural Regions
o 1. Differences Between Subsistence and Commercial
 a. Purpose of Farming
 b. Percentage of Farmers in the labor Force
 c. Use of Machinery
 d. Farm Size
 e. Relationship of Farming to Other Businesses
o 2. Mapping Agricultural Regions
Chapter 10, Agriculture, Key Issue II
8/4/2008 5:53:00 AM
II. Where Are Agricultural Regions in Less Developed Countries?
 A. Shifting Cultivation
o 1. Characteristics of Shifting Cultivation
 a. The Process of Shifting Cultivation
 b. Crops of Shifting Cultivation
 c. Ownership and Use of Land in Shifting Cultivation
o 2. Future of Shifting Cultivation
 B. Pastoral Nomadism
o 1. Characteristics of Pastoral Nomadism
 a. Choice of Animals
 b. Movements of Pastoral Nomads
o 2. The Future of Pastoral Nomadism
C. Intensive Subsistence Agriculture
o 1. Intensive Subsistence Agriculture with Wet Rice Dominant
o 2. Intensive Subsistence with Wet Rice Not Dominant
Chapter 10, Agriculture, Key Issue III
8/4/2008 5:53:00 AM
III. Where Are Agriculture Regions in More Developed Countries?
 A. Mixed Crop and Livestock Farming
o 1. Characteristics of Mixed Crop and Livestock Farming
 a. Crop Rotation Systems
o 2. Choice of Crops
 B. Dairy Farming
o 1. Why Dairy Farms Locate Near Urban Areas
o 2. Regional Differences in Dairy Products
o 3. Problems for Dairy Farmers
 C. Grain Farming
o 1. Grain Farming Regions
o 2. Importance of Wheat
D. Livestock Ranching
o 1. Cattle Ranching in U.S. Popular Culture
 a. Beginning of U.S. Cattle Ranching
 b. Transporting Cattle to Market
o 2. Fixed Location Ranching
 a. Range Wars
o 3. Ranching Outside the United States
E. Mediterranean Agriculture
o 1. Mediterranean Crops
 F. Commercial Gardening and Fruit Farming
G. Plantation Farming
Chapter 10, Agriculture, Key Issue IV
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IV. Why Do Farmers Face Economic Difficulties?
 A. Issues for Commercial Farmers
o 1. Access to Market
 a. Von Thunen’s Model
 b. Example of Von Thunen’s Model
 c. Application of Von Thunen’s Model
o 2. Overproduction in Commercial Farming
 a. U.S. Government Policies
o 3. Sustainable Agriculture
 a. Sensitive Land Management
 b. Integrated Crop and Livestock
B. Issues for Subsistence Farmers
o 1. Subsistence Farming and Population Growth
o 2. Subsistence Farming and International Trade
 a. Drug Crops
C. Strategies to Increase Food Supply
o 1. Increase Food Supply by Expanding Agricultural Land
o 2. Increase Food Supply Through Higher Productivity
o 3. Increase Food Supply by Identifying New Food Sources
o 4. Increase Food Supply by Increasing Exports from Other
5. Africa’s Food-Supply Crisis
Chapter 10, Agriculture
8/4/2008 5:53:00 AM
I. Case Study: Wheat Farmers in Kansas and Pakistan
II. Introduction
III. Contemporary Geographic Tools: Protecting Farmland
IV. Global Forces, Local Impacts: Genetically Modified Foods and SubSaharan Africa
V. Summary
VI. Case Study Revisited: Uncertain Future for Farming