week 2 - Colts Neck Township Schools

Name _______________________
Language Arts
Date ______________
Period _____________
Week TWO: Feelings-Part II
1. melancholy – (adjective)
Definition – to be filled with great sadness or depression; to feel down in the dumps
Synonym– sad, depressed, blue, glum, sorrowful, gloomy,
Antonym: cheerful
Sample Definition Context Clue Sentence – When it starts to get dark earlier and
earlier in the day, I feel melancholy or extremely depressed that the warm weather is
over and the darkness of winter is on its way.
2. insecure – (adjective)
Definition- to feel very little confidence; to be subject to fears and doubts
Synonym – unconfident, uncertain, uneasy
Antonym: confident
Sample Definition Context Clue Sentence – Pat felt insecure or uneasy about his
dancing skills, so he stayed by the wall instead of joining all his friends in the middle of
the dance floor.
3. aggressive – (adjective) – Greek/Latin Root – grad/gress = step
Definition – stepping into someone’s space with forceful energy
Synonym – hostile, pushy
Antonym: calm, easy-going
Sample sentence – The aggressive man was causing problems in the crowd; in
other words, he was so hostile that everyone felt extremely uneasy.
4. infuriated – (adjective)
Definition – to be furiously enraged by someone or something
Synonym – furious, angered, enraged, maddened
Antonym: peaceful, calm
Sample sentence – The infuriated, which means furious, boy could not understand
this his mom was twenty minutes late picking him up from soccer practice.
5. perturbed – (adjective)
Definition – to be greatly disturbed to the point of being hot and bothered
Synonym - flustered, rattled, agitated, annoyed
Antonym: calm, happy, content
Sample sentence – I became perturbed, or extremely rattled and bothered, when
the zipper on my book back kept getting stuck and I thought I would miss the school