Agriculture : Key Issue 2 Where Are Agricultural Regions in LDC? Rubenstein, pp. 314 - 322 Compare the maps on pages 314 and 315 – What kind of information can we derive from these maps – ● SHIFTING CULTIVATION 1. In what climate does shifting cultivation predominate? What are its two characteristics? 2. Identify the two hallmarks of the technique of shifting cultivation. (a) (b) 3 Regarding a swidden… a. what is it? b. What is potash? c. How long are swiddens used? 5. How is land owned in a typical village that practices shifting cultivation? 6 a. What percentage of the world’s land area is devoted to shifting cultivation? b. What percentage of the world’s people work it? Agriculture : Key Issue 2 Where Are Agricultural Regions in LDC? Rubenstein, pp. 314 - 322 Case Study – Protecting Farmland Describe the severe loss of farmland along the East Coast - ● PASTORAL NOMADISM 8. What is pastoral nomadism? 9. In what type of climate is it usually found? 10. What regions of the earth are currently occupied by this practice? 11. How do pastoral nomads obtain grain (several ways)? 12. What animals are chosen, and where? 13. Describe territoriality among pastoral nomads. 14. What is transhumance? Pasture? 15. In what ways is pastoral nomadism currently threatened by modern governments? ● INTENSIVE SUBSISTENCE FARMING 16. What is meant by “intensive”? 17. Where is intensive subsistence agriculture practiced? Why there? 18a. What is “wet rice”? 18b. What is a “sawah”? a “paddy”? 19. Wet rice requires a flat field – but some farmers must cultivate it in hilly or mountainous regions. How do they accomplish this? 20. Where is double-cropping possible? Not possible? Agriculture : Key Issue 2 Where Are Agricultural Regions in LDC? Rubenstein, pp. 314 - 322 21. In areas of intensive subsistence agriculture where wet rice is not dominant, what is the major crop? 22. How are multiple harvests made possible in these less mild regions? 23. Using the map on pp. 320, identify regions outside of Asia where “wet-rice not dominant” intensive subsistence agriculture is practiced. 24. Make some notes about intensive subsistence farming in communist China.