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Study Guide for Exam 4
Sexual Motivation
1.) Understand the difference between drive theory and incentive theory
2.) Understand what is meant by refractory period with regard to the resolution phase for males
3.) Know what parental investment theory states with regards to males and females, and what
they look for from partners
4.) Understand Waist to Hip Ratio(WHR) and the role it plays in sexual attraction
5.) Know the general differences in patterns of sexual activity between genders
6.) Know the details of the Clark and Hatfield study (what was done? What were rough
7.) Know the difference between biological and environmental theories of homosexuality
(specifically understand Freud beliefs)
Processes and Theories of Human Development
1.) Understand what happens in each Prenatal Stage: Germinal, Embryonic, Fetal (which stage is
highly vulnerable? What is a zygote? What would happen if development stayed this rapid for
whole life?)
2.) Understand environmental issues that can hurt Prenatal development (drugs, alcohol, tobacco)
3.) Know what maturation means
4.) Understand the difference between biological and behavioral explanations for attachment, as
well as the term separation anxiety
5.) Understand the difference between Ainsworth’s 3 attachment styles (secure, anxiousambivalent, avoidant)
6.) Know what object permanence is and the Piaget stage it occurs
7.) Know the Preoperational stage occurrences and what they mean (Centration, Irreversibility,
8.) Understand the law of conservation
9.) Know what happens during Piaget’s formal operational stage
Understand how moral reasoning changes during adulthood
Know who experiences most difficulty during adolescence (in terms of development)
Understand the crises in each of Erikson’s 8 stages
1.) Understand the Big Five personality traits and where you fall on each
2.) Understand the difference between id, ego, and superego
3.) Understand each defense mechanism and know examples from real life
Know the behaviorist perspective of personality
Understand humanism, specifically how it says we protect self concept
Understand what is meant by observational learning
Know two forms of personality assessment